MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT Hard Docket Sheet began January 3, 1995 documents #1 thru 370 Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ).
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING new sub-file be set as C-125-C for rec flng of all doc wh pert to mtn to intervn & claim of Mineral Cnty (see order for specs)
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT prop petn to intervene obo Mineral Cnty
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE obo Mineral Cnty for petn to intervn #2
STIPULATION re Mineral Cnty's mtn to intervn & pretrial conf
ORDER that stip/ord #5 is approved; hrg stat is 12/28/94, 10 am
ORDER ON STIPULATION that the status conf set on 12/28/94, 10 am is vacated and reset for 1/3/95, 10 am
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT re Mineral Cnty's mtn to intervn obo St of NV
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT re Mineral Cnty's mtn to intervn obo Walker River Irrigation Dist
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT re Mineral Cnty's mtn to intevn obo WRPT
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT re status conf re Mineral Cnty's mtn to intervn obo USA
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT re mtn to intevn obo CA ST Water Res Cntrl Brd
LETTER frm WUG re intervention
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT re Mineral Cnty's mtn to intervn obo Mineral Cnty
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT re Mineral Cnty's mtn to intervn obo CA Trout, Inc.
ORDER ON STIPULATION part has 5 days to pre & sub a prop sti/ord & not to crt re #1, if not compl, cnsl for Mineral Cnty sh sub prop ord & not on 1/18/95, cnsl sh ha 7 days to respond thereto
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT submission re minute ord attc propr ord er serv, not of mtn to intervn waiver of pers serv of mtns, etc
ORDER Clrk sh est a new subfil as C-125-C; w/in 30 days of entry of ord, MC sh file its rev mtn to intervn, rev p&a's, etc (see order for specs)
AMENDED COMPLAINT in intervention obo Mineral Cnty
AMENDED MEMORANDUM re P&As in supp of Mineral Cnty's amnd comp in interven #48 (m)(AT) jrh. (DRM) Modified on 6/5/2012 (DRM). Modified on 6/6/2012 for spelling (DRM).
MOTION for prelim injc obo Mineral Cnty. (m)(AT) jrh. (DRM) Modified on 6/5/2012 (DRM).
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE obo Mineral Cnty re Ntc of mtn, mtn for intervention, amended complaint in intervention, mtn for prelim injunct
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF to vac obo WRID re sched for srv of response to Mineral Cnty's mtn to intvn
MOTION FOR JOINDER obo St. Eng R. Michael Turnipseed re vac sched #24
RESPONSE TO MOTION obo US to mtn to vac sched
RESPONSE TO MOTION obo WRPT to mtn to vac sched
LETTER re name chng ZEH, POLAHA, SPOO & HEARNE, loc 575 Forest St, Reno, NV 89509
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF to supsnd ched concrn Mineral Cnty's mtn to intvn
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to WRID's mtn to vac #24 obo Mineral Cnty
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS re Richard R. Greenfield to Two N. Central Ave, #1130, Phoenix, AZ 85004-2383
ORDER respns to Mineral Cnty's mtn to intervn #2 sh be srvd on later date est in ord gran the WRID's rec fld mtn to vac sched for srv response to Mineral Cnty's mtn to intervn to est date for comp of srv to est date for rspns to Cnty's mtn to intervn, etc
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE re filing of waivers of person svc re mtn to intevn of Mineral Cnty
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE re filing of waivers of personal svc #34 obo Mineral Cnty
ORDER ON STIPULATION reply in supt of Dist's mtn to vac sched & in oppo to Mineral Cnty's mtn for snctions shl be srvd by 7/25/95
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF to file oversized brief obo WRID
ORDER Dist's mtn #37 granted
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION to WR's mtn to vac sched #24; oppo to Mineral Cnty's cntmtn for sanctions (#31) obo WRID
AFFIDAVIT of Gordon Depaoli obo WRID
LETTER adr to ECR fm atty Stuart L. Somach re intvn in this action
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION to WR's response #39; request for hrg obo Mineral Cnty
AFFIDAVIT of Kevin Buchanan obo Mineral Cnty
ORDER WRID's mtn to vac & amend sched for brief Mineral Cnty's mtn to intervn #24 granted; prev established briefing sched vac & new brief sched as set forth in ord is adopted; Mineral Cnty's mtn to be relieved of fur srv #31 & mtn for sanctions #31 denie
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF to amend judgment #44 obo Mineral Cnty
RESPONSE TO MOTION to mtn to amnd judgment #45 obo WRID Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Cal Dept of Fish & Game Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
ORDER mtn of Mineral Cnty to am judgment #45 granted; ord setting deadlines for srv sh be modif; ord relatv to what must be srvd reqs clarification; on or bef 2/1/96, Mineral Cnty sh mk pers srvc of #2, 21, 20, 22, ntc in lieu of summons prop issd by Cler Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE obo Mineral Cnty Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT attachment of crt of rtn srv #49 re deceased obo Mineral Cnty Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT attachment to cert of rn of svc #49 unable to srv obo Mineral Cnty Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT attachment to crt of srv obo Mineral Cnty Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT attachment to cert of rtn srvc #49 obo Mineral County
MEMORANDUM frm St of NV office of AG addr to clrk re sub of atty frm Margaret Twedt & Susan Joseph-Taylor to Marta Adams Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE re mtn & p/a's to ext time to compl personal srvc obo Mineral County Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF to exd time to compl person srvc (2nd requ) obo Mineral County Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
ORDER mtn to ext time to complete pers srv #56 by Mineral Cnty is denied as moot in light of ord of cr #48 whch extds time for Mineral Cnty to make pers srvc by 2/1/96 Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
ORDER Cal Dept of Fish & Game granted ext of tim to 2/8/96 to comply w/LR 10-2 re asstn of local atty Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS change of tele & fax nos obo John P. Lange, atty for USA Additional attachment(s) added on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
MEMORANDUM frm ofc of AG re Peggy Twedt & Susan Joseph-Taylor are no longer w/ofc of AG deputy handling: Marta Adams Additional attachment(s) added on 5/18/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE OF RETURN OF SERVICE re Mineral County's intervention docs purs to court order [48] (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
MOTION to dispens w/svc of further pleadings filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of motion for relief vrom svc of process [62] and request for hearing obo Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
STIPULATION/ORDER (ECR): Ord WRID responses to Mineral County's mtn to dispens w/svc of further pleadings [62] & ntc of mtn/req for hearing [63] due 2/27/96. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING re stip/order [64] obo WRID. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE to Mineral County's mtn to dispense w/svc of pleadings and svc of process [62] obo State of Nv. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
OPPOSITION to Mineral County's ntc of mtn/mtn for relief frm svc of process and request for hearing [63] & mtn to dispens w/svc of pleadings [62] and [63] obo WRID (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of mailing re WRID oppo to mtns [62] and [63] [67] obo WRID (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
REPLY in support of Mineral County's notice of mtn, mtn for relief frm svc of process and request for hearing [63] and mtn to dispense w/svc of pleadings [62] obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
APPLICATION (EX PARTE) to suspend sched concerning Mineral County mtn to intervene [2] obo WRID (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
ORDER (ECR) Ord based on application [70], response to Mineral County's mtn to intervene [2], response to Mineral County's notice of mtn/mtn for relief frm svc of process and request for hearing [63] and mtn to dispense w/svc of pleadings [62] shall be srvd either on date established in order denying mtns [62] [63] or 30 days after entry of order granting mtns [62] [63]; reply shall be srvd 60 days after date set for svc of responses to Mineral County's mtn to intervene [2]. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE to ex parte application [70] to suspend sched concerning Mineral County's mtn to intervene [2] obo WRPT. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
STATEMENT in response to ex parte application to suspend sched concerning Mineral County mtn to intervene [70] obo USA. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER (ECR) ORD Mineral County's mtn to dispense w/svc of further pleadings [62] is denied. (see order for spcfcs) EOD 3/25/96. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
MOTON to amend interlocutory order [74] obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
OPPOSITION to Mineral County's mtn to amend interlocutory order [75] obo State of Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
OPPOSITION to Mineral County mtn to amend interlocutoary order [75] obo WRID (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE OF APPEAL frm minute order [74] obo P-Intervenor Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
TRANSMITTAL of notice of appeal [78] DC/CA fees paid; transmittal of cert of record. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
REPLY in support of Mineral County's mtn to amend interlocutory order [75] obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
STATEMENT of evidence or proceedings: agreed statement as to record on appeal obo Mineral County. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER (ECR) ORD mtn to amend interlocutory order [74] obo Mineral ocunty [75] is denied. (see order for spcfcs) (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE re WRID reply [80] in support of mtn to amend interloc order [75] obo WRID. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
TRANSMITTAL (COPY) of ntc of appeal [78] retnd frm C/A with C/A 96-15885 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE to Mineral County's statement of evidence or proceedings [81] obo WRID. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY/ORDER (ECR): ORD Bowman and Robinson subd in place and stead of Vargas & Bartlett as atty for US Board of Water Commissioners. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/19/2006 (WJ, ).
LETTER to C/A re transmittal of clerk records in 6 vols on 1/9/97 by W. Julian. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
MOTION for order of publication obo P-Intervenor, Mineral County. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (JC).
RESPONSE to mtn for order of publication [88] obo State of Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (JC).
Notice of change of address obo State of Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
Notice of errata attached following page 6 of the State of Nevada response to Mineral County's motion for order of publication [89] obo State of Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (JC).
MOTION to request Mineral County to identify and file report concerning the status of service on each individual Walker River Claimant obo WRID. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (JC).
OPPOSITION to motion for leave to make service by publication [88] obo USBWC. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2007 (Lizares, Kalani).
OPPOSITION to mtn for order of publication [89] obo Walker River Irrigation District. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2007 (Lizares, Kalani).
MEMORANDUM/ORDER: (CC) Jdgs Goodwin, Leavy Thomas: Ord C/A 96-15885 Case dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (JC).
ORDER: (CC) ORD and Adjd by C/A that appeal in action dismissed. C/A 96-15885. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (JC).
REPLY to motion for order of publication [88] obo P/Intervenor Mineral County. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2007 (Lizares, Kalani).
ORDER/MANDATE: (ECR) ORd mandate dism re appeal 96-15885. Mandate spread upon record of court. mailed 3/20/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER: (ECR) ORD that motion [88] for leave to serve Defendants by publication pursuant to 4(e)(1)(ii) is granted. FUR ORD that mtn [92] filed by D, Walker River to req Mineral Co to identify file report concerning status of service of each claimant to water rights appurtenant to land loc within the Walker River system is denied. FUR ORD that property intervenor Mineral Co, shall publish in the Miner County Independent news in Hawthorne, NV, the Record-Courier in Gardnerville NV, the Mason Valley News, in Yerington, NV, and the Review-Herald in Mammoth Lakes, NV, for a period of four weeks, and at least once a week dur said time the following documents (see M/O for details) (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
REPLY in support of motion to request Mineral County to identify and file report concerning status of service on each individual Walker River Claimant obo P/Intervenor and Defendant, WRID. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
100A - REQUEST for order approving documents for publication of service obo P-Intervenor, Mineral County. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of change of address as to Robert C. Anderson, Esq and Timothy A. Lukas, Esq (w/Firm Hale, Lane, Peek, Dennison, Howard, Anderson & Pearl) mvd to 100 West Liberty 10th Floor, Reno NV; PO Box 3237; Reno NV 89505. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
MOTION to clarify and amend order of court dtd 4/1/97 to amend order of crt dtd 2/10/95, and response to request for order approving documents for publication of service [100a] and request for scheduling conference obo D, WRID. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
STIPULATION/ORDER (ECR): Ord time for responding to Mineral County's request for order approving documents for publication of service [100a] be extended til 6/16/97 for USA. mld 5/28/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
103A- ANSWER to complaint of (WRPT-Intervenor) obo Ds, Tollhouse CanyonPardners, LP, Bruce Wood. (not complete service). (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE to motion to clarify and amend order of court dtd 4/1/97 to amend order of court dtd 2/10/95 [102; REPLY to WRID response to Mineral County's request for order approving documents for publication of service [100a] & AGREEMENT to request for sched conf [102] obo P/Intervenor. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT/SERVICE as to summons and other service documents as request for order of court to these persons. Of 18 sent, 15 have received the papers and receipts of mailing have been returned. Unserved as to Park Livestock and William Wolfe no return receipt of certif mail returned. Certif Mail receipts and domestic return receipts are attached hereto executd 5/23/97 at Reno NV, obo P/Interv Mineral County. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
JOINT/RESPONSE to motion to clarify and amend order [102] obo P/Interv WRPT. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE/MOTION and MOTION TO DISMISS or in lieu to quash service of summons obo Ds, Hunewill Land and Livestock and Annet's Mono Village w/attached declaration of support of motion to dismiss obo Denise Hunewill. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
STIPULATION/ORDER: (ECR) ORD for extn time to file a reply to include 6/12/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
DECLARATION of Norman Annett in support of motion to dismiss [107]. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
DECLARATION of Marie Ornelas in support of motion to dism [107]. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
USA's and Walker River w/drawal of opposition to Walker River Irrigation motion to clarify/amend ORDER of crt dtd 4/1/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
REPLY in support of motion to clarify [102] and amend order of the court dtd 4/1/97 [102] and to amend order of the court dtd 2/10/95 obo D, WRID. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE of Walker River Paiute Tribe to Mineral County request for order approving documents for publication of service and motion to amend court publication order obo D, Walker River Paiute Tribe. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER: (ECR) Ord D, WRID motion to clarify and amend [102] the court's prior order granted to the extn and on the following basis: Prior order of court [99] granting proposed intervenor Mineral County's motion for leave to make serve by publication shall apply only to those potential Ds or claimants whose Co has been unable to identify. Prior order [19] am as follows: Proposed Intervenor Mineral County shall w/in 45 days file with court proof of service of publication of its intervention documents in accord with terms of court's prior order [99] immed upon Mineral Co's proof of service by publication Clerk of Court shall set teleph status conference for purposes of settling schedule for fur proceedings in these matters. D, WRID motion to clarify and amend [102] the court's prior order denied in all other respects. mld 6/16/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE/ORDER (ECR) Ordered that Mineral County, shall hv 15 days frm date of this order within which to respond to motion to show excusable neglect for failing to time reply. If no such oppo is filed within that time, the motion will be granted. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE/ORDER: (ECR) ORD Clerk shall file letter from counsel [117]. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
LETTER from counsel for Hunewill Land and Livestock and Annett's Mono Village re: motion to dism or alt quash service. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of service by mail of stip/sched/conf obo Shawna Rae Allen. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
RESPONSE to motion to quash obo Walker River Paiute Tribe. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
STIPULATION for scheduling conference received 7/9/97 (unsigned see min/ord 122). (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
EXHIBIT A to stip for scheduling order [12] received 7/10/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE/ORDER (ECR) Ord Clerk shall set teleph sched conf on 8/14/97 10am. All counsel wishing to participate in this conference shall notify Courtroom Deputy, Colleen Larsen @ 702 686 5831 @ least 3 days prior to the sched date for hearing and inform her of teleph number where they may be reached @ said date and time. Following matters will be considered @ scheduling conference: Where proposed intervr, Mineral Co.k has in fact made proper service upon all identif holders of Walker River Water Rights; Time w/in which Ds must respond to Mineral County's intervention pleadings; Wh Mineral Co's srv by publication may be by insert rather than an item in legal notice section of local newspapers named in Court previous order. Request that Mineral County may rather than serving summons, serve by publication ntc in lieu of summons in form and substance similar to form of notice in lieu of summons attached to parties stip as exhb A. Court prior order that Mineral County serve its intervention papers on unidentif claimants by publication [99] am as fols: proposed intervenor, Mineral County, shall not be req to srv by publication summons, its mtn to interv or its proposed petition in intervention. Ord time within which Mineral County must file w/court proof of serve by publication ext till 9/12/97. parties shall, w/i 20 days after Mineral County files its proof of service by publication, file and serve any response to Co's intervention pleadings. See order for spcfcs. mld 7/22/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
AMENDED RESPONSE to motion to quash [107] obo P-Interv (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
REPLY to Mineral County's response [123] to motion to dismiss [107] obo Ds, Hunewill and Anett's. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN/UNEXECUTED as to William Wolff, deceased. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN/UNEXECUTED as to Rachel Tholke, P.E. Starr and E. R Simpson, all deceased. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN/UNEXECUTED as to Judith Mausbach, unable to locate. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to Park Livestock Co. by srv Brooks Park on 8/11/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to Swagger Ranch by Srv Albert Summers on 8/11/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to George Roberts by serving him personally on 8/11/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to Donald J. Bernati by serving him personally on 8/11/97 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to Jan Huggans by serving her personally on 8/11/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to Hunewill Land and Livestock by serving Stan Hunewill. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to Lora Beth Eitel by serving her personally on 8/11/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to Twin Lake Enterprises by serving Norm Annett, Pres. on 8/11/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to Norman T and Alpha D Annett by serving Norm Anett on 8/11/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to Gerald & Peggy L Fickes by serving Peggy Fickes on 8/12/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to Charles & Lucile Day by serving Lucile Day on 8/12/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of Kelvin J. Buchanan re: Appurtenant Water Rights Holders List prov Atty Gnrl for State of California obo P/Interventor Mineral County. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE/ORDER (ECR): Ord the question of whether Mineral Co., proposed interv, has made proper service is assigned to MJ for purpose of holding hearing to determine if matter can be settled. Court requests MJ to convene hrng aft consult with parties. MJ will have auth after consult w/cal clk to set hrng bef this court to determine if proper service has been made. Further Ordered that MJ Atkins may assign this case to RAM if agree with RAM. Ord Court vacates final three lines of Order [122] fld 7/22/97. Ord that two ords [122] filed 7/22/97 will remain in force. The 3d Order on Page 2 of [122] is vacated. Fur Ord that within 20 days Mr Spoo will cir proposed frm/ntc to be used in lieu of sums. (See order for spcfcs). (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE/ORDER (ECR) Ord that in view of absence of MJ Atkins, this action is ref to RAM as set forth in minutes of hearing held this date.. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
SUMMONS/RTN: Srvd as to Jeannie Pace on 8/18/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE/ORDER: ORD hrng set for 9/23/97 9am re whether or not Mineral County, proposed Interv, has made proper service upon all identified holders of walker river water rights. Parties shall file brief on or bef 9/16/97 re issue to be settled at hearing pursuant to ECR order of 8/14/97 [140] (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE/ORDER (ECR) ORD Ds mtn to dismiss [107] or alt quash service/process is denied. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
P/A concerning what Mineral county has properly served all identified Walker River claimants obo State of Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
JOINT BRIEF of WRPT and USA re servce of process by Mineral County. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
FAILURE TO EFFECT service obo Hunewill Land, etc and Annett Mono Village (Special Appearance). (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
DECLARATION of Donald B. Gilbert in support of [147] special appearance of above. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
BRIEF OF ISSUES obo Mineral Co. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
BRIEF OF ISSUES obo US Board of Water Commissioners. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (JC).
BRIEF of Walker River Irrigation Dist concerning status of service on ident holders of Walker River water rights. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
MINUTES/COURT (RAM): hrng hld on 9/23/97 to dtermine if proper service has been amde by proposed intervn Mineral County. Ord that by 10/1/97 the Walker River Irrigation Dist will provide to cnsl for Mineral County a list of changes in what they areaware of in water rights holders to the list Mineral County now has. By 10/1/97, Mineral County will incorp thoses into its list and will provide a final list to all parties. that list will be a list of known Ds that Mineral County will have in this case. Mineral County will file an amend caption to reflect those names. FUR ORD that this court will have a hearing on 10/22/97 430pm to discuss set forth what docs will be personally served and time that will be nec to effect svc and file affidavits concerning people who have not at that point been personally served. At said hearing will be sched to discuss publ. mld 9/27/97 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/22/2006 (WJ, ).
COURT/ORDER/FILING per Minutes/hrng dtd 9/24/97 [152] (list of water rights holders). (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
MINUTE ORDER: (RAM) Ord status conf sched for 10/22/97 cont to 10/23/97 430pm. mld 10/16/97. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ).
PREBRIEF OF SERVICE ISSUES obo cnsl for Intervenor Mineral County, NV. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
MINUTE ORDER (RAM): Ord that parties shall get together and come up with a correct list. Mr DePaoli shall prov Ms Hearne w/names left off list. he shall also inform her of discrepancies. Hearne shall prep am list that is complete w/correct caption. FUR ORD that a fur status conf is set for 11/5/97 130pm.. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
MINUTE ORDER (RAM): ORD fur status conf is set for 11/18/97 9am. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER (RAM) ORD status conf sched for 11/18/97 is cont to 11/20/97 130pm. Parties have been notif. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER (RAM): ORD that status conf sched for 11/20/97 is cont to 12/4/97 130pm. parties have been teleph notif. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ).
DEFENDANTS' list incorp into caption obo cnsl for Intervenor Mineral County NV. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ). (JC).
DEFENDANTS' list incorp into caption obo cnsl for Intervenor Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2007 (Lizares, Kalani).
MINUTES/COURT: (RAM) Minutes of further status conf held 12/4/97: (Tapes: 97-156 and 97-157): ORD that next status conf sh be hld on 3/31/98 at 130pm to discuss publication. (see order for spcfcs) (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2007 (Lizares, Kalani).
MINUTE ORDER (RAM) Ord Intervenor Mineral County request for order approving documents for publication/service [100a] is denied as moot. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
AFFIDAVIT of Carol Elewski re mailing of Notice in lieu of summons to the people on the attached list on 3/13/98. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/23/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service by Holly Walton Buchanan obo Mineral County "Intervention Doc" was made purs to ords of court and notice in lieu of Summons on 3/18/98. (Placed in separate folder due to size) (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County ?Intervention Documents? was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 3/26/98. 1 unable to serve (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County Intervention Documents was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 3/26/98. 49 persons served (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Carol Elewski obo Mineral County Intervention Documents was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 3/20/98.(WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva J. Hearne obo Mineral County ?Intervention Documents? was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 3/25/98. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County Intervention Documents was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 3/24/98. 1 Deceased. 4 Unable to Serve(WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County Intervention Documents was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 3/24/98. 1 Person Served (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County Intervention Documents was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 3/26/98. 60 persons served (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County Intervention Documents was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 3/26/98. 60 persons served. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County Intervention Documents was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 3/31/98. 19 persons served. 8 unable to serve(WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTES/CONFERENCE TO RESCHEDULE STATUS CONFERENCE dtd 3/31/98 (RAM) ORD status conf set 4/14/98 130pm to discuss and resolve the issues that were going to be discussed and resolved today. Out of town cnsl who wish to partic by teleph may do so andshould contact the courtroom deputy, Rosemary Damron, at 702 686 5835, at least 2 days prior to the hearing to inform her of the phone # at which counsel may be reached. Tape 98-53. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County Intervention Documents was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 4/1/98. 19 persons 1 unable to serve (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
PRECONFERENCE REPORT of the Walker River Irrigation District concerning status of service obo D, WRID (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
REPORTER's TRANSCRIPT of Further status conference on 12/4/97 bef RAM C/R Letter Perfect (WJ, )
REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT of conference to reschedule status conference dtd 3/31/98 bef RAM. C/R Letter Perfect (WJ, )
RESPONSE to statement of Walker River Irrigation District [177] obo Interv Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service by Treva J Hearne obo Mineral County Intervention documents purs to order of Crt and Notice in lieu of summons on 4/14/98. 3 persons served. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County Intervention Documents was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 4/14/98. 1 persons served. 1 person unable to serve (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTES/STATUS CONFERENCE dtd 4/14/98: (RAM) Ord Mineral County will file an affid re service and mtn for publication by 4/21/98. Docs will be personally srvd on loc cnsl and fax to all out of state cnsl. rspns are due 4/28/98. cnsl sh provide chambers with courtesy copies. hearing set 4/30/98 130pm to resolve these issues. tape 98-60 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County Intervention Documents was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon on 4/15/98. 2 persons served. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
Motion for order of publication obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
REPORT to court on vacancies of the US Board of Water Commissioners Division No2 and No4 obo USBWC (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of service with attachment and exhibits (typed) of Donna Schuster receiving service of process of intervention papers of Mineral County on 3/16/98 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of service doc [183] on 4/21/98 faxed to Marta Adams, DepATtyGnrl and George Benesch obo Interv, Mineral County, NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of service of doc [183] on 4/22/98 sent via fax, hand delivered, mail to (see affid) by Carol Elewski obo Mineral County, Interv. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
JOINT RESPONSE & P&A of USA and Walker River Paiute Tribe to Mineral County motion for order of publication [183] and affid of service [186]. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). (JC).
RESPONSE to Motion for publication [183] and pre hearing report of the Walker River Irrigation District obo WRID (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
RESPONSE to Mineral County's motion for order of publication [183] obo Board of Water Commissioners. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). (JC).
RESPONSE to Mineral County motion for order of publication [183] obo State of Nevada (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
MINUTES dtd 4/24/98 (ECR) ORD parties sh have 15 days to file object to the report and the proposed attached documents. Thereafter, the parties will have 15 days to file rspns to any object which may be filed. There will be no replies. Deals with[841] (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTES/STATUS CONFERENCE dtd 4/30/98 (RAM) ORD hrng set 5/20/98 10am bef ECR re mtn for ord of publication [183] and the various responses thereto that have been filed. (Tape 98-69) (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of service of filing of return of service forms re Mineral County intervention docs by Treva Hearne on 5/5/98: 4 person served and 2 unable to serve. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service by Treva Hearne on 5/8/98 obo Mineral County Intervention Documents was made purs to Ords of Crt and Notice in Lieu of Summon. 1 person served via register mail.(WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
ORDER (ECR) ORD hrng set by USMJ McQuaid for 5/20/98 is vac. Fur Ord parties have 15 days to file objects, if any of them do not agree with the Crt recitation of the issues which have been settled and the issues which have not been settled as listed above in this order. FUR ORD that if such objects are filed, then the other parties sh have 15 days within which to rspn to the objects. there will be no replies. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN MAIL of doc [193] to Matthew R Campbell, Attempted not known. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
MOTION to dismiss certain parties and amended notice in lieu obo Mineral County Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
REPLY to opposition to motion for publication (2d req) [183] obo Intervenor, Mineral County, Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). (JC).
AFFIDAVIT of mailing of doc [198] by Carol Elewski on 5/19/98 obo Mineral County, NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
AMENDED AFFIDAVIT of service of doc [198] on 5/20/98 obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of James Spoo stating he did personally insr vol from Walker Lake Working Group, prior to going into the field to make service, to make certain they only made service on adults w/capacity to understand service being made obo Mineral CountyNV 5/19/98. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of service of doc [199] to Gordon H. Depaoli of Woodburn and Wedge by hand deliver on 5/20/98 obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of Mineral County intervention documents purs to order of the court and notice in lieu of summons: 1 person served and 2 unable to serve on 5/19/98 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents on 5/29/98: 3 persons served and one not found obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
OBJECTIONS to designation of issues obo USA and Walker River Paiute Tribe [196] (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE to order [196] obo Walker River Irrigation District (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
Received joint ex parte application to vacate schedule for filing responses to mineral county motion to intervene. orig in chambers (WJ, )
RESPONSE to court order of 5/13/98 [196] obo State of California Department of Fish and Game (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
JOINT ex parte application to vacate schedule for filing responses to Mineral County motion to intervene [2]. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
ORDER (ECR) ORD decision on Mineral County's renewed motion [183] for service by publication is deferred pending supplemental briefing as provided below: FUR ORD that Mineral County shall have until 8/1/98 within which to supplement its motion for service by publication [183] with affidavits and evidence as outlined above. All other parties shall therafter have 30 days wihin which to supplement their oppositions and Mineral County shall have 15 days within which to reply. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
RESPONSE to motion to dismiss certain parties and amended notice in lieu [198] obo Walker River Irrigation District. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE to Mineral County motion to dismiss certain parties and amended notice in lieu [198] obo State of Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents on 2 persons on 6/6/98 by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATION of return of service of intervention documents on 4 persons on 6/6/98 by Treva Hearne obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
JOINT EX PARTE application for clarification of schedule for filing responses to Mineral County motion to intervene (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER dtd 6/11/98 (ECR) ORD minutes [162] filed 12/4/97 are vacated only to extent: briefing sched set by Minutes [162] dir the proposed Ds file rspns to mtn [2] to intervene by 6/15/98 and dir Mineral County to reply by 7/15/98 is vac; FUR ORD Proposed Ds sh have till 10/1/98 within to file rspns to Mineral County mtn [2] to intervene and Mineral County sh have till 11/1/98 to reply; FUR ORD that any part who object to this M/O shall have till 6/27/98 to file written objection. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
CERTIFICATE of service of intervention documents on 6/12/98 by Treva J hearne by serving 1 person. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service by Treva J Hearne re intervention docs srvd on 4 persons on 6/15/98 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
STIPULATION regarding schedule for responses to Mineral County motion to intervene. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
REQUEST/ORDER (ECR) ORD req for cont of 14 days to reply to WRID opposition to motion to dismiss. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER dtd 6/11/98 (ECR) ORD parties stip [219] is approved and the minutes of court [216] filed 6/12/98 are amend to fol extnt: Proposed Ds shall have till 11/24/98 to file responses to Mineral County mtn [2] to intervene, and Mineral County shall ahve till 12/15/98 to reply. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
AMENDED MOTION to dismiss certan parties [198] obo Intervenor, Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of mailing of doc [222] by Intervenor Mineral County NV on 7/1/98 by Carol Elewski (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service by Treva J hearne obo Mineral County intervention docs was made purs to orders of crt and notice in lieu of summons on 7/16/98. 36 persons srvd and 19 unable to serve. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/24/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE to amended motion to dismiss certain parties [222] obo Walker River Irrigation District (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
MOTION for order of publication (3d req) to complete personal service and publication on certain named parties who cannot be found obo Mineral County, NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE to Motion for order of publication (3d req) [226] obo WRID (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
STATEMENT re Mineral County;s motion for publication (3d req) [226] obo California State Water Resources Control Board. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
RESPONSE to Mineral County's motion for order of publication [226] obo Mineral County Nevada (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
SUPPLEMENTAL AFFIDAVITS in support of mtn to publish [226] obo Mineral County Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of service of doc [230] to (see affid for spcfcs) on 9/22/98 by Lisa M Cannizzaro obo Mineral County Nevada (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of mailing of certificate of rtn service on 3/25/98 by Carol Elewski obo Mineral County Nevada(WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of Treva J. Hearne, Intervenor, Mineral County NV re needs to make 7 changes in the dismissal list and publication list that are attached on 10/16/98 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service to 3 persons of Mineral County intervention documents obo Mineral County Intervenor. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
JOINT EX PARTE APPLICATION to vacated schedule for filing responses to Mineral County Mtn to intervene. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER dtd 11/6/98 (ECR) ORD that the time for Mineral County to respond to the joint ex parte application to vacate schedule for filing responses mineral county mtn to intervene is shortened so that such responses shall be filed by 4pm 11/16/98. There will be no reply. It appears that the court must consider the extention of time on a shortened briefing schedule because the responses to Mineral County mtn to intervene under the present briefing sched is 11/24/98, and Crt must act on mtn in advc of that cutt off date. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of Mineral County's intervention documents on 11/8/98: 2 persons unable to serve and 1 decease obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN MAIL of doc [236] to Treva J Hearne: rtn for better address. remailed 11/9/98 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE to ex parte application to vacate schedule for filing responses to Mineral County motion to intervene [235] obo Mineral County Nevada (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER dtd 11/16/98 (ECR) ORD joint exparte application, filed on 11/6/98 [235] to vacate schedule for filing responses to Mineral County mtn for intervene is granted. The time to file responses to Mineral County motion to intervene is extended to 2/1/99. The time for filing a reply by mineral county is extended to 3/1/99. The purpose of the exten is to permit the court to rule on pending motions re service and other related matters. If the court has not been able to make and file such rulings prior to the new cutoff date, then, if they wish to do so, the parties will have to move for additional extension of time. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of process of Mineral County intervention documents was made pursuant to orders of Crt and notice in lieu of summons on 11/13/98. 7 persons srvd and 1 not served obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of process of Mineral County intervention documents was made purs to ords of Crt and notice in lieu of summons on 11/17/98. 3 persons srvd obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service on mineral county intervention document docs purs to ord of Crt and notice in lieu of summons srvd on 1 person on 11/17/98 obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of change of address for Rs: California State Water Resources Control Board, et al: Office of the Attorney General, 1515 Clay Street, 20th Floor, Oakland CA 94612-1413. Teleph 510 622 2140. Fac 510 622 2270. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of filing of return of service forms in this matter purs to Ord of Crt as fol: 3 srvd on 12/2/98 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents purs to letter of instruction and notice in lieu of summons upon 2 person obo Mineral County Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
JOINT EX PARTE APPLICATION/ORDER (ECR) ORD that sched currently in place [240] for filing responses and reply in support of Mineral County motion to intervene is vac. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of appearance and substitution of counsel of Susan Schhneider, US Dept Justice, Environment and Natural Resources Div, Indian Resources Section 999 18th Street, Ste 945, Denver CO 80202. 9303 312 7308 in palce of John P Lange who retired. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
MOTION for relief of local resident counsel requirement of LR 1A 10-2(c) obo state of California (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service upon 33 individuals dtd 2/11/99 obo Intervenor, Mineral County Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents on one person Teri Fletcher on 2/22/99 obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
ORDER (ECR) ORD Mineral County 3d mtn for publication [226] is granted in part and denied in part as fols: Mtn is granted as to Ds Nesmith Family Trust, Theresa Nesmith, Trustee of the Nesmith Family Trust, Barbara terschluse; and Donald Terschluse. The motion is denied w/o prej as to all other Ds. FUR ORD service by mail iaw NRS 14.090(1)(b) is ordered as to Ds John Ithurburu and Marilyn Ithurburu. FUR ORD that the following Ds are dismissed from the case Robert J. Miller and Guido Nannini;FUR ORD Mineral County shall have 120 days frm the date of this order in which to file a Fourth Motion for publication, if it so desires, together with all necessary affid in support thereof. FUR ORD that WRID (and any other party who wishes to do so) shall have 60 days from the date of this orer to file objects to service on any D whom WRID believes has not been properly served, together with an explanation of why it believes that service on each such D was ineffective. Mineral County shall thereafter have 30 days in which to repond; there sh be no reply. EOD 2/25/99 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
REQUEST for corrections to the service list and supporting declaration of California State Water Resources. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2007 (Lizares, Kalani).
AFFIDAVIT of mailing of doc [250] obo Mineral County NV on 2/25/99 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upon 1 individual on 3/1/99 obo Mineral County NV Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER dtd 3/1/99 (ECR)> ORD mtn [249] is granted. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
ORDER (ECR) ORD Mineral County amend motion to dismiss certain Ds [222] is granted in part and denied in part as fols: Mtn denied w/o prej as to Ds: Billy Roy and Thelma G Beagle, Peggy Bitler, Bliss Trust, Norma Costa, Jonathan C and Deborah A. Hayes, Harvey E Hunewell, Grace Menesini, Violet Pellegrini, Mary Smith, Linda K and Robert D. Webb, Glenora F. Wright. The mtn is granted to all other Ds discussed in this order, se set forth above who sh be dismissed from case EOD 3/22/99 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of Mineral County intervention documents upon Christine Batier on 4/8/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
OBJECTIONS to Mineral County service re doc [252] obo WRID (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of Mineral County intervention documents upon Ginger Mitchell and Ronald Mitchelll of GG Mitchel Accounting Corp on 5/3/99 obo Mineral County NV(WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
WAIVER of service of personal service of motions on 5/3/99 on Mildred Bayer, Ronald B. Arraclk, Trustee, obo Mineral County Nv (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
Waiver of service of personal service of motions on 5/3/99 on Richard and Ellen Bein obo Mineral County NV(WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of change of address of Bowman and Robinson: 540 Hammill Lane, Reno NV 89511 775 335 1700 775 335 1717 obo USBWC(WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of Mineral County's intervention documents on Vivian Adams on 5/4/99 4pm obo Mineral County Nv (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of service of Mineral County interventon documents upon Anderson Family 1992 Trust on 5/24/99, Michael Faretto on 5/24/99, Janice Capurro Trust on 5/10/99, Betty and George Flasher on 5/10/99, Maurcie Freitas by cert mail Z 440 380 688 on 5/21/99 and John and Marilyn Ithurbara by cert mail X 440 380 689 on 5/21/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
WAIVER of service of Mineral County intervention documents by Fred and Judy Crosby, Marybel Batjer, Lynda reese, Kelli Day and by deceased Josephine Butchelder on 9/10/91 obo Mineral Count NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
STIPULATION/ORDER (ECR) ORd that the proposed P/Intervenor, Mineral County have up to and including 6/1/99, within which to file a reponse to WRID objections to Mineral County service of intervention documents filed herein on 4/26/99. mld 5/27/99 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/25/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of change of address as to Attorney General, State of California, Michael W. Neville, Dep Atty Gnrl, Department of Justice, Office of the AG, 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Ste 11000, San Francisco CA 94102-3664, 415 703 4896. Fax 415 703 5480/1107. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of correction to service list removing John Lange and James J. Clear, Chief, Indian Resource Section, and replacing Susan L. Schneider, Attorney, US Department of Justice, Indian Resources Section, Environment and Natural Resources Division, 999 18th Street, Ste 945, Denver CO 80202. 303 312 7308. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
AFFIDAVIT of mailing of doc [270] on 6/2/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE to WRID objections to Mineral County Service {259] obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
ERRATA to document [270] obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
WAIVER of service of mtns on Joseph J. Lommori, Bessie Lommori, on 5/26/99 and Mario Lommori, and Jack and Joan Madieros on 5/26/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ). Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
REQUEST for extention of time (1st req) to complete service on the water rights holders of the Walker River by 30 days obo Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
WAIVER of service of personal service of mtns by Mildred McShirter and Louise Jones on 6/10/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents purs to orders of the court and notice in lieu of summons upon Dante Lommori, Trustee, Eleanor Lommori, Dante Lommori, Indiv; Donald Menesini; Robert Schendel; Robert Schendel for Marge Schendel; Cynthia Scribner; Vance Scribner, Herbert Riva on 6/12/99 and Connie Jansen, Trustee, for Tatchelder Family Trust on 6/14/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER (ECR) ORD that the req for extention of time [274] to complete service, filed by proposed P/Intervnr Mineral County on 6/11/99, is granted. The parties in the case do not oppose the mtn. At this time, the court expresses no opinion asto the validity of service accomplished to date. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upon Barbara Bowden for Alice Gober; David Dale Borsin; Joseph Frock for Frocke Ranches Inc; Mrs Godde for Forrest Godde; Deborah Hayes; Virginia Everlett; K. Lyda Reese for Kelli Day; LyndaReese; Pauline Plett; Jonathan C. Hayes; Virginia Everett for Harvey Everett all on 6/5/99; Isidro Hernandez by certified mail on 5/24/99; Julie Ann Bolt on 6/5/99; and Joseph Sceirine on 5/31/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents on Milton Bacon, indiv and Trustee on 6/10/99 and Corp Trust Co of NV on 6/8/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
WAIVER of service of personal service of mtns of intervention documents on Larry D. Jenkins on 6/8/99 and Frank Joseph McBrudge, Trustee on 6/6/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents on Avansino, Mesarsky etc agents for Presto Properties; Corps Trust of NV resident agent for Flying A Ranch Inc; and Richard Davenport, resident agent for Walker River Ditch Co on 6/22/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
WAIVER of service of intervention documents on Deborah harttine on 6/2/99; Pamela J. Haas on 6/14/99; and Forrest Godde, President to Lee Ivey Ranch Inc. on 5/25/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upon Steve and Terry Carpenter, John Ritter, III, Mark Arriggbi obo Sweetwater Partners, Limited; Claude Chisum agent for Chisum Inc, Ronald Banta for Bev H. Ranch Inc and Hamlett Group Limited, and Laurent Diefenbach, agent for Cal Nev Land & Timber Inc on 6/25/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents on Larry Neuhauser, Diane Nagel - heir to Robert and Helen Nagel, Mora Bales, Agent for Simpson Colony reclamation, John R. and Carol C. harris, on 7/3/99; Julio Lommori Indiv and as Trustee, and Delia Lommori on 7/5/99; Michael, Christopher Kenneth & Jennifer Entwistle, Frank Joseph McBryde, Truste, Jill S Deeter, agent for Sweetwater Family Ltd on 7/4/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of Intervention documents on Christ Harper, Receptionist for Andrew Machenzie and John C Cowee for Flying A Limited Partnership on 6/22/99 obo Mineral County NV. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents on Richard Stulstone, agent for F. M. Fulstone Inc & Co and Ceas Co and Eddie Snyder, agent for Snyder Livestock Company, Inc on 7/7/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents on Evangeline Williams heir to Jack Williams; Susan ellsworth, Sandra Holands, heirs to A J & A E Zweibel; and A E Zweibel and A J Zweibel (both deceased) by serving Sandra Hollands heir on 7/18/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
MOTION for order of publication (4th req) obo Intervenor Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
SUPPLEMENT TO MOTION for order of publication [288] obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of mailing of document [288] and [289] to all parties on 6/26/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upon Lucy snyder of Snyder Livestock, Jack Zippwald on 7/21/99, Kimberly Ash on 7/23/99 and Jim OBallion on 7/21/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upon Edith John and Marvin Keeley by certificate mail Z 440 380 796 on 7/20/99; Harry Leonard Finch on 6/22/99; Wayne E Bennett and Laura lee Bennett, Trustees obo WL Trust on 7/13/99; Anna Nannini, heir to Guido Nannini and Joseph & Virginia Giodo on 7/21/99; Sutter Ranch Corp on 7/21/99; George Swainston, Trustee to Swainston Family Trust on 7/21/99; The Bishop, Catholic Diocese on 7/21/99; Ellis N Farias on 7/3/99; Clifford Thompson,Trustee to Thompson Family Trust on 7/17/99; Marty Faria on 7/18/99, Edwin Faria on 7/18/99; Jerry Candebrake, heir to Vernon Vanderbrake on 7/18/99; Robert Webb on 7/17/99; Linda Webb on 7/17/99; Fred Alpers on 7/22/99; Helen Freidhoff, heri to George Freidhoff; Ron Banta indiv and obo Bell Ranch Inc, Hamlet group Limited Partners, City of Yerington on 7/22/99; Phyliss Hunnewill obo Penrose General Improvement Dist, Lyon County Fairgrounds, Inc Lyon County, Lyon County Cemetary II on 7/22/99; Leona Hanson on 2/8/98; and John Williams, Trustee for Williams Trust on 7/21/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
MOTON to withdraw certain water rights holders from publication list obo Intervenor, Mineral County (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
RESPONSE to motion for order [288] obo WRID (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upon Robert Cooper, Trustee of Adah M Blinn Turst on 8/1/99; David Buster, Gayle Buster, Vernon Bryan, Loretta Beth Eitel, Judith Mausbach on 8/2/99; George Roberts on 8/4/99; Marieh Terschluse, Robert W. Terschluse, Donald Terschluse, Barbara Terschluse on 8/1/99; Hugo Van Vliet on 7/27/99; Brent Curtis on 8/4/99; jan Huggans on 7/26/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upon David Scerine Trustee, for Shoemaker Trust on 7/22/99 obo Mineral County Nv. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
REPLY to motion for publication [288] obo Intervenor Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/30/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER (ECR) ORD that WRID objections to Mineral County Service of Intervention documents [259] and Mineral County motion for order for publication [288] are referred to the MJ for decision. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upn Ron Bath by certified return receipt mail article Z 440 380 797 on 8/23/99 obo Mineral County NV. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents on Lynn Stevens by personal service on 8/6/99 obo Mineral County Intervenors. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents on Roberta Stebbins by certif mail article Z 440 380 931 on 8/10/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN MAIL of document [298] to Richard Olson, PO Box 2101, Carson City NV 89702 return to sender, no forwarding order on file. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upon Brett Emery and Don Johnson via certificate mail Z 440 380 798 dlrd on 9/4/99 obo Intervenor Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upon Theresa Mackey, Beverly Sceirine, Heir to Jackie Sceirine, and Russell Mackey, all on 9/6/99 obo Intervenor Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upon Shirley Van Vliet personally on 8/31/99 obo Intervenor Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents to Ronald W and Sandra Goss by certif/return receipt Article Z 440 380 799 on 9/10/99; to Mary Perrin Wife - Francis Perrin heir 2 Clarence Perrin, indiv and of Perrin trust both on 9/2/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of Intervention documents on Lionel, Sawyer and Collins, registered agent for Sunrise Ranch LLC on 8/26/99 obo Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
CERTIFICATE of return of service of intervention documents upon John Cefalu and Judith Cefalu on 9/29/99 obo Mineral County NV. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER (RAM) ORD status/sched conf set for 1/6/2000 9am. EOD 11/30/99 (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN MAIL of doc #309 to Richard Olsen, Attempted, not known, return to sender. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN mail of doc 309 to Mary Hackenbracht, Dep Atty Gnrl, Oakland CA forwarding order expired. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN MAIL of doc 309 to Alice Walker, not here return to sender. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of appearance by Lyon County, cnsl address: George N Benesch, PO Box 3498, 1025 Ridgeview Drive, ste 400 Reno NV 89505-3498. 775 827 3100 and 775 827 3020-Fax. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of appearance by Sutter Ranch, a holder of water in the walker River basin, req that cps of pleadings, order and other docs filed or srved in this matter, and all relevant correspondence be sent to the fol: George N. Benesch, PO Box 3498, 1025 Ridgeview Drive Ste 400, Reno NV 89505-3498. 775 827 3100. 775 827 3020-Fax (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of change of address of Walker River Irrigation District counsel, Gordon Depaoli, and Dale E Ferguson, WOODBURN & WEDGE, 6100 Neil Rd, Ste 500, Reno NV 89511. Teleph 775 688 3000. There has been no change in the PO Box address or Teleph andfax # of said cnsl (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTES/STATUS/SCHEDULE CONFERENCE dtd 1/6/2000 (RAM) ORD that cnsl shall confer among themselves within the next 30 days and they shall submit to this court a list that shows the fol: (see order for spcfcs) ORD that a status conf shall be hld on 2/8/2000 at 11am. Cnsl wish to partic shall contact Rosemary Damron 2 days prior to the hearing. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ). (KR).
RETURN MAIL of doc 316 to Richard Olson: Attempted not known. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN of doc #316 to Mary Hackenbracht, underliverable as addressed, return to sender. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
STATUS of service on identified and named D purs to order dtd 1/6/2000 [316] obo WRID. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTES/STATUS CONFERENCE dtd 2/8/00 (RAM) ORD that a status conf is set for 3/14/2000 at 9am (tape 00-37). (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN MAIL of doc #320 to Richard Olsen, attempted not known, rtn to sender. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT of status conference on 2/8/00 bef RAM. C/R Letter Perfect. (WJ, )
MINERAL COUNTY's report of service (vol 1) Placed in separate folder. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2007 (Cotter, Jennifer).
MINERAL COUNTY REPORT of service (vol 2) placed in separate folder. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2007 (Lizares, Kalani).
MINUTES/STATUS CONFERENCE dtd 3/14/00 (RAM) ORD that a status/sched conf is set for 4/3/2000 9am. Prior to conf, cnsl shall submit to the court a proposed order based on today hearing (tapes 00-0069, 00-070) (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN MAIL of doc #324 to Richard Olsen, return to sender. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTES/FURTHER STATUS/SCHEDULING CONFERENCE dtd 4/3/00 (RAM): ORD that if there are lawyers from the US, who have made an appearance in this case obo BLM Toiyabe National Forest and Bureau of Indian Affairs, there need be no further service; Ord that the court sets forth certain filing deadlines as set forth on pages 6 and 7 of the order: Mineral County shall file and serve all mtns to dism and substitute proposed Ds on or bef 8/7/00; rspn 9/8/00; replies 9/29/00. Info to supplement the record shall be filed and served on or bef 7/7/00; objections thereto filed/srvd 8/7/00; rspns thereto 9/8/00; replies 9/29/00; Mineral County shall file and srvd mtns for permission to srvd by publications any proposed Ds on or bef 10/31/00, rspns 11/30/00; replies 12/22/00; Crt approves and signs the proposed order and it is now the order. Fur Ord that an errata to the ord shall be filed to include a notice of appearance of Mr Meschoor. Tape 00-80. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 9/8/2006 (WJ, ).
ORDER (RAM) ORD Mineral County shall file/serve all mtns to dism and substitute proposed Ds on or bef 8/7/00; rspns srvd 9/8/00; replies srvd 9/29/00; Supplemental info fld/srvd 7/7/00; written obj fld/srvd 8/7/00; rspns fld/srvd 9/8/00; replies 9/29/00; Mineral County fld/srvd mtns for permission or service by publication proposed Ds on or bef 10/31/00; rspn 11/30/00; replies 12/22/00. (see order for spcfcs). (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 9/8/2006 (WJ,).
MOTION to w/draw as cnsl; affid of William E Hvidsten obo Walker River Basin Water Users Assoc and certain indiv members. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ). (PM).
REQUEST to w/draw as cnsl; Affid of William E Hvidsten; consent to w/drawal of cnsl obo Walker River Basin Water Users Assoc and certain indiv members. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ). (PM).
AMENDED ORDER (RAM): Crt held status/sched conf on 4/3/00. At conf, Crt entered an order concerning status of service on Ds [326]. Exhbt 3 to order consisted of ntc appearance. That ntc shall be amended to accurately reflect current name of law firm of Mineral County's legal counsel and to include name/address/of addtnl USJD (See order for spcfcs). (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ). Additional attachment(s) added on 9/8/2006 (WJ, ).
LETTER from WRID to Clk USDC req removal of Jim Weishaupt, General Manager, and Leo Havener, from mailing list and replacing them with Kenneth C. Spooner, WRID, PO Box 820, Yerington NV 89447. (WJ, ) Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ). Modified on 5/31/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN mail of doc [330] to Richard Olson: Attempted not known, return to sender. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
SUBSTITUTION/ATTORNEY (ECR) Ord Decuir and Somach and Hale Lane Peek Dennison Howard and Anderson sub out and George N Benesch, subs in as cnsl for Sario Livestock company. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
SUBSTITUTION/ATTORNEY (ECR) ORD Decuir and Somach and Hale Lane Peek Dennison Howard and Anderson subs out and George N Benesch subs in as cnsl for Carolyn Strosnider. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
SUBSTITUTION/ATTORNEY (ECR) ORD Decuir and Somach and Hale Lane Peek Dennison, Howard and Anderson subs out and George N. Benesch subs in as cnsl for Hunewill Land and Livestock (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
SUBSTITUTION/ATTORNEY (ECR) ORD Decuir and somach and Hale Lane Peek Dennison Howard and Anderson subs out and George N. Benesch subs in as cnsl for Ronald B. Arrache. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
RETURN MAIL of doc [330] to mary Jackenbracht, moved, left no address, rtn to sender. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of appearance by Jan Huggans and her cnsl is George N. Benesch. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
MINUTE ORDER (ECR) ORD mtn to w/draw as cnsl [328] and [329] filed 4/4/00 are granted. Parties formerly represented by w/drawing cnsl shall be deemed to appear herein pro se. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ). (PM).
RETURN MAIL of doc [339] to Richie Tholke Trust, undeliverable as addressed forwarding order expired, rtn to sender. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
LETTER dtd 5/24/00 frm Mrs Howell D Emery to be removed off the mailing list. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN MAIL of doc [339] to Deborah Hartline. rtn to sender, forward order expired. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN MAIL of doc [339] to Terry Hawkins, rtn to sender. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
ORDER (ECR) ORD req to w/draw as cnsl for Stan Hunewell of Hunewell Ranch and Norma Annett of Annett Mono Village is granted. Mtn to w/draw as cnsl for Artesani Family Trust; Richard Furstone; Deborah Hartline; Terry Hawkins; Margaret Hawkine; Don Meier, Virginia Lake Mutual Water; David Parraguiree; Plymouth Land and Stock; David Sceirine; Joe Sceirine, Jack Sceirine; Beverly Sceirine; Kenneth Strosnider; Tom Talbot; Rachel Tholke Trust, c/o Dawn Cooper; Trustee, Twelves Family Trust and William Weaver, Sweatwater Ranch, is granted. FUR ORD that the parties formerly represented by w/drawing cnsl sh be deemed to appear pro per. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ). (PM).
RETURN MAIL of doc [344] as to Rachael Tholke Trust, rtn to sender, undeliverable as addressed. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
RETURN MAIL of doc [344] to Deborah Hartline: rtn to sender, forwarding order expired. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
RETURN MAIL of doc [344] to Terry Hawkins: rtn to sender, not deliverable. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of appearance by Artesani family trust (Edgar J and Marian Arresani, Trustee) enters an appearance of record: George N. Benesch #1734, 1025 Ridgeview Drive, Ste 400, PO Box 34998, Reno NV 89505-3498. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
NOTICE of entry of order doc [339] to all parties on 6/13/00 obo Walker River Basin Users Assoc and Certain Indiv members. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ). (DRM).
SUGGESTION of death of Kenneth Strosnider, one of the D, on 2/28/98 and that the action should proceed against the surviving D, Sarolyn Strosnider under FCP 25(a)(2). (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
REQUEST for leave to file later file obo Intervenor, Mineral County Nevada. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
AFFIDAVIT of mail of doc [351] to all parties obo Intervenor, Mineral County NV (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
MOTION TO DISMISS SEE HARD DOCKET SHEETS FOR ENTRIES 1-253(IN EQUITY C-125-C) and substitute proper parties obo Intervenor Mineral County (m)located in spt folder due to size
MINUTE ORDER (RAM) ORD P's req for leave [351] is granted. Clerk shall detach motion to dismiss from P req [351] and file it as the next document in order. (WJ, ) Modified on 6/1/2006 (WJ, ).
MAIL RETURNED as to Item #353 to Rachael Tholke Trust marked return to sender not deliverable.
MAIL RETURNED of document #353 to Deborah Hartline marked return to sender.
MAIL RETURNED of document #353 to Terry & Margaret Hawkinds marked return to sender.
RESPONSE TO MOTION to motion to dismiss (#354) obo Walker River Irrigation District (m)
NOTICE (OTHER) appearance of Annett's Mono Village, Inc.c/o Norman W. Annett P.O. Box 455 Bridgeport CA 93517 760-932-7071 (m)
ORDER Mineral Co's request to withdraw certain water rights (#293): matter was dealt with by the court & partys at hearings #316 #324 #326; Intervors request (#293) is denied as moot.
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION to motion to dism (#354) obo Intervenor Mineral Co (m)
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of documetn (#361) obo Intervenr Mineral Co (m)
MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME to complete service & 60 days to file motion fo rpublication on specific indivuduals obo Mineral Co (m)
ORDER request fo rtiem (#363) granted; Mineral Co has additional 60 days to complete service & file its motion with the court.
NOTICE (OTHER) app0earance by John Thacher & Caroline Thaqcher & counsel George Benesch. (m)
MAIL RETURNED as to Item #364 to Rachael Tholke Trust marked forwarding order expired
MAIL RETURNED of document #364 to Deborah Hartline marked no forwarding order on file.
RESPONSE TO MOTION to request for tiem (#363) obo Walker River Irrigation District (m)
MAIL RETURNED of document #364 to Terry & Margaret Hawkinds marked attempted not known.
SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED Caroline Thacher on 10/17/00 (p)John Thacher on 10/17/00 (p)Reiki Hervin 10/12/00 (p)Ralph Nuti, Agent Six N Ranch on 10/25/00 (p)Ronald Goss on 10/08/00 (p)Sandra Goss 10/19/00 (p)Candyce Wiffu on 10/20/00 (p)Lesli
NOTICE (OTHER) of appearance purs to Notice in lieu of summons that was served on Twin Lakes Enterprises, Inc, all future pleadings should be served at the following address: Twin Lakes Enterprises, Inc, C/O Norman W. Annett, Vice President, PO Box 455,
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE as to Mineral County's Intervention Doc on Green Valley Turf Farm, upon Registered Agent, Thomas E. Williams by personal service on 12/17/00; upon Karen Coutts and Tony Coutts by personal service on 1/1/0; and Joan Dreyer by perso
STATUS REPORT on mtn to dism and add certain parties (#354) obo Intervenor, Mineral County. (m)
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to Mineral County's motion to dism and add certain parties status report (#373) obo D, WRID. (m)
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of return of service and waiver form in the matter purs to order of Crt of Mineral County's Intervention Docs" upon Tom Wiplfi on 10/20/00; upon Donald Christopher Treasurer, of Loyal Order of Moose on 12/6/00; Edward A. Andrews on
NOTICE (OTHER) of appearance by Pinenut Ranch Cattle Company. (m)
ORDER ORD at the status conf sched on 5/30/01 at 130pm (re C-125-C case) the court will issue a briefing sched re Mineral County's Amended Motion to add and dism certain parties (fld 4/30/01). mld 5/11/01
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT attachments to am mtn to add & dism certain parties (#377) obo Intervenor, Mineral Co. Nevada. (m)
ORDER (Dtd: 5/31/01) @ Status Conf re the C-125-B case hld on 5/30/01 @ 1:30PM, Crt ord that any oppositns to Mineral Co. Am Mtn to add & dism certain ptys (#377) sh be due 45 days fm todays dt; the reply by Mineral Co. she be due 15 days thereafter.
MAIL RETURNED of doc #377 to Robert Keene, rtnd to sender, refused.
ORDER ON STIPULATION parties stip that the District and any other parties filing an oppo and/or response to the Amended Mtn to add and dism sh hv to 7/30/01 to serve the oppo and/or rspn; Mineral County sh hv to 8/20/01 to srvd its reply in apt of amended
ORDER ON STIPULATION District, US Board an any other parties filing an oppo and/or rspn to the amended mtn to add and dism sh hv to and incl 8/17/01 to srvd their oppo and or rspn; Mineral County sh hv to and incl 9/7/01 to srvd its reply in spt of the am
LETTER req that the Mono County Office of the County Cnsl be placed on the mailing matrix for this case.
RESPONSE TO MOTION to Mineral County's Motion to dism and substitute proper parties (#377) obo US Board of Water Commissioners. (m)
RESPONSE TO MOTION to Mineral County's Amended Motion to add and dism certain parties (#377) obo D, WRID. (m)
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF for status conference obo D, WRID. (m)
ORDER status conf req (#387) grntd. Status conf set for 10/15/01. Cnsl hv been teleph notified.
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to req for status conference (#387) obo Intervenor, Mineral County NV. (m)
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd 10/15/01 of status conf: Crt will hear arguments on Mineral County's Amended motion to add and dismiss certain parties (Doc #377) filed 4/30/01 on 11/19/2001 at 130pm. At same time, Crt will also address the status of the 170
ORDER hrng set 11/19/01 130pm re mineral county's amend mtnt to add and dism certain parties (#377) and status conf re the parties in doc #327 is resched to 12/3/01, 130pm.
ORDER at req of Ms Bowman and with the concurrence of cnsl, the hearing that is sched on 12/3/01, 130pm re Mineral County's amended mtn to add and dism certain parties (#doc #377), filed on 4/30/01, and status conference re the parties in the 4/3/2000 ord
VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE PRO HAC VICE Michael Axline, out of state cnsl for Intervenor, Mineral County.
DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL of Treva J. Hearne, loc cnsl for out of state cnsl Michael Axline, cnsl for Intervenor, Mineral County
TRANSCRIPT re teleph status conf dtd 10/15/01 bef RAM. (C/R Margaret Griener)
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING re status conf and hrn on mineral county's amended motion to add and dismiss certain parties (#377) dtd 12/18/01: ORD mineral county's amend mtn to add and dism certain parties (#377) is granted in part and denied in part as discus
ORDER that in accord with the preceding discussion, Mineral County's Motion to add and dismiss certain parties (#377) sh be granted in part and denied in part.
TRANSCRIPT dtd 12/18/01 bef RAM. (C/R Christina M. Herbert, Bonanza Reporting, Reno)
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT return of service of process of Mineral County's Intervention Docs was made purs to the Orders of the Court and Notice in Lieu of Summons upon james Aiazzi, of Aiazzi on 9/19/00 at Aiazzi Lane, Yerington, obo Mineral County. (See d
RESPONSE TO MOTION to court order (#396) obo WRID.
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT List purs to the court order (#396) obo D, WRID.
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS and Notice of Appearance, for the Office of the Field Solicitor, US Department of the Interior, William W. Quinn, who is located at 401 W Washington St, SPC 44, Phoenix AZ 85003
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd 2/25/02 re status conf: ORD Ms Hearne sh circulate an amended caption within one week (by 3/4/02) whch sh shall either personally deliver to cnsl or sent to cnsl by fax. a courtesy copy sh be delivered to chambers as well. ORD
TRANSCRIPT dtd 2/25/02 re status conf bef RAM. (C/R Cathy Worken)
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS and notice of appearance of William W. Quinn, who is designated and substitute cnsl for Richard R. Greenfield, for the Phoenix Field Solicitor, Office of the Solicitor, US Department of the Interior.
ORDER status conf that is sched for 3/11/02, 130pm is resched for 3/20/02, 9am.
ORDER hrng set 3/20/02, 9am is vac; Cnsl for P and cnsl for WRID, along with any other cnsl who are interested sh personally confer to resolve the discrepancies raised by the WRID in its 3/18/02, letter. Such consultation sh occur w/o the next 10 days.
LETTER from Dale Fegurson to Treva Hearne dtd 3/18/02 re Mineral County Intervention
ORDER Status conf set 4/18/02 9am is rescued to 5/3/02, 9am; Joint status rpt prev due 4/12/02, sh be due 4/26/02. Courtesy cpy sh be delivered to chambers.
STATUS REPORT obo WRID and US Board of Water Commissioners.
STATUS REPORT concerning status of service on certain parties obo D, WRID.
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING re status conf: Mineral county hv 30 days in which to attept personal service on parties who have been substituted in. mineral County has 45 days in whch to file and srv its mtn for publication with supporting docs. There needs to
ORDER based upon the written submissions and oral arguments of cnsl at the 2/25/02 hearing and rulings of the Court at the 5/3/02, status conf, the court finds and orders as fols: A. The caption in this matter is hereby amended as fols: (See ord for sp
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF for order of publications (5th req) of ntc in lieu of summons for all unidentified parties who may be holders of water rights in the Walker River obo Intervenor, Mineral County Nevada. (placed in separate folder due to si
MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME that the court grant a two day leave in which to file a mtn for publication, but that the ruling or rsponse to the mtn be stayed until a decision by the Court is made on the other issue of service raised by Mineral County, in
RESPONSE TO MOTION to doc #416 obo WRID.
MOTION FOR JOINDER to doc #417 as to doc #416 obo USB of Water Commissioners.
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION to oppo to declare service complete obo Intervenor Mineral County Nevada.
RESPONSE TO MOTION to mtn for order for publication (#415) obo D, WRID.
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION in spt of mtn (#415) obo Intervenor, Mineral County Nevada
NOTICE (OTHER) of appearance of William Jac Shaw, 1590 Fourth Street, Minden NV 89423 obo Bently Family Limited Partnership.
NOTICE (OTHER) of appearance of The City of Los Angeles by and through its Department of Water and Power
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of the filing of return of service and waiver forms in this matter, purs to the court as fols: 37 srvd; Bentley Family Limited Partnership svd on 7/19/02 by personal src; Lawrence B. Masini, personal service on 7/30/02; City of
NOTICE (OTHER) of appearance of Silverado Inc, Scott H. Hackelton, 4160 Long Knife Rd, Reno NV 89509
ORDER ORD a hrng is sched for 5/27/03 @ 1:30 pm re the jnt mtn for entry of order governing mediation process (#566). Cnsl hv been notified.
NOTICE (OTHER) of appearance as to D, County of Mono, appearing in this actn represented by Cnsl Stacey Simon (m)
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF for relief from local resident counsel requirement LR 1A 10-2(c) obo D, County of Mono (w/attached recv'd VP from csnl Stacey Simon - receipt #14832)
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd 5/27/03: ORD the crt will sign the original order governing mediation process (#430). The first jnt report re mediation sh be filed on 11/21/03. A status conf re mediation sh be held on 6/12/03 @ 9:00 am; (C/R: Cathy Worken)
ORDER GOVERNING/MEDIATION: ORD every 6-months beginning on 11/21/03 the ptys sh file a jnt report with the crt re mediation. All matters except service-related matters sh be held in abeyance til December 2004 or til ruled otherwise by the Crt. (See order
MAIL RETURNED as to ord #426 sent to William Quinn (cnsl for P Mono) at US Interior Dept marked "Return to sender - not deliverable as addressed."
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING Minutes of Status Conference held 6/12/03. [C/R: Lisa Young (Bonanza)] Mtn/Relief frm Local Res Requirement obo Ms. Simon is granted.
VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE PRO HAC VICE Apprvd as to Stacey Simon, Dep Cnsl for Mono County, CA on 6/13/03.
ORDER ORD that Mineral Co' Mtn/Publication (#415) is Granted in part and Denied in part as follows: Mtn is denied as moot as to Mineral Co's request to srv unidentified ptys through publication; Mtn is denied as moot as to Mineral Co's request to srv by
MAIL RETURNED (copy)(#434) sent to:William Quinn returned w/indictn "Not Deliverable as Addressed, Unable to Forward"
NOTICE (OTHER) Joint Report of Mediating Parties. (m)
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS As to George N. Benesch to: 9432 Double R Blvd., Suite B, Reno, NV 89521-5977
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT Joint Report of Mediating Parties prsnt to Order entered on May 27, 2003.
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS as to cnsl, Cheri Emm-Smith, Mineral County DA's Office P.O. Box 1210 Hawthorne, NV 89415.
VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE PRO HAC VICE APPRVD as to Simeon M. Herskovits, Esq., out of st cnsl for Mineral Co. & the Walker Lake Working Group.
DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL APPRVD as to Cheri Emm-Smith, Esq., loc cnsl for out of st cnsl Simeon M. Herskovits, Esq., cnsl for Mineral Co. & the Walker Lake Working Group.
VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE PRO HAC VICE APPRVD as to Courtney L. Brown, Esq., out of st cnsl for Mineral Co. & the Walker Lake Working Group.
DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL APPRVD as to Cheri Emm-Smith, Esq., loc cnsl for out of st cnsl Courtney L. Brown, Esq., cnsl for Mineral Co. & the Walker Lake Working Group.
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT Jnt Rpt of Mediating Prtys.
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS as to Michael Axline, Esq., cnsl for Walker Lake Working Group and Mineral County now @ P.O. Box 1507 Taos, NM 87571 Tele # 505-751-0351 & Fax # 505-751-1775. (m)
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT (2) Substitutn of Atty's as to Courtney Brown & Simeon Herskovits in place of Treva Hearne obo Walker Lake Working Group and Mineral County.
ORDER ON MOTION TO SUBSTITUTE ATTORNEY ORD tht Walker Lake Working Group and Mineral Co. substitute Simeon Herskovits as atty of record in place & stead of Treva Hearne.
ORDER ON MOTION TO SUBSTITUTE ATTORNEY ORD tht Walker Lake Working Group and Mineral Co.substitute Courtney Brown as atty of record in place & stead of Treva Hearne.
MAIL RETURNED as to doc's (#446 & #447) snt to William Quinn, Esq., rtn'd w/indicatn, "Rtn to Sndr, Not Deliverable as Addressed".
STATUS REPORT obo Mediating parties.
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF Jnt Mtn of Mediating Prtys to Cont Stay of Litigatn in C-125-B & C-125-C. (m)
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT in supprt of Jnt Mtn of Mediating Prtys to Cont Stay of Litigatn C-125-B & C-125-C (#450). (m)
NOTICE (OTHER) of errata & flng signature as to Cheri K. Emm-Smith for both mtn & brf fld 1/18/05 obo Mediating Prtys. (m)
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn to extension of mediatn process & litigatn stay (#450) obo Attys for Landolts. (Both C-125(B) & C-125(C). (m)
RESPONSE TO MOTION to jnt mtn of mediating ptys to contin stay of litigtn in C-125-B & C-125-C subproceedngs (#450) obo Rs. (m)
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS as to George N. Benesch, Esq., cnsl for Lyon Co., et al., now @ 190 W. Huffaker Reno, NV 89511. (m)
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION Ps&As in supprt of mtn of mediating prtys to cont stay of litigatn (#450) obo D. (m)
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION brf in supprt of jnt mtn of mediating prtys to cont stay of litigatn (#450) obo Mediating Prtys. (m)
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 3/8/05; re: stat conf; CR: Kathy French; Ms Schneider infrms the crt of the ongoing efforts to updt the cert of srvc in C-125B; Jnt mtn of mediating parties to cont sty of litigation (#504) is grntd. Litigation is sty til 12/
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE re doc #454 obo Rs.
LETTER Letter/Req re mlgs sh be md to Michael W. Neville, Deputy AG @ 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Ste. #11000; San Francisco, CA 94102-7004 w/indicatn that no one in the Sacramento AG's Office has any dealings in this water case litigatn obo Deputy AG-Micha
NOTICE of Appearance and intent to participate obo George N. Bloise. (WJ, )
***Motions terminated: [418] Motion for Joinder, [25] Motion for Joinder, [29] Motion for Joinder. (BLG, )
JOINT REPORT of mediating parties by Intervenor Plaintiff Walker River Paiute Tribe, Intervenor Mineral, County Of, Plaintiff United States Of America, Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. (WJ, )
NOTICE by Intervenor Plaintiff Walker River Paiute Tribe of Substitution of Counsel (Williams, Wes) Modified on 3/6/2006 to reflect refiled correctly as motion [464] (BLG).
First MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Intervenor Plaintiff Walker River Paiute Tribe. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Williams, Wes) Modified to add notice [463] link on 3/6/2006 (BLG).
ORDER granting [464] Motion to Substitute Attorney: Ord that Wes Williams, Jr, shall be counsel of record for the Tribe; that no local counsel shall be necessary for the Tribe as Mr Williams is a mamber of the NV Bar and is a resident of Schurz, NV; and that Scott B. McElroy and Alice E. Walker, and Kelly R. Chase are excused from representation of the tribe in this matter. Signed by Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. on 3/7/06. (WJ, )
LETTER from the Western Environmental Law Center dtd 9/14/06 to RAM re a written notice of the Mineral County and Working Group withdrawal from the mediation process previously approved by the Court in the above reference proceedings. (WJ, )
NOTICE of Appearance. and Intent to Participate (Hall, Thomas)
MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Interested Party Jim Shaw. (Peterson, Karen)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on [468] MOTION to Substitute Attorney; filed by Interested Party Jim Shaw. (Peterson, Karen)
AFFIDAVIT re [468] MOTION to Substitute Attorney; Affidavit of Service by Interested Party Jim Shaw. (Peterson, Karen)
***Staff notes: MAGISTRATE JUDGE McQUAID has just been added to sub-file per ECR/Chamber as this is a sub file of In Equity C-125-ECR-RAM - 3:73-CV-128. [468] has just been referred to RAM (BLG)
ORDER granting [468] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Attorney Karen A Peterson for U.S. Board of Water Commissioners substituted for Attorney Linda A. Bowman. Signed by Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. on 9/25/07. (Copies have been distributed pursuantto the NEF - JC)
**NON-PUBLIC** Attorney update in case: Attorney Karen A Peterson for U.S. Water Commissioner's Board added. Attorney Linda A. Bowman terminated. (JC)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable addressed to James A Schumacher. (KL)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [471] Order on Motion to Substitute Attorney, addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed. (KL)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [471] Order on Motion to Substitute Attorney, addressed to Stuart L. Somach. (KL)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr., on 4/16/2008. By Deputy Clerk: Jennifer Cotter. Status Conference set for 7/25/2008 at 1:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall call 1-800-215-8233 approximately ten (10) minutes prior to the hearing and enter the identification number 44201508. **Note: Status Conference set during hearing in different case. Ref Docket #1322 in Case 3:73-cv-0127-ECR-RAM.** (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [475] Minute Order, addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed, 123 West Nye Lane, Carson City, NV 89710. (DRM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable ("Not Known, Unable to Forward") re [475] Minute Order Setting Hearing, addressed to Stuart L. Somach, DeCuir & Somach, 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 1900, Sacramento, CA 95814. (PM)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 7/25/2008 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr. Crtrm Administrator: Jennifer Cotter; Counsel: See attached minutes; Court Reporter: Cathy Worken; Time of Hearing: 1:30 p.m.; Courtroom: 2. Proposed Report re Service due by 8/29/2008. Responses due by 10/20/2008. Reply brief due by 11/20/2008. Next Status Conference set for 12/3/2008 at 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall call 1-800-215-8233 approximately ten (10) minutes prior to the hearing and enter the identification number 58127510. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
STATUS REPORT by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit Exhibits E1-E4, # (7) Exhibit Exhibit E5 part1 of 2, # (8) Exhibit Exhibit E5 part 2 of 2, # (9) Exhibit Exhibits E6-E10, # (10) Exhibit Exhibits E11-E16, # (11) Exhibit Exhibits E17-E21, # (12) Exhibit Exhibit E22 part 1 of 2, # (13) Exhibit Exhibit E22 part 2 of 2, # (14) Exhibit Exhibits E23-E29, # (15) Exhibit Exhibit E30, # (16) Exhibit Exhibits E31-E40, # (17) Exhibit Exhibits E41 - E45, # (18) Exhibit Exhibits E46 - E52, # (19) Exhibit Exhibits E53 - E54, # (20) Exhibit Exhibits E55 - E57, # (21) Exhibit Exhibits E58 - E63, # (22) Exhibit Exhibits E64 - E72, # (23) Exhibit Exhibits E73, # (24) Exhibit Exhibit E74 part 1 of 8, # (25) Exhibit Exhibit E74 part 2 of 8, # (26) Exhibit Exhibit E74 part 3 of 8, # (27) Exhibit Exhibit E74 part 4 of 8, # (28) Exhibit Exhibit E74 part 5of 8, # (29) Exhibit Exhibit E74 part 6 of 8, # (30) Exhibit Exhibit E74 part 7 of 8, # (31) Exhibit Exhibit E74 part 8 of 8, # (32) Exhibit Exhibits E75 - E82, # (33) Exhibit Exhibits E83 - E85, # (34) Exhibit Exhibits E86 - E91, # (35) Exhibit Exhibits E92 - E95, # (36) Exhibit Exhibits E96, # (37) Exhibit Exhibits E97 - E103, # (38) Exhibit Exhibits E104 - E109, # (39) Exhibit Exhibits E110 - E111, # (40) Exhibit Exhibit E112 part 1 of 3, # (41) Exhibit Exhibit E112 part 2 of 3, # (42) Exhibit Exhibit E112 part 3 of 3, # (43) Exhibit Exhibit E113)(Herskovits, Simeon)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on [479] Status Report,,,,,, ; filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Attachment A to MC Proposed Service Order, # (2) Proposed Order Attachment B to MC Proposed Service Order, # (3)Proposed Order Attachment C to MC Proposed Service Order)(Herskovits, Simeon)
NOTICE of Change of Address by Simeon M Herskovits. (Herskovits, Simeon)
MOTION to Extend Time regarding discovery/non dispositive matter Unopposed Motion for Enlargement of Time (First Request) by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. Motion ripe 10/15/2008. (Ferguson, Dale)
ORDER granting [482] Unopposed Motion for Enlargement of Time. All responses to the Service Report shall be filed and served on or before November 21, 2008, and Mineral County shall have to and including December 22, 2008, to file and serve any reply in support of the Service Report. Signed by Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr. on 10/15/2008. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - HJ)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [483] Order on Motion to Extend Time addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed @ Nevada Water Resources Division, 123 West Nye Lane, Carson City, NV 89740. (KO)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [483] Order, addressed to Stuart L. Somach, DeCuir & Somach, 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 1900, Sacramento, CA 95814. (PM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable ("Attempted-Not Known") re [483] Order on Motion to Extend Time regarding Discovery/Non Dispositive matter, addressed to Michael D. Hoy, Bible Hoy & Trachok, 201 West Liberty Street, Third Floor, Reno, NV 89511. (PM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable ("Not Deliverable As Addressed") re [483] Order on Motion to Extend Time regarding Discovery/Non Dispositive matter, addressed to Weaver Revocable Trust Agreement, William M. Jr. & Rosemary F. Weaver, 510 Hwy 338, Wellington, NV 89444. (PM)
RESPONSE to Mineral County's Service Report filed by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. (Ferguson, Dale)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 12/3/2008 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr. Crtrm Administrator: Jennifer Cotter; Pla Counsel: See attached; Def Counsel: See attached; Court Reporter: Donna Davidson; Time of Hearing: 10:05 a.m. - 11:07 a.m.; Courtroom: 2. Mr. Herskovits to submit a proposed order with respect to extension of time to file reply in support of [479] Service Report. Next Status Conference set for 3/30/2009 at 1:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall call 1-800-215-8233 approximately ten (10) minutes prior to the hearing and enter the identification number 76812033. Please see attached for details. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on [478] Status Conference,,,, Set/Reset Deadlines & Hearings,,, [483] Order on Motion to Extend Time regarding Discovery/Non Dispositive matter, ; filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Herskovits, Simeon)
ORDER GRANTING MINERAL COUNTY'S UNOPPOSED [490] MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME : Mineral County's Reply to [488] Response re [479] Service Report due by 1/23/2009. After this reply has been filed the Court shall set a date for oral argument on the status of service. Signed by Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr on 12/5/2008. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [489] Status Conference, addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed. (KL)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [489] Status Conference, addressed to Stuart L. Somach. (KL)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [491] Order, addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed. (KL)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable ("No Such Number; Unable To Forward") re [491] Order, addressed to Stuart L. Somach, DeCuir & Somach, 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 1900, Sacramento, CA 95814. (PM)
REPLY to [479] Status Report,,,,,, [478] Status Conference,,,, Set/Reset Deadlines & Hearings,,, [488] Response - Other ; Reply to WRID's Response to Mineral County's Service Report filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit E-74, # (8) Exhibit E-104)(Herskovits, Simeon)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr., on 2/2/2009. By Deputy Clerk: Jennifer Cotter. IT IS ORDERED that the [480] Proposed Order Submission will also be considered at the Status Conference currently scheduled for Monday, 3/30/2009, at 1:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr., on 3/10/2009. By Deputy Clerk: Jennifer Cotter. IT IS ORDERED that the Status Conference and Hearing re [480] Proposed Order Submission currently set for Monday, March 30, 2009 at 1:30 PM is RESCHEDULED for Monday, 5/4/2009, at 1:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall call 1-800-215-8233 approximately ten(10) minutes prior to the hearing and enter the identification number 76812033.(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr, on 3/12/2009. With good cause appearing, the Honorable Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr. recuses himself in this action. IT IS ORDERED that this action is referred to the Clerk for random reassignment of this case for all further proceedings. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - BLG)
***Staff notes: E-Mail to LV/QC for Reassignment of USMJ. (Both RAM/VPC - Recused). (BLG)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Roger L. Hunt, on 3/12/2009. By Deputy Clerk: Michael Zadina. IT IS ORDERED that this case is reassigned to Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt for all further proceedings as magistrate judge. All further documents must bear the correct case number 3:73-cv-00128-ECR-LRL. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MJZ)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable ("Not Deliverable As Addressed") re [498] Minute Order Setting Hearing, addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed, Nevada Water Resources Division, 123 West Nye Lane, Carson City, NV 89710. (PM)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr., on 3/13/2009. By Deputy Clerk: Jennifer Cotter. The Honorable Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr., having recused himself in this action, IT IS ORDERED that the status conference currently set for Monday, May 4, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. is hereby VACATED. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
**NON-PUBLIC** Deadlines/Hearings terminated re hearing set 5/4/09 1:30pm vacated per order [501. (WJ)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable - Not at this address - re [498] Minute Order addressed to Stuart L. Somach. (KO)
***Staff notes: Returned phone calls to Scott Shackelton regarding his concerns about his name being on the mailing list. Called him on 3/17/09 8am and no answer and today 3/31/09 3pm and left message on voice mail to return my call. Docketing section on 3/17/09 requested I talk with Shackelton regarding this matter. (WJ)
MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. Motion ripe 5/13/2010. (Herskovits, Simeon)
ORDER APPROVING [504] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Plaintiff-Intervenor, Mineral County, hereby substitutes Simeon Herskovits as Attorney of Record in place and stead of Cheri K. Emm-Smith and designates Cheri K. Emm-Smith as the licensed Nevada attorney maintaining an office in Nevada registered to receive papers, process, and pleadings. Signed by Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt on 05/14/2010. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MLC)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable (Not Deliverable as Addressed) re [505] Order on Motion to Substitute Attorney, addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed at Nevada Water Resources Division, 123 West Nye Lane, Carson City, NV 89710. (KO)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [505] Order, addressed to Stuart L. Somach. (DRM)
Joint MOTION To Set A Status Conference by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. Responses due by 8/16/2010. (Herskovits, Simeon)
RESPONSE to filed by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. WRID's Response to Joint Motion to Set Status Conference on Pending Issues Replies due by 8/19/2010. (De Paoli, Gordon)
REPLY to Response to [508] Joint MOTION To Set A Status Conference ; filed by Plaintiff United States Of America. Joint Reply of Plaintiff Parties to WRID's Response to Joint Motion to Set Status Conference on Pending Issues (Schneider, Susan)
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Don Springmeyer on behalf of Interested Party National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. (Springmeyer, Don)
ORDER. IT IS ORDERED that the Joint Motion [508]. [1591 in 73-127] is GRANTED. A telephonic status conference is scheduled for Tuesday, 10/19/2010 1:30 PM. Counsel are directed to all into the "meet-me-line" 702-464-5625 five minutes prior to the hearing. The United States shall consult with the other plaintiff parties and primary defendants to prepare a proposed agenda for the conference no later than 10/08/2010.(Telephonic Status Conference set for 10/19/2010 01:30 PM before Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt.) Signed by Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt on 09/20/2010. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MLC)
NOTICE of Change of Address by Susan L. Schneider. (Schneider, Susan)
RESPONSE United States of America's List of Proposed Agenda Items for the Status Conference Scheduled for October 19, 2010 filed by Plaintiff United States Of America. (Schneider, Susan)
STIPULATION Stip & Order Concerning time for Submission of Proposed Orders and Memoranda Related to Objections Thereto by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. (De Paoli, Gordon)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Concerning Service Issues Pertaining to Defendants Who Have Been Served, # (2) Exhibit Form of Joint Motion for Substitution in C-125-B, # (3) Exhibit Form of Joint Motion for Substitution in C-125-C, # (4) Exhibit Disclaimer of Interest in C-125-C)(Herskovits, Simeon)
STIPULATION and Order Concerning Filing Deadlines for Submission of Responses/Objections and Replies Regarding Proposed Service Cut-Off and Successor-In-Interest Orders by Plaintiff United States Of America. (Schneider, Susan)
ORDER ON [515] Stipulation. Pursuant to the agreement between the parties the following is HEREBY ORDERED: (1) The United States shall lodge the Service of Cut-Off Order in Subproceedings C-125-B with the Court on or before November 30, 2010; (2) The United States and Mineral County shall lodge the Successor-in-Interest Order in both Subproceeding C-125-C on November 30, 2010; and (3) The parties shall file memoranda related to objections, if any, to either or both such proposed orders on or before December 17, 2010. Signed by Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt on 12/15/2010. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
ORDER ON [517] Stipulation. Pursuant to the agreement between the Walker River Tribe, Mineral County and th Walker River Irrigation District, the following is HEREBY ORDERED: (1) The deadline for parties to file memoranda related to objections, if any, to either or both proposed orders is changed from on or before December 17, 2010, to on or before December 31, 2010; (2) Following the filing of any objections, the Plaintiff Parties and Primary Defendants in both cases shall confer before thePlaintiff Parties reply to these objections, to determine, among other things, if the parties can agree on proposed language or if there are other additional procedures and forms that may assist with these issues; (3) The Plaintiff's Parties shall file any replies, including any revisions to proposed orders, on or before January 27, 2011. Signed by Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt on 12/15/2010. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
Second UNOPPOSED MOTION Extension of time Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Memoranda Related to Objections to Proposed Service Cutoff and Successor-In-Interest Orders and to Adjust Remaining Schedule Accordingly (2nd Request) byDefendant Walker River Irrigation District. Motion ripe 12/28/2010. (De Paoli, Gordon)
ORDER GRANTING [520] Unopposed Motion. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the parties shall have an extension of time to file memoranda related to objections, if any, to the proposed service cutoff and successor-in-interest orders to January 7, 2011, and Plaintiff Parties shall then have to or before February 3, 2011, in which to file any replies, including any revisions to the proposed orders. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 12/28/2010. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 12/28/2010. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable ("Not Deliverable As Address") re [521] Order on Unopposed Motion, addressed to Stuart L. Somach, DeCuir & Somach, 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 1900, Sacramento, CA 95814. (PM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [521] Order, addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed. (DRM)
RESPONSE to filed by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. WRID's Objections to [516] Proposed Order Concerning Service Issues Pertaining to Defendants Who Have Been Served and to Proposed Order Concerning Service Cut-Off Date Replies due by 1/17/2011. (De Paoli, Gordon) Modified on 1/10/2011 add link to proposed order. (WJ).
JOINDER to [523] Response to [516] proposed order Motion, ; filed by Special Master U.S. Board of Water Commissioners. (Peterson, Karen) Modified on 1/10/2011 add link to proposed order. (WJ). Modified on 7/11/2023 (AF).
JOINDER to [523] Response to [516] proposed order Motion, ; filed by Defendants Mica Farms, LLC, Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC (Schroeder, Laura) Modified on 1/10/2011 add link to proposed order. (WJ).
Unopposed MOTION to Extend Time regarding discovery/nondispositive matter TO FILE REPLIES TO MEMORANDA RELATED TO OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED SERVICE CUTOFF AND SUCCESSOR-IN-INTEREST ORDERS by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. Motion ripe 1/28/2011. (Herskovits, Simeon)
ORDER GRANTING [527] Unopposed Motion to Extend Time to File Replies to Memoranda Related to Objections to Proposed Service Cutoff and Successor-In-Interest Orders. Plaintiff Parties shall file any replies, including any revisions to the proposed orders, before 02/11/2011. (Notice of Compliance is due by 2/11/2011.) Signed by Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt on 1/31/2011. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MLC)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [528] Order addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed. (DRM)
Second MOTION Plaintiff Parties' Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Replies to Memoranda Related to Objections to Proposed Service Cutoff and Successor-In-Interest Order by Plaintiff United States Of America. Responses due by2/26/2011. (Schneider, Susan)
ORDER granting [530] Second Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time: The time for Plaintiff Parties to file any replies, including any revisions to the proposed orders, to on or before February 23, 2011. Signed by Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt on 2/10/2011. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
**NON-PUBLIC** Set/Reset Deadlines: Replies due by 2/23/2011. Per [531] Order. (DRM)
STIPULATION for Substitution of Resident Counsel by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Herskovits, Simeon)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [531] Order addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed. (MLC)
ORDER ON [532] STIPULATION Attorney Sean A. Rowe for Plaintiff-Intervenor Mineral County in the place and stead of Attorney Cheri K Emm-Smith. Signed by Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt on 2/17/2011. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
BRIEF filed by Plaintiff United States Of America. Reply to Walker River Irrigation District's Objections to Proposed Order Concerning Service Issues Pertaining to Defendants Who Have Been Served (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order, # (2) Attachment A, # (3) Attachment B, # (4) Attachment C)(Schneider, Susan)
MOTION FOR HEARING - NOTICE by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District Request for Oral Argument (De Paoli, Gordon) Modified on 4/5/2011 to activate motion status. (BLG).
JOINDER to [536] MOTION for Hearing ; Walker River Irrigation District's Request for Oral Argument Concerning Service Issues filed by Defendants Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC, Mica Farms, LLC. (Schroeder, Laura)
RESPONSE to [536] MOTION for Hearing, filed by Plaintiff United States Of America. Response of the United States of America and the Walker River Paiute Tribe to the Request of Walker River Irrigation for Oral Argument Concerning Service Issues Replies due by 4/28/2011. (Schneider, Susan)
NOTICE of Change of Address by Susan L. Schneider. For Catherine Wilson of the BIA (Schneider, Susan)
ORDER APPROVING [535]-1 Revised Proposed Order Concerning Service Issues Pertaining to Defendants Who Have Been Served. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt on 8/24/2011. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - PM)
***Staff notes: Notified by Holland & Hart that Timothy A. Lucus, Esq. should not be on the distribution list for this case and requested his name be removed. QC has terminated distribution. (BLG)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [540] Order addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed. (DRM) (DRM). Modified on 8/31/2011 to reflect NEF regenerated to effect service of correct image to attys of record (DRM).
***Staff notes: Telephone call from Susan Bentley (916-446-7979 obo attorney Somach. She believes Order #339 granted removal of Somach from service list. Image #339 not currently available. Query to LV fileroom to see if can confirm info and subsequently remove atty Somach f service list. (DRM)
***Staff notes: Turned off Notice for atty Stuart Somach (on Distribution Only list) per telephone call from Sussan Bentley (916-446-7979) stating that Order #339 and Entry of Order #349 substituted him out of the case. Attempt to locate original docs in paper file in LV unsuccessful. (DRM)
AMENDED ORDER Concerning Service Issues Pertaining to Defendants Who Have Been Served, re [540] Order. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt on 9/6/2011. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - PM)
OBJECTION WRID's Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge With Respect to Revised Proposed Orders and Amended Orders Concerning Service Issues Pertaining to Defendants Who Have Been Served filed by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. (De Paoli, Gordon)
OBJECTION WRID's Points & Authorities in Support of Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge filed by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit, # (2) Exhibit)(De Paoli, Gordon)
JOINDER to [543] Objection to Document, [544] Objection to Document ; Joinder to Walker River Irrigation District's Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge with Respect to Revised Proposed Orders and Amended Orders Concerning Service Issues Pertaining to Defendants Who Have Been Served, and Points and Authorities in Support. filed by Defendants Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC, Mica Farms, LLC. (Schroeder, Laura)
UNOPPOSED MOTION extension of time to file response by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. Motion ripe 9/23/2011. (Herskovits, Simeon)
**NON-PUBLIC** Motions No Longer Referred: [546] UNOPPOSED MOTION extension of time to file response (CAP)
ORDERED that the caption submitted as Exhibit C to Mineral County's Service Report (#[479]) is hereby approved as accurate and valid. FURTHER ORD that Mineral County's requests to dismiss parties as set forth in its Service Report (#[479])and in Exhibits 1 and 2 of Mineral County's Reply (#[496]) are hereby granted. FURTHER ORD that the corrections to the captions reflected in Exhibit 3 of Mineral County's Reply (#[496]) are hereby approved. FURTHER ORD that Mineral County's requests to substitute parties as set forth in its Service Report (#[479]) and in Exhibits 1 and 4 of its Reply (#P496]) are hereby granted. FURTHER ORD that service on other parties as requested in Mineral County's Service Report (#[479]) and Exhibit 5 of its Reply (#[496]) is hereby ratified. FURTHER ORD that the parties who remain to be served are those set forth in Exhibit 6 of Mineral County's Reply (#[496]); and that said parties shall be served without unnecessary delay. FURTHER ORD that Mineral County shall not be required to make further service on parties who have already been validly served, and for whom the court has already ratified service. FURTHER ORD that for the purposes of this litigation the estate and successors-in-interest of a deceased party bear the burden of filing and serving a Notice of Death pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(a) in the event of a party's death. Signed by Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt on 9/27/2011. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt, on 9/28/2011. RE: [547] Order : In view of the caption changes ordered in this court's order (#[547]) filed yesterday, and in the interest of assisting the docket clerks of this court, the court requests counsel for Mineral County to provide to the docket clerk directions on how the docket sheet is to be updated in light of the corrections to the caption mandated by the order. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
ORDER granting [546] Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to Walker River Irrigation District's [543], [544] Objections : Plaintiff Parties' Response due by 12/2/2011. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 9/28/2011. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable ("not deliverable as addressed") re [549] Order on Unopposed Motion,,,, Set/Reset Deadlines, addressed to Gary A. Sheerin, 177 Proctor Street Suite B, Carson City, NV 89703. (KO)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable (moved) re [547] Order, addressed to R. Michael Turnipseed, at Nevada Water Resources Division, 123 West Nye Lane, Carson City, NV 89706. (KO)
OBJECTION WRID's Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge With Respect to September 27, 2011 Order Concerning Service Issues filed by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. (De Paoli, Gordon)
OBJECTION WRID's Points & Authorities in Support of Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge With Respect to September 27, 2011 Order Concerning Service Issues filed by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit, # (2) Exhibit)(De Paoli, Gordon)
JOINDER to [552] Objection to Document, [553] Objection to Document, ; Joinder by Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC, et al. to Walker River Irrigation District's Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge with Respect to September 27, 2011 Order Concerning Service Issues, and Points and Authorities. filed by Defendants Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC, Mica Farms, LLC. (Schroeder, Laura)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Robert C. Jones, on 10/25/2011. IT IS ORDERED that this case is reassigned to Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr for all further proceedings. Magistrate Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt no longer assigned to case. All further documents must bear the correct case number 3:73-cv-00128-ECR-RAM. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AF)
UNOPPOSED MOTION extension of time to file response to WRID's Objections by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. Motion ripe 10/27/2011. (Herskovits, Simeon)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [555] Order, addressed to Courtney Brown, PO Box 1507, Taos, NM. (DRM)
ORDER GRANTING [556] Unopposed Motion For Extension of Time to File Response to WRID's [552] Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge With Respect to 9/27/2011 Order Concerning Service Issues. Mineral County shall file its response to WRID's objections on or before 12/2/2011. (Responses due by 12/2/2011.) Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 11/4/2011. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MLC)
***Staff notes: (#1032) filed on 9/14/11 in Master Case 3:73-cv-183. Attorneys Mary Hackenbracht and John Kramer were removed and case will be handled by Michael Neville, w/Dept. of Justice. QC received call from Joan Randoff with AG regarding this matter and has terminated Hackenbracht & Kramer, based on this information. (BLG)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Robert C. Jones, on 11/22/2011. IT IS ORDERED that this case is reassigned to Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb for all further pretrial proceedings within his jurisdiction. Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr. no longer assigned to case. All further documents must bear the correct case number 3:73-cv-00128-ECR-WGC. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - BLG)
NOTICE of Change of Address for defendant, State of Nevada, by Alan Biaggi, Director of Department of Conservation and Natural Resources,901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 1003, Carson City, NV. 89701. Phone: 775-684-2700. Fax: 775-684-2715. (MLC)
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages by Plaintiff United States Of America. Motion ripe 11/30/2011. (Schneider, Susan)
ORDER GRANTING [561] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 12/1/2011. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - PM)
RESPONSE to WRID Objections to Order of Sept 27, 2011 filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Herskovits, Simeon)
RESPONSE In Opposition to the Walker River Irrigation District's Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge with Respect to Revised Proposed Orders and Amended Orders Concerning Service Issues Pertaining to Defendants Who Have Been Served filed by Plaintiff United States Of America. (Schneider, Susan)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable 'Vacant, Unable to Forward' re [559] Order, addressed to Courtney Brown. (DRM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [562] Order, addressed to Courtney Brown. (DRM)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 12/23/2011. By Deputy Clerk: Jennifer Cotter.
Joint Report by "principal parties" due January 20, 2012. Objections / Supplementary Report due January 30, 2012. Status Conference set for 2/6/2012 at 1:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Please see attached for further specifics. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
NOTICE by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District WRID's Request for Oral Argument Concerning Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge (De Paoli, Gordon)
NOTICE by Plaintiff United States Of America Response to the Request of Walker River Irrigation For Oral Argument Concerning Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge (Schneider, Susan)
STIPULATION Stipulation and (Proposed) Order Concerning Submission of Reports to Magistrate Judge by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. (De Paoli, Gordon)
1. On or before January 23, 2012, the Principal Plaintiff Parties and the Principal Defendant Parties shall each prepare and file separate Joint Reports covering the topics set forth in the Minute Order (#[567] herein).
2. To the extent they deem it necessary to supplement the content of the Principal Defendant Parties' Joint Report, the Nevada Department of Wildlife, the California State Agencies, Mono County, California and Lyon County, Nevada may each also file a separate Supplementary Report on or before January 30, 2012.
3. In light of the foregoing, the parties to this Stipulation request that the Court also issue a minute order which makes it clear whether any party not participating in one of the Joint Reports may object to any content of either or both Joint Reports by filing a separate Supplementary Report on or before January 30, 2012. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 1/10/2012. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 1/10/2012. RE: #[571] Order on [570] Stipulation : In accordance with paragraph 3 (p. 3) of the Stipulation (Doc. #[570]), the court will allow any party to file any objections to another party's report on or before January 30, 2012. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr, on 1/11/2012. A hearing on the Walker River Irrigation District's Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge with Respect to Revised Proposed Orders and Amended Orders Concerning Service Issues Pertaining to Defendants Who Have Been Served (3:73-cv-127 ##1652, 1653, 3:73-cv-128 ##[543], [544]) and the Walker River Irrigation District's Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge With Respect to Proposed Order Concerning Service Cut-off Date (3:73-cv-127 ## 1663, 1664) is set for February 21, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. . Walker River Irrigation District's Request for Oral Argument Concerning Objections to Rulings of Magistrate Judge (#1676)(in case 3:73-cv-127) is hereby GRANTED. Each side shall be allowed 1 hour for presentation of oral argument. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [571], [572] Orders, addressed to Courtney Brown. (DRM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [573] Order, addressed to Courtney Brown. (DRM)
STATUS REPORT Joint Report of Certain Defendant Parties (filed by WRID) by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. (De Paoli, Gordon)
STATUS REPORT Plaintiff Parties' Status Report by Plaintiff United States Of America. (Schneider, Susan)
**NON-PUBLIC** Motions terminated: [536] MOTION for Hearing filed by Walker River Irrigation District. See [573] Order. (BLG)
NOTICE To Remove From Mailing List, filed by Todd A. Plimpton, Esq., of the law firm of Berlanger & Plimpton. ( Attachments: # (1) Cover letter )(DRM)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr, on 2/1/2012. By Deputy Clerk: Colleen Larsen. IT IS ORDERED that the Order entered yesterday in 3:73-cv-127 (C-125-B) [1686], is amended to reflect that 3:73-cv-128 (CV-125-C) isalso hereby referred to Chief Judge Robert C. Jones for the limited purpose of hearing the [1652] objections to ruling of the Magistrate Judge with respect to revised proposed orders and amended orders concerning service issues pertaining to defendants who have been served, [1653] points and authorities in support of the objections, and [1654] joinder by counter defendants Circle Bar N Ranch filed in 3:73-cv-127, together with the objections [543] and [544], and the [545] joinder filed in 3:73-cv-128, scheduled on Tuesday, 2/21/2012, at 10:00 AM and to enter any appropriate orders therein.(Miscellaneous Hearing set for 2/21/2012 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 6 before Chief Judge Robert C. Jones.) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MLC)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 2/6/2012 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Jennifer Cotter; Counsel Present: Susan Schneider, Simeon Herskovits, Wes Williams, Jr., Karen Peterson, Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Therese Ure, Marta Adams, and George Benesch; Counsel Appearing by Telephone: Laura Schroeder, Stacey Simon, Chris Watson, and Michael Neville; Court Reporter: Donna Davidson; Time of Hearing: 1:35 p.m. - 2:53 p.m.; Courtroom: 2.
Status Conference re notification protocol and other service issues set for Tuesday, 3/13/2012, at 1:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall dial 1-888-273-3658, enter the access code 5820561, and enter the security code 31312, approximately ten (10) minutes prior to the hearing.
Please see attached for further details.
(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable ("vacant") re [579] Minute Order, addressed to Courtney Brown @ PO Box 1507, Taos, NM 87571. (KO)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Oral Argument held on 2/21/2012 before Chief Judge Robert C. Jones. Crtrm Administrator:
Lesa Ettinger; Court Reporter/FTR #:
Margaret Griener; Time of Hearing:
10:28 a.m. - 12:24 p.m.; Courtroom:
Court convenes at 10:28 a.m. Appearances are noted on the record.
Preliminarily, Chief Judge Jones advises the parties that the Honorable Judge Reed referred this matter to him for the limited purpose of hearing oral arguments on the objections.
Mr. De Paoli speaks to the current posture of the cases. The Court then makes inquiry and hears arguments of counsel with respect to the following:
Case number 03:73-CV-127 (C-125-B)
(1652) Objections to ruling of Magistrate Judge with respect to revised proposed orders and amended orders concerning service issues pertaining to defendants who have been served;
(1653) Points and Authorities in support of the objections;
(1654) Joinder by counter defendant Circle Bar N Ranch;
Case number 03:73-CV-128 (CV-125-C)
[543] Objections to ruling of Magistrate Judge with respect to revised proposed orders and amended orders concerning service issues pertaining to defendants who have been served;
[544] Points and Authorities in support of the objections;
[545] Joinder by counter defendant Circle Bar N Ranch;
This hearing having been concluded, the matter is referred to the Honorable Judge Reed for his consideration.
Court adjourns at 12:24 p.m.
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - LE)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 3/2/2012. The matters #s 1691, 1692, 1694, 1693, 1695 (in case 3:73-cv-00127-ECR -WGC) will be addressed at the next status conference set for March 13, 2012. (Copieshave been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
NOTICE by Intervenor Mineral, County Of re [580] Status Conference,,,,. Notice of Outstanding Objections to Service Report Order (Herskovits, Simeon)
STATUS REPORT United States of America's List of Proposed Agenda Items for the Status Conference Scheduled for March 13, 2012 by Plaintiff United States Of America. (Schneider, Susan)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable ("attempted not known, unable to forward") re [582] Minute Order, addressed to Courtney Brown @ PO Box 1507, Taos, NM 87571. (KO)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 3/13/2012 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Jennifer Cotter; Counsel Present: Susan Schneider, Wes Williams, Jr., Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Nico DePaoli,George Benesch, and Therese Ure; Counsel Appearing by Telephone: Marta Adams, Karen Peterson, Simeon Herskovits, Michael Neville, and Stacey Simon; Court Reporter: Donna Davidson; Time of Hearing: 1:33 p.m. - 3:16 p.m.; Courtroom: 2.
Discussion regarding [1697] (3:73-cv-127) Agenda Items. IT IS ORDERED that a Status Conference is set for Wednesday, 5/9/2012, at 1:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall dial 1-888-273-3658, enter the access code 5820561, and enter the security code 5912 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. Please see attached minutes for details. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC) (JC).
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings, [587] Status Conference, held on 3/13/12, before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Donna Davidson, 775-329-0132. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through theCourt Reporter/Transcriber using the court's "Transcript Order" form available on our website before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 4/13/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 4/23/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 6/21/2012. (DD)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER filed by Plaintiff United States Of America SUBMISSION OF ALTERNATIVE PROPOSED ORDERS REGARDING CERTAIN ISSUES ADDRESSED AT THE STATUS CONFERENCE OF MARCH 13, 2012. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Version A, # (2) Proposed Order Version B)(Schneider, Susan)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 4/16/2012. RE: [589] Proposed Order Submission : The Court will embrace Version B with the modification as noted. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
ORDER REGARDING CERTAIN ISSUES ADDRESSED AT THE STATUS CONFERENCE OF MARCH 13, 2012. ( Ref. [590] Order. ) Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 4/16/2012. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
ORDERED that WRID's objections to the Successor-in-Interest Order (B-##1652, 1653; C-##[543], [544]) and WRID's objections to the Service Cut-off Order (B-#1663, 1664) are OVERRULED. WRID's objections to the 9/27/11 Order (C-##[552],[553]) are GRANTED IN PART AND OVERRULED IN PART; granted with respect to the Magistrate Judge's dismissal of Michael Sherlock as a defendant, and overruled with respect to all other issues in the 9/27/11 Order. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 4/23/2012. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 5/9/2012 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel Present: Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Therese Ure, and George Benesch; Counsel Appearing Telephonically: Susan Schneider, Wes Williams, Jr. Marta Adams, Karen Peterson, Simeon Herskovits, Stacey Simon, and Michael Neville, Christopher Mixon, Chris Watson, Karen Peterson, Jim Shaw and Stacy Simon; Court Reporter: Kathy French; Time of Hearing: 1:35:02 PM - 3:20:05 PM; Courtroom: 2. Discussion regarding [593] agenda items. IT IS ORDERED that a Status Conference is set for Thursday, August 2, 2012, at 10:00 A.M. in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall dial 1-888-273-3658, enter the access code 5820561, and enter the security code 8212 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. Please see attached for further details. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
STATUS REPORT Report Concerning Status and Completion of Service by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Persons and Entities That Remain to be Served, # (2) Exhibit B - Current Caption, # (3) Exhibit C - Service Package)(Herskovits, Simeon)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on [595] Status Report, ; filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of Proposed Order Relating to Completion of Service. (Attachments: # (1) Supplement Attachment A Final Rule 4 Service List, # (2) Supplement Attachment B - Current Caption, # (3) Supplement Attachment C - Notice in Lieu of Summons, # (4) Supplement Attachment D - Notice of Appearance, # (5) Supplement Attachment E - Disclaimer of Interest Form, # (6) Supplement Attachment F - Joint Motion for Substitution Form, # (7) Supplement Attachment G -Statement Noting Death Form, # (8) Supplement Attachment H - Notice of Lawsuit and Request for Waiver of Personal Service of Notice in Lieu of Summons, # (9) Supplement Attachment I - Waiver of Personal Service of Notice in Lieu of Summons)(Herskovits, Simeon)
ERRATA to [596] Proposed Order Submission,,, ; Corrected Attachment E filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Errata Disclaimer of Interest Form)(Herskovits, Simeon)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr, on 6/20/2012. This case is referred to Chief Judge Robert C. Jones for reassignment. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
***Staff notes: Reflect conflict on WGC Recusal Report. WGC will keep case. (BLG)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Robert C. Jones, on 6/27/2012. IT IS ORDERED that this case is reassigned to Chief Judge Robert C. Jones for all further proceedings. Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr. no longer assigned to case. All further documents must bear the correct case number 3:73-cv-128-RCJ-WGC. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - BLG)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable ("RTS-Not Deliverable as Addressed-UTF") re [599] Reassign Judge Minute Order, addressed to Courtney Brown, PO Box 1507, Taos, NM 87571. (PM)
RESPONSE WRID's Comments on Mineral County's Report Concerning Status and Completion of Service and Related Service Package filed by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. (De Paoli, Gordon)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 8/1/2012. By Deputy Clerk: Katie Lynn Ogden. As a preliminary discussion item for the Thursday, August 2, 2012, status conference, the Court would like to propose that one of the parties be responsible for preparing draft minutes of the topics discussed at the conference. Please see the attached minute order for further specifics regarding this proposal. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
REPLY to [601] Response - Other ; Reply to Walker River Irrigation District's Comments on Mineral County's Report Concerning Status and Completion of Service and Related Service Package filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Modified Proposed Order - Redline, # (2) Proposed Order Modified Proposed Order - Clean, # (3) Supplement Attachment A - Final Rule 4 Service List, # (4) Supplement Modified Attachment B - Caption - Redline, # (5) Supplement Modified Attachment B - Caption - Clean, # (6) Supplement Modified Attachment C - Notice in Lieu of Summons - Redline, # (7) Supplement Modified Attachment C - Notice in Lieu of Summons - Clean, # (8) Supplement Modified Attachment D - Notice of Appearance - Redline, # (9) Supplement Modified Attachment D - Notice of Appearance - Clean, # (10) Supplement Modified Attachment E - Disclaimer of Interest - Redline, # (11) Supplement Modified Attachment E - Disclaimer of Interest - Clean, # (12) Supplement Modified Attachment F - Joint Motion for Substitution - Redline, # (13) Supplement Modified Attachment F - Joint Motion for Substitution - Clean, # (14) Supplement Modified Attachment G - Statement Noting Death - Redline, # (15) Supplement Modified Attachment G - Statement Noting Death - Clean, # (16) Supplement Modified Attachment H - Notice of Lawsuit and Request for Waiver - Redline, # (17) Supplement Modified Attachment H - Notice of Lawsuit and Request for Waiver - Clean, # (18) Supplement Modified Attachment I - Waiver of Personal Service - Redline, # (19) Supplement Modified Attachment I - Waiver of Personal Service - Clean)(Herskovits, Simeon)
Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 8/2/12.
(Attachments: # (1) Final List of Proposed Defendants, # (2) Caption, # (3) Notice in Lieu of Summons, # (4) Notice of Appearance and Intent toParticipate Form, # (5) Disclaimer of Interest, # (6) Joint Motion for Substitution of Parties Following Transfer of Interest, # (7) Statement Noting Death, # (8) Notice of Lawsuit and Request for Waiver of Personal Service, # (9) Waiver of PersonalService of Notice in Lieu of Summons)(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 8/2/2012 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel Present: Susan Schneider, Wes Williams, Jr., Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Therese Ure, Simeon Herskovits, and Iris Thornton; Counsel Appearing Telephonically: Marta Adams, Karen Peterson, Michael Neville, Chris Watson, Stacy Simon, George Benesch; FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 10:05:24 a.m. - 12:18:15 a.m.; Courtroom: 2.
The court and counsel confer regarding the agenda items as outlined in the United States Status Report (Dkt. #1723 in Case No. 3:73-CV-00127-RCJ-WGC). The court approves and signs the following proposed orders: (1) Dkt. [604]-2 in Case No. 3:73-CV-00128-RCJ-WGC - Order Relating to Completion of Service; (2) Dkt. #1726 in Case No. 3:73-CV-00127-RCJ-WGC - Order Addressing Notice with Regard to Parties Who Already Have Been Served But Who Have Not Appeared; and Dkt. #1722 in Case No. 3:73-CV-00127-RCJ-WGC - Order Concerning Seventeenth Report of the United States of America Concerning Status of Service on Certain Persons and Entities.
An interim telephonic status conference is set for Wednesday, August 22, 2012, at 11:00 a.m.. The parties shall file their respective lists as to the threshold issues no later than Monday, August 20, 2012, at 12:00 p.m.
Counsel appearing telephonically for the August 22, 2012, interim status conference shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the code, 3416460, and enter the security code 82212 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing.
The United State shall draft an order regarding the unexercised groundwater uses, and that service will not be required at this point as to those users.
The next regular status conference is set for Wednesday, October 3, 2012, at 1:30 p.m..
Counsel appearing telephonically for the October 3, 2012, regular status conference shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the code, 3416460, and enter the security code 10312 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO) (KO).
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [605] Order, addressed to Courtney Brown. (DRM)
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings, Status Conference held on 8/2/12, before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Donna Davidson, 775-329-0132. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber using the court's "Transcript Order" form available on our website before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 9/3/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/13/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/11/2012. (DD)
NOTICE of Status Conference Conducted on 8/2/12 by Plaintiff United States Of America. (Schneider, Susan) Modified on 8/15/2012 correct filing party. (BLG).
NOTICE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAS LIST OF PROPOSED AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE STATUS CONFERENCE SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 22, 2012 Plaintiff United States Of America. (Schneider, Susan) Modified/Corrected filing parties on 8/20/2012 (BLG).
RESPONSE NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE'S PROPOSED THRESHOLD ISSUES filed by Defendants . (Adams, Marta) Modified on 8/21/2012 modified filing parties. (BLG).
**NON-PUBLIC** Set Hearings: Status Conference set for 10/3/2012 01:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. (KO)
NOTICE of Docket Correction to [611] Status Conference : Document attached to August 2, 2012, Minutes of Proceedings. (no image attached)(KO)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 8/22/2012 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel Appearing Telephonically Marta Adams, Karen Peterson, Michael Neville, Chris Mixson, Stacy Simon, George Benesch, Susan Schneider, Wes Williams, Jr., Therese Ure, Simeon Herskovits and Iris Thornton; Counsel Present: Gordon DePaoli and Dale Ferguson; Special Appearance: Eileen Rutherford, Paralegal obo United States of America; FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 11:05 a.m. - 12:11:57 a.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court and counsel confer regarding the agenda items as outlined in the United States [609] List of Proposed Agenda Items. The court approves andsigns the [608] Proposed Minutes of the Status Conference Conducted on August 2, 2012 (ordered to be entitled: "Summary of Proceedings of the Status Conference Conducted on August 2, 2012"). The court requests that the parties emailchambers once Mr. Neville reviews, and there are no objections, to the [1733] Proposed Order Addressing Whether Claimants with Overlying, Unexercised Groundwater Rights in the State of California are Subject to Compulsory Joinder in This Proceeding (Dkt. #1733 in Case No. 3:73-127-RCJ-WGC), so that it may be executed. The court requests that the parties submit a status report before the October 3rd status conference that will provide the court with an update as to the progress in narrowing the threshold issues, including all issues related to the issue of filing Answers. It is the courts inclination to have plaintiff in C-125-C file a new, updated memorandum in support of intervention. The briefing schedule deadlines are as follows: Mineral County / WLWG Memorandum in Support of Intervention due: Monday, October 31, 2012; Responses to Memorandum due: Friday, December 14, 2012; and Replies to Responses to Memorandum due: Monday, January 14, 2013. The court requests that Mr. Herskovits draft two orders: (1)proposed order regarding the deadlines for the briefing schedule for the Mineral County Complaint and Intervention; (2) proposed order to modify, if necessary, Judge Reed's prior orders related to management of C-125-C. The next status conference is set for Wednesday, October 3, 2012, at 1:30 p.m.. Counsel attending via telephone shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter access code 3416460, and enter the security code 10312, approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. Following the October 3rd status conference, the next status conference is set for Monday, November 5, 2012, at 1:30 p.m. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to theNEF - KO)
NOTICE - SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATUS CONFERENCE CONDUCTED ON AUGUST 2, 2012, re [611] Status Conference. Approved and Issued by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 8/22/2012. (DRM)
NOTICE Proposed SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATUS CONFERENCE CONDUCTED ON AUGUST 22, 2012 by Plaintiff United States Of America. (Schneider, Susan) Modified filing parties on 8/28/2012 (BLG).
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 8/27/2012. By Deputy Clerk: Katie Lynn Ogden. Subsequent to the 8/22/12 status conference, the court noted that the April 2000 Case Management Order (CMO) by the Hon. Edward C. Reed, Jr., allows the parties to undertake certain limited discovery on the threshold issues (interrogatories and requests for production). CMO, p. 13 of 14. Therefore, when the parties meet to discuss threshold issues, the court would alsoask the parties to identify which threshold issues may require discovery and as to those issues further provide a brief description of the subject matter of the proposed discovery.IT IS SO ORDERED. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MLC)
NOTICE WRID's Notice of Objections to Proposed Summary of Proceedings of the Status Conference Conducted on 08/22/12 by . (De Paoli, Gordon) Modified on 9/4/2012 removed non filers. (WJ).
NOTICE of disclaimer of interest by Defendant Gregory Burton Adams; Richard Taylor Adams has acquired ownership.(LG)
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Brad M. Johnston on behalf of Defendants, Peri & Peri LLD and Peri & Peri. (Johnston, Brad) Modified on 9/10/2012 to reflect correct filing parties.(BLG).
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Michael D Hoy on behalf of Defendant, Richard Taylor Adams. (Michael Hoy) Modified on 9/25/2012 to reflect correct filing party. (BLG).
NOTICE of Appearance by Defendant Desert Hills Dairy, LLC.(JC)
NOTICE of Appearance by Defendant Clear View Ranch, LLC.(JC)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on [618] Status Conference,,,,,,,,,,, ; filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of Proposed Order Setting Briefing Schedule for Mineral County's Motion for Intervention and Amended Complaint in Intervention. (Herskovits, Simeon) Modified on 10/3/2012 corrected filing parties. (BLG).
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER filed by Walker River Irrigation District WRID's [Proposed] Order Setting Briefing Schedule for Mineral County's Motion for Intervention and Amended Complaint in Intervention. (De Paoli, Gordon) Modified filing parties on 10/3/2012 (AF).
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 10/3/2012 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel Present: Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Marta Adams, Therese Ure, Karen Peterson, Susan Schneider, Simeon Herskovits, and Wes Williams, Jr.; Counsel appearing Telephonically: Stacy Simon, Brad Johnston, and Michael Neville; Special Telephonic Appearance: Eileen Rutherford, Paralegal obo United States; FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 1:39:20 p.m. - 2:55:19 p.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court and counsel confer regarding the agenda items as outlined in the United States [622] List of Proposed Agenda Items. The court will sign and file the Proposed Summary of the Proceedings of the Status Conference Conducted on August 22, 2012. The court approves the Affidavit of Proof of Service (Number Six) (Dkt. #B1754) and deems that the persons and entities listed have been properly served. The briefingschedule for Mineral County's Amended Complaint in Intervention (#C-20) and Motion for Preliminary Injunction (#C-22) remains as scheduled in the previous hearing held in August. The court requests that the parties move expeditiously to submitthe revised proposed order as mentioned in the instant Agenda Item No. 3(b). The proposed order shall be directly submitted to Ms. Ogden and Ms. Davis. The next status conference is set for Monday, November 5, 2012, at 1:30 p.m., in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Counsel who attend via telephone shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter access code 3416460, and enter the security code 11512, approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
ORDERED as follows:
1. Mineral County shall file its opening brief in support of intervention no later than October 31, 2012;
2. Responses shall be filed no later than December 14, 2012;
3. Mineral County shall file a reply no later than January 14, 2013; and
4. A copy of this Order shall be served by mail by Mineral County on persons who have entered a Notice of Appearance in this matter, but who are not represented by counsel. Signed by Chief Judge Robert C. Jones on 10/9/2012. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
ORDER APPROVING [625] Summary of Proceedings of Status Conference Conducted on August 22, 2012. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 10/11/12. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
STIPULATION Stipulation and Order Concerning Submission of Threshold Issues to Magistrate Judge by WRID, USA, Mineral Co., NV Dept. of Wildlife, State of Calif Agencies, Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC & Mica Farms, LLC; WRPT; Mono Co. and Lyon County. (De Paoli, Gordon) Modified parties on 10/25/2012 (BLG).
ORDER ON STIPULATION re [630] Stipulation. The time for complying w/the Court's Order and direction re threshold issues be extended to a Status Conference to take place after the currently scheduled 11/5/2012 Status Conference; that the currently scheduled 11/5/2012 Status Conference be held solely for the purpose of setting a date and time for the next Status Conference; and that counsel be allowed to attend the 11/5/2012 Status Conference via telephone. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 10/25/2012. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - HJ)
NOTICE Proposed SUMMARY OF THE STATUS CONFERENCE HELD OCTOBER 3, 2012 by USA. (Schneider, Susan) Modified parties on 10/29/2012 (BLG).
OPENING BRIEF in Support of Intervention re [626] Order, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Herskovits, Simeon) Modified on 11/1/2012 t ore move non filing parties. (WJ).
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS. Telephonic Status Conference held on 11/5/2012 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Pla Counsel: Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Marta Adams, Therese Ure, Karen Peterson,Susan Schneider, Simeon Herskovits, Wes Williams, Jr., Stacy Simon, Michael Neville, David Negri, and George Benesch; FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 1:34:50 p.m. - 1:51 p.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court APPROVES the [633] Proposed Summary of the Status Conference Held October 3, 2012, and will file the document accordingly. After discussion of possible dates and deadlines the court and parties agree upon the following: (1) A telephonic conference is set for Tuesday, November 27, 2012, at 9:00 a.m., in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, for the limited purpose of discussing the submission of the threshold issues. Counsel shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 112712, approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing; (2) the deadline to submit the list of threshold issues is Thursday, December 6, 2012; (3) the Proposed Agenda for the next status conference set in December is due December 6, 2012; and (4) the next status conference is set for Thursday, December 13, 2012, at 10:00 a.m., in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Counsel are encouraged to attend this hearing in person; however, counsel wishing to appearing by telephone shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 131212 121312, approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. The parties are directed to provide Ms. Schneider any suggestions or comments with regard to proposed draft E-File Order that has been recently circulated to the primary parties so that the order can be presented before Chief Judge Robert C. Jones. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO) Modified on 11/27/2012 to correct the security code to use for the Dec. 13, 2012, status cofnerence. (KO)
ORDER approving [633] Proposed Summary of Status Conference Held October 3, 2012. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 11/6/12. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AND INTENT TO PARTICIPATE filed by Leslie Bradshaw, PO Box 55, Wellington, NV 89444 (DRM). Modified on 11/15/2012 to correct address (DRM).
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AND INTENT TO PARTICIPATE filed by Pauline Bradshaw, PO Box 55, Wellington, NV 89444 (DRM).
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE for [639], [640] Waivers, filed by Les W. Bradshaw. (DRM)
NOTICE of Docket Correction to [636] Minutes of Proceedings : The correct security code to use for the December 13, 2012, at 10:00 a.m., Status Conference is 121312. (no image attached)(KO)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Telephonic Status Conference held on 11/27/2012 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel: Gordon De Paoli, Dale Ferguson, Marta Adams, Therese Ure, Karen Peterson, Susan Schneider, Simeon Herskovits, Wes Williams, Jr., Chris Mixon, David Negri, and George Benesch; FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 9:01:03 a.m. - 9:42:32 a.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court and parties discuss the subject of threshold issues. In light of the lack of concurrence on the subject of threshold issues, the court will maintain its original directive made at the previous telephonic status conference that the parties file a joint list of threshold issues. The topic of threshold issues will be addressed and discussed off record during the next status conference. The court is further inclined to agree that, should any party seek to have the case management order modified, the request shall be submitting by way of amotion filed with the court. Ms. Schneider indicates that attached to the next filing with regard to threshold issues, the United States will file a current draft of the proposed E-File Order. The court directs that a copy of the proposed order beprovided to Ms. Lia Griffin (Operations Manager for the USDC, Clerks Office) for her review. Deadline to submit the list of threshold issues is Thursday, December 6, 2012. Proposed Agenda due Thursday, December 6, 2012. Next status conference is set for Thursday, December 13, 2012, at 10:00 a.m., in Reno Courtroom 2, before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. The formal court hearing may recess to allow the court and counsel to adjourn to conduct informal discussions ofthe parties threshold issues in a suitable conference room, after which the formal session will resume. Counsel are encouraged to attend this hearing in person; however counsel appear by telephone shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter access code3416460, and enter the security code 121312, approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
NOTICE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAS LIST OF PROPOSED AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE STATUS CONFERENCE SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 13, 2012 by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment - Threshold Issues, # (2) Attachment - Proposed E-Serve Order, # (3) Certificate of Service)(Schneider, Susan) Modified parties on 12/7/2012 (BLG).
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Susan L. Schneider on behalf of Plaintiff United States Of America. (Schneider, Susan) Modified parties on 12/12/2012. (BLG).
NOTICE AMENDED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA'S LIST OF PROPOSED AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE STATUS CONFERENCE SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 13, 2012 . (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Schneider, Susan) Modified to remove parties on 12/13/2012 (LG).
**NON-PUBLIC** Attorney update in case: Added AUSA-Guarino, Trial Attorney. (BLG)
BRIEF re [634] Opening Brief ; filed by Defendants NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE'S ANSWERING BRIEF TO MINERAL COUNTY'S OPENING BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF INTERVENTION (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit 1)(Adams, Marta) Modified reflect correct parties on 12/14/2012 (BLG).
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 12/13/2012 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel Present: Susan Schneider, Wes Williams, Jr., Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Simeon Herskovits, George Benesch, Marta Adams, Chris Mixon, Karen Peterson, David Negri, Stacey Simon, Andrew Guss Guarino; Counsel appearing telephonically: Michael Neville; Special Appearance telephonically: Eileen Rutherford obo United States of America FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 10:08:57 a.m. - 12:04:53 p.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court directs the parties to fully brief the United States of Americas Motion for a Supplemental Case Management Order (Dkt. #B-1772).Response Brief due: Friday, January 11, 2013; Reply Brief due: Friday, January 25, 2013. The court will address the matter of whether and when Answers are to be filed at the February 7, 2013, hearing after the court has had the opportunity to review the parties briefs concerning the United States of Americas Motion for a Supplemental Case Management Order (Dkt. #B-1772). The court directs that Ms. Schneider and Ms. Griffin meet and discuss possible solutions to perfect the Proposed Order Regarding Service and Filing In Subproceeding C-125-C On and By Unrepresented Parties. The court requests that the proposed order be re-filed no later than Friday, December 21, 2012. The court concurs that the website appears to be ready for implementation and directs that a General Order be prepared and submitted to Chief Judge Jones for approval. The next status conference is set for Thursday, February 7, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., in Reno Courtroom 2, before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Counsel are encouraged to attend the conference in person; however, counsel who wish to appear by telephone shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 20713, approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
RESPONSE to filed by Defendants WRID's Opposition to Mineral County's Motion to Intervene Replies due by 12/24/2012. (De Paoli, Gordon) Modified parties on 12/17/2012, Regenerated NEF to AG. (BLG).
RESPONSE to filed by Plaintiff United States Of America. UNITED STATES OF AMERICAS RESPONSE TO MINERAL COUNTYS MOTION TO INTERVENE Replies due by 12/24/2012. (Schneider, Susan) Modified to reflect correct filing party on 12/17/2012. (BLG).
JOINDER by Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC. to Walker River Irrigation District's Opposition to Mineral County's Motion to Intervene, with Certificate of Service. filed by Defendants (Schroeder, Laura) Modified on 12/17/2012 (BLG).
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Daniel T. Hayward on behalf of Defendants Nevada Bighorns Unlimited. (Hayward, Daniel) Modified on 12/18/2012 to modify party text (JC).
RESPONSE to filed by Defendants,NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE'S, et al. Replies due by 12/28/2012. (Benesch, George) Modified party text on 12/19/2012 (BLG).
AFFIDAVIT of Proof of Service MINERAL COUNTY PROOF OF SERVICE (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit 1 - List of All Parties Personally Served, # (2) Exhibit Exhibit 2 - William David Manha Return of Service, # (3) Exhibit Exhibit 3 - Notice inLieu of Summons Example, # (4) Exhibit Exhibit 4 Part 1 of 3 - Service Package, # (5) Exhibit Exhibit 4 Part 2 of 3 - Service Package, # (6) Exhibit Exhibit 4 Part 3 of 3 - Service Package)(Herskovits, Simeon) Modified parties on 1/10/2013 (BLG).
STATUS REPORT MINERAL COUNTY REPORT CONCERNING STATUS OF RULE 4 SERVICE ON FINAL LIST OF PROPOSED DEFENDANTS Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A-1 Through A-5, # (2) Exhibit A-6 Through A-9, # (3) Exhibit A-10 Through A-16, # (4) Exhibit A-17 Through A-27, # (5) Exhibit A-28 Through A-33, # (6) Exhibit A-34 Through A-42, # (7) Exhibit A-43 Through A-45, # (8) Exhibit A-46 Through A-51, # (9) Exhibit A-52 Through A-56, # (10) Exhibit A-57 Through A-62, # (11) Exhibit A-63 Through A-67, # (12) Exhibit A-68 Through A-69, # (13) Exhibit A-70 Through A-72, # (14) Exhibit A-73 Through A-74, # (15) Exhibit A-75 Through A-81, # (16) Exhibit A-82 Through A-87, # (17) Exhibit A-88 Through A-90, # (18) Exhibit A-91Through A-93, # (19) Exhibit A-94 Through A-100, # (20) Exhibit A-101 Through A-103, # (21) Exhibit A-104 Through A-107, # (22) B - Service Complete, # (23) C - Requested Dismissals, # (24) D - Requested Substitutions, # (25) E - Requested Amendmentto Caption, # (26) F - Final List of Defendants Who Remain to be Served)(Herskovits, Simeon) Modified parties on 1/10/2013 (BLG).
REPLY BRIEF in Support of Intervention re [626] Order,,, Set/Reset Deadlines,, by Defendants Acme Leasing LLC, et al. (Herskovits, Simeon) Modified parties on 1/16/2013. (BLG).
Distribution Test. (BLG)
Test Distribution for Marta Adams, Esq. (BLG)
NOTICE/Letter by Marjorie Ann Jones, requesting name be removed from the plaintiff's Walker River District Corporation file, with attached documents noting transfer of ownership. (DRM)
MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Defendant Richard Taylor Adams. Motion ripe 2/5/2013. (Hoy, Michael)
ORDER granting [660] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 02/06/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KR)
Supplemental STATUS REPORT Supplement to January 9, 2013, Status of Service Report by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A-51 Supplement, # (2) Exhibit A-53 Supplement)(Herskovits, Simeon)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of [PROPOSED] ORDER SETTING SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEFING SCHEDULE. (Herskovits, Simeon)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 2/7/2013 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel Present: Wes Williams, Jr., Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Simeon Herskovits, George Benesch, Marta Adams, Karen Peterson, David Negri, Andrew Guss Guarino, Therese Ure, Harry Swainston; Counsel Appearing Telephonically: Michael Neville, Susan Schneider, Stacey Simon, Michael Hoy, Christopher Watson; Special Appearances: Eileen Rutherford (Paralegal obo United States, telephonically) and Jim Shaw (Watermaster); Court Reporter/FTR #: 10:12:35 a.m. - 1:16:50 p.m.; Time of Hearing: 10:00 a.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court and parties address and discuss the topics proposed in the [659] Agenda Items for the February 7, 2013, Status Conference. See attached Minutes of Proceedings for specifics. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
ORDER CONCERNING STATUS OF REMAINING PROPOSED DEFENDANTS TO BE SERVED VIA RULE 4 SERVICE, re [663] Proposed Order, specifying service completed, entities dismissed, entities substituted, caption correction, and final list of proposed defendants to be served. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 2/8/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
**NON-PUBLIC** Case Reopened. Apparent system glitch upon docketing #[665] Order. (DRM)
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Paul J. Anderson on behalf of Defendants Norman Annett, Annett Ranch, Annett's Mono Village, Annett's Mono Village, Inc., Special Master Chad Blanchard. Notice Of Appearance And Intent To Participate (Anderson, Paul)
Unopposed UNOPPOSED MOTION Extension of Time for Completion of Rule 4 Service re [605] Order,, [665] Order, by Special Master Chad Blanchard, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. Motion ripe 2/27/2013. (Herskovits, Simeon) Modified on 2/28/2013 correction to filing party. (BLG).
ORDER GRANTING [667] Unopposed Motion For Extension of Time to Complete Rule 4 Service. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 02/27/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KR)
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings, [676] Status Conference,,,,,,,, held on 2-7-13, before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Kathy French, 530-913-9213. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased throughthe Court Reporter/Transcriber using the court's "Transcript Order" form available on our website before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 3/28/2013. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 4/7/2013. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 6/5/2013. (KF) Modified on 3/14/2013 to correct hyperlink to Minutes of Proceedings for status conference held on 2/7/2013 . (KO)
NOTICE in Lieu of Summons (Sancho Rancho, LLC). (JC)
AFFIDAVIT of Craig Rimer - Proof of Service Mineral County Proof of Service by Special Master Chad Blanchard, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1_Service Package_Part 1 of 3, # (2) Exhibit 1_Service Package_Part 2 of 3, # (3) Exhibit 1_Service Package_Part 3 of 3)(Herskovits, Simeon) Modified filing party on 3/12/2013. (BLG).
Final STATUS REPORT Re Completion of Rule 4 Service by Special Master Chad Blanchard, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Service Documentation, # (2) Exhibit B - Updated Caption)(Herskovits, Simeon) Modified filing parties on 3/12/2013. (BLG).
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on [672] Status Report ; filed by Special Master Chad Blanchard, Intervenor Mineral, County Of Proposed Order re Completion of Rule 4 Service. (Herskovits, Simeon) Modified filing parties on 3/12/13. (BLG)
NOTICE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAS LIST OF PROPOSED AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE STATUS CONFERENCE SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 13, 2013 by Chad Blanchard, United States Of America. (Guarino, Andrew) Modified filing party on 3/12/2013 (BLG).
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 3/12/2013. By Deputy Clerk: Katie Lynn Ogden. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a Status Conference is set for Wednesday, March 13, 2013, at 1:00 p.m., in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 31313 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Iris Thornton and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Sean Rowe (Filing fee $ 200 receipt number 0978-2737684) filed by Special Master Chad Blanchard, Intervenor Mineral, County Of . Motion ripe 3/13/2013. (Herskovits, Simeon) Modified on 3/13/2013 remove non filer Blanchard. (WJ).
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Simeon M Herskovits on behalf of Special Master Chad Blanchard, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. Iris Thornton Notice of Appearance on Behalf of Mineral County (Herskovits, Simeon) Modified on 3/13/2013 remove non filer Blanchard. (WJ).
NOTICE SUMMARY OF THE STATUS CONFERENCE HELD ON FEBRUARY 7, 2013 by Chad Blanchard, United States Of America. (Guarino, Andrew) Modified on 3/14/2013 remove non filer. (WJ).
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 3/13/2013 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Pla Counsel: Gordon De Paoli, Christopher Mixson, Guss Guarino, David Negri and Marta Adams; Def Counsel: Stacey Simon, Horace Green, Susan Schneider, George Benesch, Simeon Herskovitz, Iris Thornton, Wes Williams Jr., Karen Peterson, Michael Neville;Special Appearances: Eileen Rutherford (Paralegal obo United States, telephonically) and Jim Shaw (Watermaster, telephonically); Court Reporter: Kathy French; FTR#: 1:11:45 p.m. - 2:27:49 p.m.; Time of Hearing: 1:00 p.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court and parties address the topics identified in the [674] Proposed Agenda Items for the Status Conference Scheduled for March 13, 2013. The court schedules a telephonic (only) conference to discuss the two Proposed Order Modifying the Case Management Order (filed at Dkt. ##'s 1849 and 1850 in Case No. 3:73-cv-00127-RCJ-WGC) for Thursday, April 11, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. Counsel wishing to attend this telephonic conference shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enterthe security code 41113 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the conference. The court schedules a further Status Conference for Wednesday, May 1, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., in Reno Courtroom 2, before Magistrate JudgeWilliam G. Cobb. Counsel wishing to attend this hearing shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 50113 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO) (KO).
NOTICE SUMMARY THE STATUS CONFERENCE HELD MARCH 13, 2013 by Chad Blanchard, United States Of America. (Guarino, Andrew)
NOTICE of Appearance and Intent to Participate by Centennial Livestock. (JC)
NOTICE by Shirley Ann Fletcher re domestic wells. (JC)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 5/1/2013 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel Present: Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, George Benesch, Karen Peterson, David Negri, Andrew GussGuarino; Counsel appearing telephonically: Michael Neville, Susan Schneider, Stacey Simon, Christopher Watson, Marta Adams, Wes Williams, Jr., Wyatt Rolfe, Christopher Mixson, Iris Thornton, and Simeon Herskovits; FTR #: 10:07:27 a.m. - 10:53:28 a.m.; Time of Hearing: 10:00 a.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court and counsel confer regarding the agenda items as outlined in the United States of Americas List of Proposed Agenda Items for the Status Conference Scheduled for May 1, 2013, (Doc. 1. 1151 in Case No. 3:73-CV-00125-RCJ-WGC; Doc. #1868 in Case No. 3:73-CV-00127-RCJ-WGC; and Doc. [684] in Case No. 3:73-CV-00128-RCJ-WGC). See attached order for details. The court schedules a further Status Conference for Thursday, July 25, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., in Reno Courtroom 2, before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Parties wishing to attend this hearing telephonically shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 72513 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO) (Entered: 05/17/2013)
ORDER APPROVING [677] Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Iris Thornton for County of Mineral and Walker Lake Working Group, and approving Designation of Local Counsel Sean Rowe. Signed by Chief Judge Robert C. Jones on 04/25/2013.
Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KR)
NOTICE of Pendency of [634] Motion to Intervene and ORDER re Submission of Responsive Memoranda. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 6/4/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order, addressed to Andrew Guss Guarino. (KR)
OPPOSITION to [634] Opening Brief in Support of Intervention, by Vivien A. Wilkinson. (KR)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Robert E. Cain, John L. Bryan, Elizabeth J. Bryan, Delores Munro, Harold T. Parrott, Cheryl K. Parrott, Robert A. Hamlett, II, John W. Swainston, Desert Lake Campground, Donna Costa Beach, Georgia C. Sturtevant, Arthur Ronald Balbini Revocable Living Trust, Genevia L. Osborne, William J. Bray, Sr., Harry W. Swainston, Strosnider, Inc. Alice S. Wiggins, Five Cs Cottonwood Ranch, LLC, Floyd M. Sturtevant, Frances R. Vidal, Eileen Felthoven, Lee A. Felthoven, T. Michael Vidal, Otto Albert Gisler 2003 Revocable Living Trust Agreement, and Connie L. Cain. (DRM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to John J. Cleary Revocable Family Trust, Sharron Barr, Grooms Family Trust dated 2/17/06, Jerome H. Kleve, Verna L. Kleve, Urton Revocable Living Trust dated 01/24/85, Eve L. Blackburn, Joseph S. Horton, Alice G. Horton, Smith Valley Methodist Church, Barbara C. Matlean, Weaver Properties LLC c/o Mark N. Arrighi, Steven M. Draper, Jerry W. and Kathryn J. Oehlerking, Marcom Family Trust dated 11/20/00, Michael L. Jones, Martha J. Jones, Lisa Marraccini, Ruth J. Magee Revocable Trust, Harry S. Loll, Lommori Family Trust, Shelia Clayton, Kelly L. Nickum, Jean E. Tola, Paul S. Tola, Laura J. Tomac, Pursel Ranch, Stephen M. Clifford, Helen P. Watters, Scott Jones, Carol Jones, Leo Patrick Dunn 2004 Trust, Nathan S. Davidson, Shawn M. Clyde, Murphy Revocable Trust dated 07/22/98, William S. Boyanich, Margaret Mason, Vicki A. Clyde, Michael J. Tornesello, Bruce Frechette, Barbara Wagener, Jennifer Lee Batting, Joni S. Davidson, Mark H. Wagener, Dale G. Blackburn, Gregory Garmong, George Nickolas Bloise, Clements Family Trust, Paul K. Carlin, Shelley Carlin, Dale S & Cleo N Kennedy, Acme Leasing LLC, Martha Wilson, Wylie Wilson, Strudwick Living Trust, Milton Matlean, and Keith D. and Kelly A. Barr. (KR)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Margaret Hawkins and Courtney Brown. (KR)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to RGGS Land and Minerals Ltd. (DRM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Roy E. Osborne, Martiniano Hernandez-Guerrero, Lackore Revocable Family Trust, JoAnn Karabiyik, Kamil Karabiyik, Raul Antonio Alvarenga, Rupe Family Trust Agreement, Cris Converse, Victor A. Perry, John M. Newman, Roxanne Dressler, Phyllis Ann Hiskett, and Carl William Hiskett. (KR)
MOTION to WITHDRAW LETTER RE: [423] from Office of Los Angeles City Attorney, dated June 11, 2013, requesting deletion of Arthur B. Walsh from the Proof of Service mailing list. (DRM) Modified on 6/17/2013 to reflect Event Correction - Motion to withdraw Note: [423] Notice of Appearance by Arthur B. Walsh. (BLG).
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Charles Frame. (JC)
NOTICE OF WALKER RIVER BASIN JUDICIAL FAMILIARIZATION TOUR, to take place on June 24 and 25, 2013. Should you or your representative wish to take part in the tour, please notify counsel for the Board of Water Commissioners of your intent to attend,and to obtain further details, on or before 12:00 p.m. on Friday, June 21, 2013. (KR)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Evilo J. Gerbig, Arden Gerbig, Victor P. Urschel, and Dianne Borsini Burr Trust. (JC)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Wanda M. Menesini and Denise L. Terry. (JC)
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney John Paul Schlegelmilch on behalf of Defendant Louis and Erma Flasko Family Trust dated 06/04/81, re-stated 05/27/82. and Intent to Participate (Schlegelmilch, John)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to John Cameron Williams, and to Stanley Family Trust dated 12/11/97. (DRM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Jennifer Ann Smith. (KR)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to John W. Claverie. (KR)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Charles N. Matthewson Trust. (KR)
DOCKETED IN ERROR (DUPLICATE) Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Charles N. Mathewson Trust. (JC) Modified on 7/2/2013 (JC).
NOTICE of Change of Address by Defendants Deborah L. Dibble, John K. Dibble. Old: 69 Tucker Lane, Yerington, NV 89447. New: 41 Panavista Cir, Yerington, NV 89447.(KR)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Wendy E. Proud. (KR)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 7/12/2013. By Deputy Clerk: Katie Lynn Ogden. The parties are hereby noticed that the Status Conference set for Thursday, July 25, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., will be held in Reno Courtroom 6, before District Chief Judge Robert Clive Jones and Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Personal attendance is required; requests to appear telephonically will be considered by the Court. In addition to the Status Conference Agenda, typically filed by the United States, the Court requests that the agenda include the topics as listed herein the Minute Order; see attached order for details. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Ninetta M. Urschel. (DRM)
STATUS REPORT Revised Final Service Report by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Service Documentation, # (2) Exhibit B - Updated Caption, # (3) Proposed Order, # (4) Proposed Order)(Thornton, Iris)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 7/25/2013 before Chief Judge Robert C. Jones and Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator:
Lesa Ettinger and Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel Present:
Wes Williams, Jr., Simeon Herskovits, Sean Rowe, Susan Schneider, Andrew "Guss" Guarino, David Negri, Karen Peterson, Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Therese Ure, Marta Adams, George Benesch, Stacey Simon, Annadel Almendra, Erin Mahaney, Nhu Q. Nguyen, Harry Swainston; Court Reporter:
Margaret Griener; Time of Hearing:
9:58:47 a.m. - 1:00:41 p.m.; Courtroom:
The Court and counsel address and have discussion regarding the two Case Management Order's filed in C-125-B (original CMO Dkt. #108 and supplemental CMO Dkt. #1865) and the agenda items as outlined in the United States of America's [710] Amended List of Proposed Agenda Items for the Status Conference Scheduled for July 25, 2013. The Court schedules the following hearings:
(1.) Status Conference: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, at 1:30 p.m., before Magistrate Judge Cobb in Reno Courtroom 2. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically may do so by dialing 1-877-873-8017, enter access code 3416460, and enter security code 8613, approximately five (10) minutes prior to the hearing.
(2.) Oral Arguments regarding Mineral County's fully briefed Motion for Intervention and Petition to Intervene, filed in C-125-B (Dkt. ## 31-32) and the associated response and reply briefs filed in C-125-C: Monday, September 23, 2013, at 1:30 p.m., before Chief Judge Jones in Reno Courtroom 6.
(3.) Combined Status Conference: Monday, November 4, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., before Chief Judge Jones and Magistrate Judge Cobb in Reno Courtroom 6.
Please be advised that personal attendance by counsel for the principal parties is required for both the Oral Argument Hearing (9/23/2013) and Combined Status Conference (11/4/2013). Request to appear telephonically for each hearing will be considered by the Court; however, counsel must file a written request to appear telephonically and receive permission by the Court.
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL AS ATTORNEY OF RECORD by United States Of America. (Schneider, Susan)
ORDER re [715] Notice of Withdrawal : Susan L. Schneider withdrawn as attorney of record for the United States of America effective this 30th day of July, 2013. Attorney for the United States, Andrew "Guss" Guarino, replaces her as lead counsel for the United States of America in this proceeding. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 7/30/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 7/31/2013, re: Agenda for August 6, 2013 Status Conference (see attached for agenda topics). If any party wishes to identify any other topics for discussion, the party shall file a notice to that effect prior to the conference. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
NOTICE WRID's Proposed Additional Discussion Topics for 08/06/13 Status Conference by Walker River Irrigation District. (De Paoli, Gordon)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 8/6/2013 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel Present: Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Therese Ure, Karen Peterson, Andrew Guarino, Simeon Herskovits, Christopher Mixson, and Harry Swainston; Counsel appearing telephonically: Wes Williams, Jr., David Negri, Marta Adams; FTR #: 1:38:22 p.m. - 3:13:30 p.m.; Time of Hearing: 1:30 p.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court and counsel confer regarding the agenda items as outlined in the Courts Agenda for August 6, 2013, Status Conference (Doc. # 1180 in Case No. 3:73-CV-125-RCJ-WGC; Doc. # 1915 in Case No. 3:73-CV-127-RCJ-WGC; and Doc. [717] in Case No. 3:73-CV-128-RCJ-WGC). Counsel present their respective positions as to each of the items. The court directs the parties to meet and prepare a draft Proposed Modified E-Service Order to be considered by Chief Judge Jones. However, the court will schedulea status conference to address and discuss the proposed order prior to submitting the document to Chief Judge Jones. The parties shall file the draft Proposed Modified E-Service Order by close of business on Thursday, August 29, 2013. The next Status Conference is schedule for Friday, September 6, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter theaccess code 3416460, and enter the security code 90613 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
NOTICE SUMMARY FOR THE STATUS CONFERENCE HELD AUGUST 6, 2013 by United States Of America. (Guarino, Andrew)
ORDER directing preparation of transcript re [714] Status Conference held on July 25, 2013. The Court shall pay for the preparation of the transcript. Signed by Chief Judge Robert C. Jones on 9/3/13. (Copies have been distributed pursuantto the NEF - JC)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [687] Order addressed to Doris B. Holmes Trust. (JC)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 9/6/2013 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel present: Wes Williams Jr., Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Therese Ure, Andrew Guss Guarino, Bryan L. Stockton; Counsel appearing telephonically: David Negri, Marta Adams, Annadel Almendra, George Benesch, Simeon Herskovits, Michael Neville, Stacey Simon, Karen Peterson; Special Telephonic Appearance: Eileen Rutherford, Jim Shaw; FTR #: 10:04:30 a.m.- 11:18:41 a.m.; Time of Hearing: 10:00 a.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court and counsel confer regarding the agenda items as outlined in the United States of Americas List of Proposed Agenda Items for the Status Conference Scheduled for September 6, 2013,(Doc. # 1186 in Case No. 3:73-CV-125-RCJ-WGC; Doc. # 1924 in Case No. 3:73-CV-127-RCJ-WGC; and Doc. # [721] in Case No. 3:73-CV-128-RCJ-WGC ). Counsel present their respective positions as to each of the items. The court reviews the proposed Order Superseding Order Regarding Service and Filing in Subproceeding C-125-B On and By Unrepresented Parties (C-125-B, Doc. # 1185-1).The parties are to consider and address the comments made by the court regarding the proposed superseding order in the next draft of the proposed order. The court and parties will continue to have discussions regarding the drafts of the modified e-service order via a court-conducted conference call. The court and parties agree these discussions may be informal. Any party may request the coordination of such a conference by contacting the Courtroom Administrator, Katie Lynn Ogden at 775-686-6758. Any interested party will be allowed (and is encouraged) to participate. The court encourages the parties to move expeditiously on revising the draft proposed superseding e-service order and in conducting this conference. The next confirmed status conference is set for Monday, November 4, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., before Chief Judge Jones and Magistrate Judge Cobb in Reno Courtroom 6. Please be advised that personal attendance by counsel for the principal parties is required for this combined status conference. A request to appear telephonically for the hearing will be considered by Chief Judge Jones; however, counsel must file a written request with the Chambers of Chief Judge Jones for leave to appear telephonically prior to the hearing and receive specific permission to appear telephonically. (Copies have been distributedpursuant to the NEF - KO)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 9/23/2013 before Chief Judge Robert C. Jones. Crtrm Administrator: Peggie Vannozzi; Pla Counsel: Andrew Guarino and David Negri; Def Counsel: Wes Williams for Walker River Paiute Tribe; Gordon DePaoli and Dale Ferguson for Walker River Irrigation District; Karen Peterson for US Board of Water Commissioners; Simeon Herskovits and Sean Rowe for Mineral County; Stacy Simon for Mono County; George Benesch for Lyon County; Marta Adams and Bryan Stockton for Nevada Department of Wildlife; Don Springmeyer for National Fish and Wildlife; Harry Swainston pro se and on behalf of Swainston Farms; Annadel Almendras and Michael Neville for California parties; Erin Mahaney for California State Water Resources Board; Therese Ure for Circle Bar N Ranch and Mica Farms; Court Reporter/FTR #: Margaret Griener; Time of Hearing: 1:31 PM - 2:30 PM; Courtroom: 6; The Court discusses jurisdictional issues and service issues. The Court suggests that Mineral County and the Tribe should serve all parties, including potential users of ground water and surface water within the Walker River watershed. Mr. Herskovits, Mr. DePaoli and Ms. Adams present arguments to the Court. The Court will grant Mineral County's Motion [31] [32] in 3:73-cv-127. The Court directs Mineral County to prepare the order. The Court directs the preparation of a transcript in the matter that will be filed in all three cases. Mr. DiPaoli asks the Court about service of the proposed amended complaint in intervention and whether the complaint should be filed in the C case. The Court grants the motion as to the B and C cases and directs service of Mineral County's Complaint in intervention to all ground and surface users affected by the equity proceeding. The Court expands the website to the B and C cases to facilitate the service of all. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - PAV)
NOTICE SUMMARY FOR THE STATUS CONFERENCE HELD SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 by Thomas E. & Morna Lloyd, United States Of America. (Guarino, Andrew)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 10/31/2013 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Pla Counsel: Guss Guarino, Wes Williams, Jr., Iris Thornton, Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, David Negri, Marta Adams, Annadel Almendras, George Benesch, Simeon Herskovits, Michael Neville, Stacey Simon, Karen Peterson, Therese Ure, and Christopher Mixson; FTR #: 8:02:43 a.m. - 9:32:55 a.m.; Time of Hearing: 8:00 a.m.; Courtroom: 3. The court and parties have discussion regarding the latest filed Notice of Proposed Superseding E-Service Order (Doc. # 1941, C-125-B). The court makes comments and suggestions as to the Proposed Superseding E-Service Order. After discussion regarding the Proposed Superseding E-Service order, it is agreed that a revised draft of the Superseding E-Service Order is necessary; however, the next draft should include comments made at the upcoming status conference on November 4, 2013, hearing. The court and parties discuss the hearing held before Chief Judge Jones regarding Mineral County's Motion to Intervene. Good cause appearing, Mineral County's Revised Final Service Report (Doc. # [713], C-125-C) is APPROVED. The court will execute the appropriate order forthwith and shall be reflected in the minutes of proceedings for todays hearing. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 11/1/2013, approving and adopting updated caption found at [713]-2 Status Report for the purposes of the clerk's office amending parties within Court'selectronic docket. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on [651] Response to Motion, [656] Reply Brief, [648] Response to Motion, [647] Response to Motion, [634] Opening Brief, [649] Joinder, [646] Brief, ; filed by Defendant Thomas E. & Morna Lloyd, Intervenor Mineral, County Of Proposed Order Granting Intervention. (Attachments: # (1) Cover Letter)(Herskovits, Simeon)
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings, [726] Motion Hearing held on 9/23/2013, before Chief Judge Robert C. Jones. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Margaret Griener, 775-329-9980. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber using the court's "Transcript Order" form available on our website <a href= target=_blank></a> before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 11/22/2013. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/2/2013. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 1/30/2014. (MG)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 11/4/2013 before U.S. District Judge Robert C. Jones and U.S. Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator:
Lesa Ettinger and Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel present:
Andrew Guss Guarino, David Negri, Wes Williams Jr., Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Karen Peterson, Simeon Herskovits, Sean Rowe, Stacey Simon, George Benesch, Marta Adams, Bryan Stockton, Don Springmeyer, Christopher Mixson, and Therese Ure; Counsel appearing telephonically:
Michael Neville, Annadel Almendras, and Iris Thornton; Court Reporter:
Margaret Griener; FTR #:
10:08:01 a.m. - 11:48:41 a.m.; Time of Hearing:
10:00 a.m.; Courtroom:
The Court and counsel confer regarding the agenda items as outlined in the United States of Americas (United States) Amended List of Proposed Agenda Items for the Status Conference Scheduled for November 4, 2013 (Dkt. # 1204 in Case No 3:73-CV-00125-RCJ-WGC; Dkt. # 1950 in Case No. 3:73:CV-00127-RCJ-WGC; and Dkt. # [730] in Case No. 3:73-CV-00128-RCJ-WGC). See attached order for details.
The court and counsel discuss threshold jurisdictional issues. The court institutes the following briefing schedule for motions todismiss regarding basic threshold jurisdictional issues: Motions to Dismiss deadline: Monday, March 31, 2014; Response deadline: Friday, May 30, 2014; and Reply deadline: June 30, 2014.
Magistrate Judge Cobb will hold a telephonic status conference on Friday, December 6, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., in Reno Courtroom 2, to address the Proposed Superseding E-Service Order (due: Thursday, November 28, 2013). Counsel shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 12613 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
NOTICE SUMMARY FOR THE STATUS CONFERENCE HELD NOVEMBER 4, 2013 by Thomas E. & Morna Lloyd, United States Of America. (Guarino, Andrew)
NOTICE OF PROPOSED SUPERSEDING E-SERVICE ORDER by Thomas E. & Morna Lloyd, United States Of America. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Guarino, Andrew)
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings, [736] Status Conference held on 11/4/2013, before Chief Judge Robert C. Jones. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Margaret Griener, 775-329-9980. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased throughthe Court Reporter/Transcriber using the court's "Transcript Order" form available on our website <a href= target=_blank></a> before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 12/30/2013. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/9/2014. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/9/2014. (MG)
STATUS REPORT Mineral County Report on Status of Served Defendants and Newly Added Defendants to be Served by Defendant Thomas E. & Morna Lloyd, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Appearance Status of Served Defendants, # (2) Exhibit B-1 Notice of Appearance_Hardy Trust, # (3) Exhibit B-2 Notice of Appearance Renee Presto, # (4) Exhibit B-3 Notice of Appearance Presto Trust)(Thornton, Iris)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 1/2/2014, denying [695] Motion to Withdraw. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
MOTION to Substitute Attorney Bryan L. Stockton, Deputy AG in place of Marta A. Adams, Deputy AG by Defendants, Nevada Wildlife Department. Motion ripe 1/7/2014. (BLG) Modified on 1/7/2014 (BLG).
ORDER granting [740] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Bryan L. Stockton substituted for Marta A. Adams. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 01/08/2014. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KR)
NOTICE of Appearance and Intent to Participate by David and Karen Hardy Family Trust. (DRM)
MOTION to Vacate Schedule Related to Motions Regarding Basic Threshold Jurisdictional Issues, or in the Alternative, for Status Conference filed by Walker River Irrigation District. Responses due by 3/27/2014. (DePaoli, Gordon) QC assisted Filing. (BLG)
**NON-PUBLIC** Set/Reset Deadlines as to [743] MOTION to Vacate Schedule Related to Motions Regardiing Basic Threshold Jurisdictional Issues : Responses due by 3/27/2014. (BLG)
JOINDER to [743] MOTION to Vacate Schedule Related to Motions Regardiing Basic Threshold Jurisdictional Issues ; filed by Defendants Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC, et al. (Schroeder, Laura) Modified on 3/11/2014 filing party correction. (BLG).
JOINDER to WRID [743] Motion to Vacate Schedule Related to Motions Regarding Basic Threshold Jurisdictional Issues, or in the Alternative, Motion for Status Conference filed on behalf of Lyon County. (Benesch, George) QC assisted filing.(BLG)
JOINDER RESPONSE to [743] MOTION to Vacate Schedule Related to Motions Regardiing Basic Threshold Jurisdictional Issues, filed by Defendants California Department of Fish and Game, California Water Resources Control Board, California State Agencies. Replies due by 3/21/2014. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Neville, Michael) Modified on 3/12/2014 CM/ECF program error filing parties have been corrected & event correction made. (BLG).
JOINDER to [743] MOTION to Vacate Schedule Related to Motions Regardiing Basic Threshold Jurisdictional Issues ; filed by Defendants Nevada Wildlife Department. (Stockton, Bryan) Modified on 3/12/2014 CM/ECF program error filing parties have been corrected. <(BLG).
JOINDER to [743] MOTION to Vacate Schedule Related to Motions Regardiing Basic Threshold Jurisdictional Issues ; filed by Defendants David and Karen Hardy Family Trust, Thomas E. & Morna Lloyd, Nevada Wildlife Department. (Stockton, Bryan) Modified on 3/12/2014 duplicate of [747].(BLG).
Joinder re [743] MOTION to Vacate Schedule Related to Motions Regardiing Basic Threshold Jurisdictional Issues Joinder to Motion to Vacate Schedule Related to Motions Re: Basic Threshold Jurisdictional Issues by Movant Mono CountyCounty Counsel. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Simon, Stacey) Modified on 3/12/2014 CM/ECF program error filing parties have been corrected. (BLG). Modified on 3/12/2014 event correction. (BLG).
**NON-PUBLIC** Motion status [749] terminated: (BLG)
RESPONSE to [743] MOTION to Vacate Schedule Related to Motions Regardiing Basic Threshold Jurisdictional Issues, filed by Defendants David and Karen Hardy Family Trust, Thomas E. & Morna Lloyd, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. Replies due by 3/27/2014. (Herskovits, Simeon)
MOTION to Dismiss pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1), or in the Alternative, to Stay Proceedings with Respect to Mineral County's Amended Complaint in Intervention filed by WRID. Responses due by 4/17/14. (DePaoli, Gordon) (Attachments:# (1) POINTS & AUTHORITIES.) QC assisted filing. (BLG)
**NON-PUBLIC** Set/Reset Deadlines as to [751] MOTION to Dismiss : Responses due by 4/17/2014. (BLG)
JOINDER to [751] Motion to Dismiss Claims of United States Based upon State Law Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1), or in the Alternative, to Stay Proceedings with Respect to Mineral County's Amended Complaint in Intervention filed by Countyof Mono. (Simon, Stacey) QC assisted filing. (BLG) (Additional attachment(s) added on 3/31/2014: # (1) Certificate of Service) (BLG).
JOINDER to [751] MOTION to Dismiss ; Joinder by Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC, et al. to Walker River Irrigation District's Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1), or in the Alternative, to Stay Proceedings with Respect to Mineral County's Amended Complaint in Intervention filed by Defendants Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC, . (Schroeder, Laura) Modified on 4/1/2014 to reflect correct filing parties. (BLG).
JOINDER to [751] MOTION to Dismiss ; Joinder by Lyon County to Walker River Irrigation District's Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1), or in the Alternative, to Stay Proceedings with Respect to Mineral County's Amended Complaint in Intervention filed by Defendants Lyon County. (Benesch, George). (BLG). QC assisted filing. (BLG)
Certificate of Service as to [751] Motion to dismiss obo Walker River Irrigation District. QC assisted. (WJ)
MOTION to Stay May 30, 2014, Deadline in Subproceeding C-125-C and to Clarify Scope of Stay in Subproceeding C-125-B by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. Motion ripe 5/27/2014. (Herskovits, Simeon)
NOTICE OF LODGING RESPONSE TO MOTION TO DISMISS by United States Of America. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment A)(Addington, Gregory)
RESPONSE to [751] MOTION to Dismiss, filed by Intervenor Plaintiff Walker River Paiute Tribe. Replies due by 6/9/2014. (Williams, Wes)
RESPONSE to [751] MOTION to Dismiss, filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. Response to WRID Motion to Dismiss or Stay Replies due by 6/9/2014. (Herskovits, Simeon)
RESPONSE to [751] MOTION to Dismiss, filed by Plaintiff United States Of America. Replies due by 6/12/2014. (Guarino, Andrew)
MOTION to Extend Time regarding dispositive matter (First Request) by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. Motion ripe 6/6/2014. (De Paoli, Gordon)
MOTION to Shorten Time regarding dispositive matter WRID Motion for Order Shortening Time by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. Motion ripe 6/6/2014. (De Paoli, Gordon)
RESPONSE to [761] MOTION to Extend Time regarding dispositive matter (First Request) , filed by Defendant Lyon County. Replies due by 6/19/2014. (Benesch, George)
RESPONSE to [762] MOTION to Shorten Time regarding dispositive matter WRID Motion for Order Shortening Time, filed by Defendant Lyon County. Replies due by 6/19/2014. (Benesch, George)
RESPONSE to [761] MOTION to Extend Time regarding dispositive matter (First Request) , filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. MINERAL COUNTYS RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO WALKER RIVER IRRIGATION DISTRICTS MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME Replies due by 6/19/2014. (Thornton, Iris)
JOINDER to [761] MOTION to Extend Time regarding dispositive matter (First Request) ; filed by Defendant Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC. (Schroeder, Laura)
JOINDER to [762] MOTION to Shorten Time regarding dispositive matter WRID Motion for Order Shortening Time ; filed by Defendant Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC. (Schroeder, Laura)
Reply in Support of [761] Motion for Extension of Time by Walker River Irrigation District. (De Paoli, Gordon) Modified on 6/12/2014 (BLG).
REPLY to Response to [751] MOTION to Dismiss filed by Defendant Walker River Irrigation District. WRID's Reply Points & Authorities in Support of Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to FRCP 12(B)(1), or in the Alternative, to Stay Proceedings With Respect to Mineral County's Amended Complaint in Intervention (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E)(De Paoli, Gordon)
NOTICE of Association of Counsel by Laura A Schroeder on behalf of Defendant Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC. Notice of Appearance of Counsel (Schroeder, Laura)
JOINDER to Walker River Irrigation District's Reply Points and Authorities in Support of Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1), or in the Alternative, to Stay Proceedings with Respect to Mineral County's Amended Complaint in Intervention filed by Defendant Circle Bar N Ranch, LLC. (Schroeder, Laura)
REPLY to Response to [751] MOTION to Dismiss filed by Defendant Lyon County. Joinder by Lyon County to WRID Reply Points and Authorities in Support of Motion to Dismiss (Benesch, George)
JOINDER to [769] Reply to Response to [751] Motion, ; filed by Plaintiff Mono County County Counsel. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Simon, Stacey) Modified on 7/10/2014 add link to motion. (WJ).
ORDER denying as moot [756] Motion to Stay; granting Motion to Extend Time; denying [762] Motion to Shorten Time; and denying [743] Motion to Vacate Schedule. Oral argument re [751] Motion to Dismiss is set for 10/27/2014 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 6 before District Judge Robert C. Jones. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 10/16/14. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
**NON-PUBLIC** Motions terminated: [762] MOTION to Shorten Time regarding dispositive matter WRID Motion for Order Shortening Time filed by Walker River Irrigation District. (JC)
NOTICE Letter to Judge Jones Re Request for Telephone Appearance at Oral Argument Hearing Monday, October 27, 2014 by California Department of Fish and Game, California Parks and Recreation Department, California Water Resources Control Board. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Neville, Michael)
Mail Returned re #[774] and #2099 Order addressed to :
Vicki Abilla, Acme Leasing LLC, Algeo Family Revocable Trust, Stanley Allen, Stanley J. Allen, C and J Attaway Family Trust, James J. Baran Arthur Ronald Balbini Revocable Living Trust, Jennifer Lee Batting, Donna Costa Beach, Dale G. Blackburn, Eve L. Blackburn, William S. Boyanich, Nathaniel Bradford, Nathaniel J. Bradford, Suzanne Bradford, Suzanne M. Bradford, Brandstetter Family Trust, William J. Bray, Sr., Beverly E. Brown, Sherilyn E. Brueggemann, Elizabeth J. Bryan, John L. Bryan, Connie Cain, Connie L. Cain, Robert Cain, Robert E. Cain, Paul K. Carlin, Paul Kent Carlin, Shelley Carlin, Sheila Clayton, Clemens Family Trust, Stephen M. Clifford, Shawn M. Clyde, Vicki A. Clyde, Cris Converse, Croker Trust, Joni S. Davidson, Nathan S. Davidson, Wanda J. DeWitt, Deborah L. Dibble, John K. Dibble, Steven M. Draper, Leo Patrick Dunn 2004 Trust, ECT Family Trust, Kenneth W. Fisher, Michael P. Flood, Michael Patrick Flood, Charles Frame, Bruce Frechette, Otto Albert Gisler 2003 Revocable Living Trust Agreement, Robert A. Hamlett, Robert A. Hamlett, II, Margaret Hawkins, Carla S. Hern, Carla Sue Hern, Ronald J. Holcomb, Shauna L. Holcomb, Walter and Laura J. Hubmer, Walter H. and Laura Hubmer Family Trust, Frances L. Hyne, Carol Jones, Martha J. Jones, Michael L. Jones, Scott Jones, Scott E. Jones, Roxanne Jones-Cartwright, Roxanne L. Jones-Cartwright, Cleo N. Kennedy, Dale S. & Cleo N. Kennedy, Jerome H. Kleve, Verna L. Kleve, Verna Lee Kleve, L&M Family Ltd Partnership Lakore Revocable Family Trust, Jerry W. Lee, Robert E. Lee, Harry S. Loll, Dale E. Luers, Devon S. Luers, Ruth J. Magee Revocable Trust, Marcom Family Trust dated 11/20/00, Robert T. And France McCandless Family Trust, Carol A. Mehischau, Carol Mehlschau, John Mehlschau, John H. Mehlschau, Mulreany Family Trust dated 11/22/91, Mulreany Properties LLC, Dolores Munro, John M. Newman, Kelly L. Nickum, Jerry W. Oehlerking, Kathryn M. Oehlerking, Jerry W. And Kathryn J. Oehlerking Joint Living Trust, Larry Ogden, Jr., Nancy Oxsen, Nancy A. Oxsen, Peter Oxsen, Peter K. Oxsen, Victor A. Perry, Rosemary E. Petersen, Pursel Ranch, Alice A. Raymond, Julia A. Roeder, Philip B. Roeder, Rupe Family Trust Agreement, Albert Carlos Skinner LLC Elbert C. Spurgeon 2004 Family Trust, John David Sr. Stanley, John David Stanley, Sr., Marlyse Reed Stanley, Strosnider, Inc., Strudwick Living Trust, Georgia C. Sturtevant, Floyd M. Sturtevant, Paul S. Tola, Jean E. Tola, Laura J. Tomac, Laura Jean Tomac, Michael J. Tornsello, Craig J. Uhland Living Trust UDT 7/27/04, Urton Revocable Lving Trust dated 01/24/85, Frances R. Vidal, T. Michael Vidal, Barbara Wagener, Mark H. Wagener, Mark and Barbara Wagenerm, Glenn Watters, Helen P. Watters, Weaver Properties, LLC, Martha Wilson, Wylie Wilson.
Distributed in cases 3:73-cv-00127 and 3:73-cv-00128 (DRM)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing RE: [751] MOTION to Dismiss held on 10/27/2014 before Judge Robert C. Jones. Crtrm Administrator:
Lesa Ettinger; Counsel Appearing:
Stacey Simon, David Negri, Andrew Guarino, Wes Williams, Jr., Simeon Herskovits, Bryan Stockton, Dale Ferguson, Gordon DePaoli, Don Springmeyer, Sean Rowe, Therese Ure, Matthew Curtie; Court Reporter/FTR #:
Margaret Griener; Time of Hearing:
10:06 - 11:48; Courtroom:
Argumentsof counsel are heard with respect to [751] Motion to Dismiss. Following arguments, the Court advises that this matter is not under submission until the date of the oral argument on the motion to dismiss in Case No. 3:73-cv-127 (In Equity C-125-B).
Further issues are raised to the Court with respect to pending motions in other related cases.
With respect to Case No. 3:73-cv-127 (In Equity C-125-B): IT IS ORDERED that in anticipation of the filing of WRID's Motion to Dismiss, Oral Argument is scheduled for Monday, May 4, 2015 at 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 6 before Judge Robert C. Jones.
With respect to Case No. 3:73-cv-125 (In Equity C-125): IT IS ORDERED that Oral Argument regarding NFWF's [1221] Motion to Confirm Nevada State Engineer Ruling is set for Monday, January 5, 2015 at 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 6 before Judge Robert C. Jones. Simultaneous brief due in 30 days; reply due 7 days thereafter.
As to WRID's [1249] Petition of WRID for Temporary Modification of the Walker River Decree in Accordance with Report of the California State Water Resources Control Board as Special Master, the Court directs counsel to file their objections.
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - LE)
NOTICE Disclaimer of Interest in Water Rights and Notice of Related Information and Documentation Supporting Disclaimer by Nevada Bighorns Unlimited. (Hayward, Daniel)
NOTICE - DISCLAIMER OF INTEREST IN WATER RIGHTS, by Nevada Bighorns Unlimited, Reno Chapter. (DRM)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [774] Order, addressed to William S. Boyanich, Cris Converse, Diane L. Cornish, Desert Lake Campground, Arden O. Gerbig, Evilo J. Gerbig, Harker Family Trust, Martiniano Hernandez-Guerrero, Carl Hiskett, Phyllis A. Hiskett, Doris B. Holmes Trust, Charles N. Mathewson, Barbara C. Matlean, Milton Matlean, McMinn Family Turst dated 5/21/99, Ronald Menesini, Delores A. Munro, John M. Newman, Perrin Trust, Perrin Dynasty Trust, Wendy E. Proud, Albert Carlos Skinner, LLC, Stanley Family Trust dated 12/11/97, Charles W. Strong, Thom Family Trust, Ninetta M. Urschel, Victor P. Urschel, Ermon Wilson and Mar Smith Trust, Yerington Associates. (JC)
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings, [780] Motion Hearing held on 10/27/2014, before Judge Robert C. Jones. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Margaret Griener, 775-329-9980. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber using the court's "Transcript Order" form available on our website <a href= target=_blank></a> before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 11/28/2014. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/8/2014. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/5/2015. (MG)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [774] Order, addressed to Dianne Borsini Burr Trust, John W. Claverie, John J. Cleary Revocable Family Trust dated 12/10/98, Charles N. Mathewson Trust, RGGS Land and Minerals Ltd, Jennifer Ann Smith, Denise L. Terry. (KR)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [774] Order, addressed to Courtney Brown, Wanda M. Menesini, Denise L. Terry, and Candyce Wipfli. (JC)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [774] Order, addressed to Roxanne Dressler. (KR)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 12/2/2014. By Deputy Clerk: Katie Lynn Ogden. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a status conference is set for Monday, 1/5/15 at 1:00 p.m., in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically for the status conference before Magistrate Judge Cobb shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 1515 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
MOTION to Substitute Attorney In Proper Persona by Defendant Louis and Erma Flasko Family Trust dated 06/04/81, re-stated 05/27/82. Motion ripe 12/5/2014. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Susbstitution In Pro Per)(Schlegelmilch, John)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 12/8/2014, granting [786] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Attorney John Paul Schlegelmilch terminated. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF -JC)
ORDER approving Verified Petition for Attorney Anita E. Ruud (Docket #1260 in Case 3:73-cv-125). Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 12/16/14. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb, on 12/31/2014. By Deputy Clerk: Katie Lynn Ogden. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the status conference set for Monday, 1/5/2015 at 1:00 p.m. is VACATED and RESCHEDULED to Tuesday, 1/6/2015 at 1:00 p.m. in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically for the status conference before Magistrate Judge Cobb shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 1615 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 1/6/2015 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel Present: Wes Williams Jr., Andrew Guss Guarino, Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, Therese Ure, Bryan Stockton, Simeon Herskovits, George Benesch, Matt Curti, and Jan Zabriskie; Counsel Appearing Telephonically: Erin Mahaney, Annadel Almendras, Stacey Simon, David Negri, Harry Swainston and George Keele; Special Appearances: Eileen Rutherford (Senior Paralegal obo United States of America, Telephonically), Jim Shaw (Water Master) and Lia Griffin (USDC Clerks Office Operations Manager); FTR #: 1:14:43 p.m. - 2:11:26 p.m.; Time of Hearing: 1:00 p.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court and parties have discussions relating to Case No. 3:73-CV-000127-RCJ-WGC, In Equity C-125-B and Case No. 3:73-CV-00128-RCJ-WGC, In Equity C-125-C. Preparation of a proposed E-Service Order and Case Management Order in the C-125-C subproceeding is deferred at this time. The court requests the United States District Court Clerk's Office to begin the process of developing a website for the C-125-C subproceeding. The United States of America is directed to file a notice advising the court whether service of the Superseding Order (Doc. # 2100 in the C-125-B subproceeding) has been accomplished or not no later than Tuesday, 1/20/2015. The clerk's office will file a notice after 1/13/2015 identifying the unrepresented parties requesting postcard service and will continue to file a notice quarterly with an updated list. The court indicates and all counsel agree that serving a complete document in lieu of a postcard satisfies the postcard provision of the Superseding Order (Doc. # 2100, pg. 10, ¶ 17c and ¶ 18 in the C-125-B subproceeding). Counsel for the United States of America indicates the Joint Motion to Allow Service by Publication will be filed by the end of January 2015. The court schedules a status conference for Thursday, February 26, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. The United States of America shall file an agenda for the status conference no later than Wednesday, 2/18/2015. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 22615 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. IT IS SO ORDERED. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
LETTER from Richard and Joan Kahn Trust requesting removal from service list. (JC)
NOTICE SUMMARY FOR THE STATUS CONFERENCE HELD JANUARY 6, 2015 by United States Of America. (Guarino, Andrew)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Status Conference held on 2/26/2015 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator: Katie Lynn Ogden; Counsel Present: Wes Williams Jr., Gordon DePaoli, Dale Ferguson, and Simeon Herskovits; Counsel Appearing Telephonically: Erin Mahaney, Stacey Simon, David Negri, Harry Swainston, Andrew Guss Guarino, Jan Zabriskie, Matt Curti, George Benesch, Bryan Stockton, and Karen Peterson; Special Appearances: Eileen Rutherford (Senior Paralegal obo United States of America, Telephonically), Jim Shaw (Water Master, Telephonically); FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 10:07:10 a.m. - 11:02:59 a.m.; Courtroom: 2. The court and counsel confer regarding the agenda items as outlined in the United States of America's List of Proposed Agenda Items (Doc. # 2174). IT IS ORDERED the Joint Motion to Allow Service by Publication (Doc. # 2163 in C-125-B subproceeding) is GRANTED. The formal order will be entered upon revision of the proposed order. The court directs counsel to confer with Ms. Griffin regarding the Doc. # 2152 in subproceeding C-125-B list and the number of identified unrepresented parties requesting postcard service. The court explainsthe Clerk's Office has developed a separate website for the C-125-C case. The court advises that District Judge Jones has determined it would be within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Magistrate Judge to approve the implementation of website for the C-125-C subproceeding. The court directs the parties to review the website for additional comments. After the parties have had a chance to make comment and any revisions are made to the website, the court directs Mr. Herskovits draft and submit a proposed order approving the implementation of the C-125-C website. At this time, the court and parties defer any action on a proposed E-Service Order in the C-125-C case pending resolution of the [751] motion to dismiss. The court and parties havediscussions regarding various motions which are pending and being addressed by District Judge Jones. Confirmation of next status conference: telephonic status conference set for Monday,4/20/2015, at 10:00 a.m., in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb The United States is directed to file either an agenda of topics the court and parties should address during the telephonic status conference or a joint request to vacate the hearing should the partiesagree there are no topics to address at the time of the April 20th telephonic status conference. The agenda or request to vacate shall be filed no later than Friday, 4/10/2015. Should the telephonic status conference remain on calendar, counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 42015 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing.In view of oral arguments scheduled before District Judge Jones in May 2015 regarding the pending motions to dismiss in the C-125-B case, the court schedules a telephonic status conference for Wednesday, 6/3/2015, at 10:00 a.m., in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Counsel wishing to appear telephonically shall dial 1-877-873-8017, enter the access code 3416460, and enter the security code 6315 approximately five (5) minutes prior to the hearing. IT IS SO ORDERED. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
***Staff notes: Case Stayed @ 10/27/14 hearing [780] ---- until after 5/4/15. (BLG)
VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Michelle T. Miano and DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Sean Rowe (Filing fee $ 250 receipt number 0978-3597269) filed by Intervenor Mineral, County Of . (Herskovits, Simeon)
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Simeon M Herskovits on behalf of Intervenor Mineral, County Of. Notice of Appearance of Michelle T. Miano (Herskovits, Simeon)
approving [795] Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Michelle Miano for Mineral County and Walker Lake Working Group, and approving Designation of Local Counsel Sean Rowe. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 3/25/2015. Any Attorney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KR)
NOTICE SUMMARY FOR THE STATUS CONFERENCE HELD FEBRUARY 26, 2015 by United States Of America. (Guarino, Andrew)
MOTION to Vacate APRIL 20, 2015 STATUS CONFERENCE by Plaintiff United States Of America. (Guarino, Andrew)
ORDER granting [799] Motion to Vacate. In view of the request to vacate the upcoming status conference and good cause appearing, the status conference set for Monday, 4/20/2015, at 10:00 a.m. is VACATED. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 4/13/2015. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO)
DISCLAIMER OF INTEREST in Water Rights and Notice of Related Information and Documentation Supporting Disclaimer (Tom Lowe), by Evangelina Pierce. (DRM) (
Mineral County WaterCase Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [801] Order addressed to Donald J Berinati, Beverly E. Brown, Shelley Carlin, Casino West, Inc., Clements Family Trust, Croker Trust, Desert Lake Campground, Dale S & Cleo N Kennedy, Lommori Family Trust, Masini Investments, Delores Munro, Nancy Oxsen, Peter Oxsen, Perrin Trust, Pursel Ranch, Rupe Family Trust Agreement, Ermon W. & Mary Lee Smith, and Smith Ranch Partnership. (JC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE of Appearance and Intent to Participate by Defendants Stephan E. Swearngin and Mary S. Swearngin. (JC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) (Additional attachment(s) added on5/15/2015: # (1) Notice re Mary S. Swearngin) (JC).
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 5/27/2015 removed all plaintiffs but USA (WJ).
granting [751] Motion to Dismiss. Clerk shall enter judgment and close case. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 5/28/15. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Modified on 3/23/2021: Per ECF No. [907] Order - VACATED IN PART only to the extent necessary to permit Mineral County to "pursue its public trust claim to the extent that the County seeks remedies that would not involve a reallocation of" [...] "water rights adjudicated under the Decree and settled under the doctrine of prior appropriation." (ECF No. [904] at 21.) (AB).
VACATED PER ECF NO. [907] ORDER: JUDGMENT. Signed by Clerk of Court, Lance S. Wilson on 5/28/15. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 3/23/2021 to denote vacated (AB).
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ##[814] Order, [815] Judgment, addressed to Beverly E. Brown, Dale S & Cleo N. Kennedy, Delores Munro, Pursel Ranch, Rupe Family Trust Agreement. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [814] Order and [815] Judgment addressed to Clements Family Trust, Perrin Trust, Donald and Teresa Shehady Trust. (JC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE OF APPEAL as to [814] Order on Motion to Dismiss, by Plaintiff-Intervenor Mineral County; and Defendant, Walker Lake Working Group Of. Filing fee $ 505, receipt number 0978-3717452. E-mail notice (NEF) sent to the US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Order, # (2) Exhibit Party List)(Miano, Michelle) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Modified on 6/30/2015 parties corrected, which was caused by program CM/ECF. (BLG).
***Staff notes: Received phone call from counsel's office re [825] notice of appeal. Counsel has contacted USCA re this appeal, and USCA stated they did not receive the notice. Clerk regenerated notice of appeal to USCA only. (JC)
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 7/6/2015 party correction. (BLG).
**NON-PUBLIC** Attorney update in case: Attorney Steven George Martin for Centennial Livestock, William Thomas for Centennial Livestock, Roderick Eugene Walston for Centennial Livestock, Peter D Durney for Centennial Livestock, added. See [828] (BLG) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE OF APPEAL as to [815] Judgment, [814] Order on Motion to Dismiss, by Plaintiff United States Of America. E-mail notice (NEF) sent to the US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Judgment and Order, # (2) Exhibit B - Parties)(Negri, David) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Modified on 7/27/2015 filing party correction caused by CM/ECF program error. (BLG).
TRANSCRIPT DESIGNATION by Mineral County and Walker Lake Working Group re [825] Notice of Appeal,, [737] Transcript,, [585] Miscellaneous Hearing,,,,,, [736] Status Conference,,,,,,, [780] Motion Hearing,,,,,,, [714] Status Conference,,,,,,,,, [732] Transcript,, [726] Motion Hearing,,,,,,,, [781] Transcript,,.
Designation of Transcripts by Mineral County and Walker Lake Working Group (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral CountyWater Case Display Page) Modified on 7/29/2015 filing party correction. (BLG).
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings, [585] Miscellaneous Hearing held on 2/21/2012, before Judge Robert C. Jones. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Margaret Griener, 775-329-9980. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber using the court's Transcript Order form available on our website, at, before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 8/31/2015. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/10/2015. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/8/2015. (MG) (<a href= target=_blank>Mineral County Water Case Display Page</a>)
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings, held on 5/4/2015, before Judge Robert C. Jones. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Margaret Griener, 775-329-9980. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriberusing the court's Transcript Order form available on our website, at, before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 8/31/2015. RedactedTranscript Deadline set for 9/10/2015. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/8/2015. (MG) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
(Additional attachment(s) added on 9/3/2015: # (1) Errata Corrected Transcript correcting date of hearing on page 2 date of hearing should reflect May 4, 2015 on PDF) (BLG). Modified on 9/3/2015 NEF Regenerated to Mr. Herskovits only. (BLG).
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Sheryl Hatcher on behalf of Defendants J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, L G adams.
(Hatcher, Sheryl) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 8/25/2015 party correction. (Problem caused by court program CM/ECF). (BLG).
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Sheryl Hatcher on behalf of Defendants, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, . <iJames L. Lozenski, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams> (Hatcher, Sheryl) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 8/25/2015 party correction. (BLG).
TRANSCRIPT DESIGNATION by Plaintiff, United States Of America re [829] Notice of Appeal, [737] Transcript,, [719] Status Conference,,,,,, [834] Transcript,, [732] Transcript,, [781] Transcript,,.
(Guarino, Andrew) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Modified on 8/25/2015 filing party correction. (BLG).
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings, [719] Status Conference held on 8/6/2013, before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Margaret Griener, 775-329-9980. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber using the court's Transcript Order form available on our website, at, before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER Redaction Request due 9/24/2015. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 10/4/2015. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 12/2/2015. (MG) (<a href= target=_blank>Mineral County Water Case Display Page</a>)
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney
for Mineral County and Walker Lake Working Group by Michelle T. Miano by Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER granting [839] Motion to Withdraw as Counsel. Attorney Michelle T. Miano withdrawn for Petitioner-Intervenor Mineral County and Defendant Walker Lake Working Group. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 11/13/2015. (Service limited to electronic service only - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER of USCA, Ninth Circuit, granting Appellant's motion to dismiss as to [829] Notice of Appeal. This order serves as the mandate.
USCA case 15-16488. (KR) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER on Mandate as to ECF No. [841] USCA Order re ECF No. [829] Notice of Appeal
USCA Case 15-16488. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 4/28/16. (JC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [842] Order on Mandate, addressed to Weaver Properties LLC, Casino West Inc, Dale S. and Cleo N. Kennedy, Joan Soderstrom, and Shelley Carlin. (KR) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF No. [842] Order on Mandate, addressed to Terry I. McClain, Masini Investments, L&M Family Limited Partnership, Delores Munro, Beverly E. Brown, Croker Trust, Bolton Rose Trust, Pursel Ranch, Dave W. Soderstrom, Jr., Strosnider, Inc., Clements Family Trust, John David Stanley, Sr. (JC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [842] Order on Mandate, addressed to Courtney Brown, Desert Lake Campground, Margaret Hawkins, Ermon W. and Mary Lee Smith. (JC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Substitution of Attorney by Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Lyon County, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams. (Benesch, George) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
approving ECF No. [850] Notice of Substitution of Attorney. Attorney Stephen B Rye for Lyon County added in place of George N. Benesch. Service of this order limited to electronic service. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 6/6/16. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION to Substitute Attorney
in Propria Persona by Defendants Lona Marie Domenici-Reese, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. AdamsSurvivors Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams. (Benesch, George) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER GRANTING ECF. No. [852] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Lona Domenici shall proceed in Propria Persona, an unrepresented party. Attorney George N. Benesch terminated obo Lona Domenici. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 6/30/2016. (Electronic service only pursuant to instant Order; ad-hoc electronic service to Lona Domenici to email address noted in Order - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION to Substitute Attorney
in Propria Persona by Defendants Arrache 1990 Living Trust, E. (Benesch, George) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Modified on 7/6/2016 to reflect Attorney George Benesch is retiring and Ronald B. Arrache would like to substitute In Propria Persona. (BLG).
MOTION to Substitute Attorney
Jerry M. Synder in place of George Benesch by Defendants F.I.M. Corp. . (Benesch, George) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 7/7/2016 text & parties. (BLG).
MOTION to Substitute Attorney
Jerry M. Synder in place of George Benesch by Defendants, Alan S. Leinassar, and Marianne F. Leinassar. (Benesch, George) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 7/7/2016 text and parties. (BLG).
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney
Defendants Artesani Family Trust,Edgar J. Artesai, Jr. Trustee, and Marian Artesani, Trustee by George N. Benesch. (Benesch, George) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 7/7/2016 text & parties. (BLG).
SUGGESTION OF DEATH Upon the record of Defendant, Carolyn Strosnider and that all action against her be dismissed. (Benesch, George) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 7/7/2016 (BLG).
ORDER GRANTING ECF No. [854] Substitution of Attorney. Attorney George N. Benesch terminated as to Ronald B. Arrache. Ronald B. Arrache proceeding in propria persona. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 7/6/2016. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER GRANTING ECF No. [856] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Attorney Jerry M Snyder for Alan S. Leinassar, and Marianne F. Leinassar, substituted in the place and stead of Attorney George N. Benesch. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 7/6/2016. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER GRANTING ECF No. [855] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Attorney Jerry M Snyder for F.I.M. Corporations, substituted in place and stead of Attorney George N. Benesch. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 7/6/2016. (Copies havebeen distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER GRANTING ECF No. [864] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Jan Huggens substituted In Propria Persona in the place and stead of George N. Benesch. Esq.. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 7/7/2016. (Copies have been distributedpursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
granting ECF No. [866] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Jerry M. Snyder for Caroline H. Thacher and John H. Thacher, substituted for George N. Benesch. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 7/20/2016. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KR) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER GRANTING ECF No.[857] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney George N. Benesch withdrawn from the case for Sario Livestock Company. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 8/29/2016. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER GRANTING ECF No. [858] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. George N. Benesch withdrawn from the case for Artesani Family Trust, Edgar J. Artesani, Jr., Trustee, and Marian Artesani, Trustee. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 8/29/2016. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER directing that Jeff and Denise Hunewill Family Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, and Megan Hunewill be substituted in place of Defendant Stanley L. Hunewill in cases 3:73-cv-127 and 3:73-cv-128; directing counsel for Defendant CarolynStrosnider in case 3:73-cv-128 to identify successor(s)-in-interest within 60 days. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 9/7/2016. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KR) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION to Substitute Attorney
NOTICE of Association of Counsel by Jerry M Snyder on behalf of Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Lyon County, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams.
(Snyder, Jerry) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 9/12/2016 event correction. (BLG).
SUGGESTION OF DEATH Upon the Record as to Carolyn Strosnider
by Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Strosnider Family Trust, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams (Benesch, George) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER for removal from service list and termination as to attorneys of record. Attorney Anita E. Ruud terminated. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 10/11/2016. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KW) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION to remove attorney(s) Anita E. Ruud and J. Kyle Nast from the Electronic Service List in this case, by Defendants California Department of Fish and Game, California Parks and Recreation Department, California Water Resources Control Board, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams& J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order, # (2) Certificate of Service)(Zabriskie, Jan) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE IN LIEU OF SUMMONS as to Megan Hunewill, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, and Jeff and Denise Hunewill Family Trust. (Attachments: # (1) Part 2)(DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
**NON-PUBLIC** Motions terminated: [875] Motion to Remove Attorneys Anita E. Ruud and J. Kyle Nast from Electronic Service List. See Order (ECF No. 874). (HJ)
granting [872] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Jerry Snyder, Esq., substituted in place and stead of Stephen B. Rye, Esq., for Lyon County. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 10/12/2016. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - HJ) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Proof of Service for Stanley Hunewill Successors in Interest by Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Mineral, County Of, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams re [877] Notice (Other),. (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
of Change of Handling Attorney by Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Mono County County Counsel, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams. (Simon, Stacey) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE - Disclaimer of Interest in Water Rightsby
Walker River Land Corp.; ownership conveyed to E.L.W. Ranches, Inc., Lantana Ranch Family Limited Partnership; Calvest Associates; Lisa Schirmeister and Joseph W. Johnson; John M. Stitt and Julia T. Stitt; George LAbbe; and Mark S. Mahan. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION to remove attorney(s) Steven George Martin from the Electronic Service List in this case, by Defendants Centennial Livestock, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams. (Martin, Steven) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
granting ECF No. [881] Motion to Remove Attorney from Electronic Service List : Attorney Steven George Martin terminated as Attorney of Record for Centennial Livestock. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 6/12/2017. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney
by Sheryl Hatcher by Defendant
L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Hatcher, Sheryl) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 11/7/2017 to correct CM/ECF error; set filing parties as L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust
only (DRM).
granting ECF No. [883] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney : Sheryl Hatcher withdrawn from the case as Attorney for L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, and removed from service list. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 11/7/2017. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
15-16342 . (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MEMORANDUM of USCA, Ninth Circuit, as to ECF No. [825] Notice of Appeal : This is not a dispositive memorandum. This appeal remains pending, but will be administratively closed. USCA case
15-16342. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Gloria M. Navarro on 7/19/2018. By Deputy Clerk: Aaron Blazevich.
As the court of appeals reassignment order in 3:73-cv-127 expressly clarified that reassignment applies to all aspects of theWalker River Basin water rights case pending in the District of Nevada, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that this case is also reassigned to Judge Miranda M. Du. All further documents must bear the correct case number 3:73-cv-00128-MMD-WGC.
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ASB) (Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF No. [887] Minute Order, addressed to Rupe Family Trust Agreement, Jeffrey Peterson, Aarias Wheel Ranch, Inc., Angelo Joseph Rosaschi, Charles W. Strong, Peter Oxsen, Smith Ranch Partnership, Sheri L. Peterson Dale S. & Cleo N. Kennedy, Grover F. Glasner, Shelley Carlin, Joan Soderstrom, Strosnider, Dave W. Soderstrom Jr., and Clements Family Trust. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MAIL RETURNED as Undeliverable re ECF No. [887] Minute Order, addressed to John David Stanley Sr.; Beverly E. Brown; Delores Munro; L&M Family Partnership; Casino West; Masini Investments; Ward W & Mariann Ireland; Pursel Ranch; Bolton Rose Trust; Croker Trust; Frade Ranches; Sandra J. Callaham; Jeffrey M. Pauly. (LH) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF No. [887] Minute Order, addressed to Weaver Properties, LLC; Desert Lake Campground; William T. McClain; Terry L. McClain; Evilo J. Gerbig; Arden Gerbig; Leslie Bradshaw; Pauline Bradshaw; Margaret Hawkins. (KW) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
USCA Case No. 15-16342 . (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - LH) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 8/20/2018 to reflect USCA(LH).
for Substitution of Resident Attorney for Service of Process by Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Walker Lake Working Group, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
granting ECF No. [899] Stipulation for Substitution of Resident Attorney for Service of Process : Attorney Sean A. Rowe for Walker Lake Working Group, added in the place and stead of Attorney Cheri Emm-Smith. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 8/1/2019. (Electronic service only.)(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Tori Nicole Sundheim on behalf of Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Nevada Wildlife Department, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams.
(Sundheim, Tori) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Laura A Schroeder on behalf of Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Peter A. Fenili, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams.
(Schroeder, Laura) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER of USCA, Ninth Circuit, as to ECF No. [825] Notice of Appeal: Within 21 days of the date of this order, the parties shall and amici may file supplemental briefs addressing the effect of the Nevada Supreme Court's opinions on the issues pending before the USCA in this case.
USCA Case Number 15-16342. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AB) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
OPINION of USCA, Ninth Circuit, as to ECF No. [825] Notice of Appeal, filed by John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Mary Fulstone Hussman, Suellen Fulstone, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Mineral, County Of, Kristin A. Koketsu, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, James L. Lozenski.
AFFIRMED in part; VACATED in part; and REMANDED. USCA Case Number
15-16342. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AB) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MANDATE of USCA, Ninth Circuit - The judgment of this Court, entered January 28, 2021 (ECF No. [904]), takes effect this date. This constitutes the formal mandate of this Court issued pursuant to Rule 41(a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. USCA Case
15-16342.(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER on Mandate as to ECF Nos. [905] USCA Mandate and [904] USCA Memorandum/Opinion affirming in part, vacating in part, and remanding the order and judgment of the District Court (ECF Nos. [814], [815]) re ECF No. [825] Notice of Appeal. USCA Case Number
15-16342. Signed by Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 3/22/2021. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AB) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER - The Court's order granting the motion to dismiss (ECF No. [814]) is
vacated in part, only to the extent necessary to permit Mineral County to "pursue its public trust claim to the extent that the County seeks remedies that would not involve a reallocation of" [...] "water rights adjudicated under the Decree and settled under the doctrine of prior appropriation." (ECF No. [904] at 21.). The Judgment (ECF No. [815]) is
vacated. Signed by Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 3/22/2021. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AB) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 3/23/2021. By Deputy Clerk: Karen Walker.
A telephonic Status Conference is set for Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 10:00 A.M. in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb.
Counsel are directed to dial 1-888-557-8511, enter the access code 3599743, and enter the security code 42821, approximately ten (10) minutes prior to the hearing. The useof speaker phones and cell phones are prohibited.
The plaintiffs and principal defendants shall file a Status Report no later than Wednesday, April 21, 2021. IT IS SO ORDERED.
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributedpursuant to the NEF - KW) (Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re [906], [907] Orders addressed to Sario Livestock Company, Lyon County, William Quinn, Sean A. Rowe, Artesani Family Trust, State of California, and Walker River Paiute Tribe. (Attachments: # (1) Lyon County, # (2) William Quinn, # (3) Sean A. Rowe, # (4) Artesani Family Trust, # (5) State of California, # (6) Walker River Paiute Tribe) (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [906] and [907] Orders addressed to Nancy Oxsen, Angela Rosaschi, William & Judith Jacobsen, Kurt W. Hervin, Deborah A. Hayes, Jonathan C. Hayes, Smith Ranch Partnership, Sheri L. Peterson, and Angelo Groso. (Attachments: # (1) Angela Rosaschi, # (2) William & Judith Jacobsen, # (3) Kurt W. Hervin, # (4) Deborah A. Hayes, # (5) Jonathan C. Hayes, # (6) Smith Ranch Partnership, # (7) Sheri L. Peterson, # (8) Angelo Groso) (SC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [906] Order on Mandate and [907] Order addressed to John D. Stanley Sr., Bolton Rose Trust, Grover F. Glasner, Ward W. & Mariann Ireland, Frade Ranches Inc., Croker Trust, Lona Marie Domenici-Reese, Dave W. Soderstrom Jr., Jeffrey M. Pauly, Sandra J. Callaham, Joan Soderstrom, Strosnider, Inc., Don R. Gable, Harold E. Moore, Beverly E. Brown, Dale S. & Cleo N. Kennedy, Pursel Ranch, Estelle M. Aiazzi, Pete Aiazzi, Casino West, Inc., Masini Investments, Weaver Properties LLC, Marlene S. Greggersen, Delvin L. Elder, Delores Munro, Laura J. Tomac, Shelley Carlin, Karen R. Steele, Charles R. Steele, Douglas Ray and S. K. Roderick Living, Reiko Hervin, Peter Oxsen, Clements Family Trust, Rupe Family Trust Agreement, Jeffrey Peterson, and Farias Wheel Ranch Inc. (AB) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [906] and [907] Orders addressed to Desert Lake Campground and Anne W. Erkkila Trust. (Attachments: # (1) Anne W. Erkkila Trust) (SC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE re Perrin Trust being dissolved and address on docket no longer being associated with the former Perrin Trust by David L. Perrin for Perrin Trust. (AB) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [906] Order on Mandate and [907] Order, addressed to James T. Fousekis Intervivos Trust and Susana Cox Fousekis Intervivos Trust. (Attachments: # (1) Mail Returned as to Susana C. Fousekis Intervivos Trust) (AB) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Joint Status Report of Principal Defendants by Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Walker River Irrigation District, L G adams. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B) (De Paoli, Gordon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Proposed Agenda for April 28, 2021, Status Conference filed by Mineral County and Walker Lake Working Group re [908] Minute Order Setting Hearing,,,, Set/Reset Deadlines & Hearings,,,. (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Telephonic Status Conference held on 4/28/2021 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator:
Karen Walker; Counsel:
Andrew Guss Guarino, Esq., Wes Williams, Jr., Esq., Marisa Hazell, Esq., Gordon DePaoli, Esq., Brad Johnston, Esq., Dale Ferguson, Esq., Nhu Nguyen, Esq., Roderick Walston, Esq., Simeon Herskovits, Esq., Tyler Eastman, Esq, Stacey Simon, Esq., Tori Nicole Sundheim, Esq., Iris Thornton, Esq., Catlin Skulan, Esq., Christopher Mixon, Esq., Sean Rowe, Esq., James Bolotin, Esq. and Don Springmeyer, Esq.; Court Reporter:
Liberty Court Recorder; Time of Hearing:
10:00 a.m.; Recording start and end times:
10:07:17 a.m. - 11:12:47 a.m.; Courtroom:
The court holds today's status conference to discuss the current status of the case.
The court orders the second amended complaint to be filed by June 30, 2021.
After further discussion with the parties regarding the service packet and e-service order, the court orders the parties to work together drafting an e-service order to be submitted to the court by June 2, 2021.
The court orders a follow-up video status conference on June 16, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. The parties are directed to file a proposed agenda for the follow-up status conference on June 14, 2021.
The hearing will be conducted by Zoom Video Conference. The parties are directed to contact the courtroom administrator Karen Walker, at(775) 686-5918 or, by Monday, June 14, 2021, to provide the e-mail address of all counsel who will be attending the hearing. The courtroom administrator shall send the Zoom invite/link to all attending on Tuesday, June 15, 2021.
(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KW) (Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
granting ECF No. [925] Motion to Admit Counsel for the United Sttes. Signed by Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 4/28/2021. Attorneys Tyler James Eastman, and Marisa Hazell, added for United States of America. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
CLERK'S NOTICE Regarding Local Rule IC 2-1(a) and 2-1(d). Attorney
Tyler J. Eastman and Marisa J. Hazell are required to register to file documents electronically in the Court's electronic filing system (CM/ECF) and the electronic service of pleadings and other papers. Please visit the Court's website to complete the registration for CM/ECF.
(no image attached) (LE) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
of Filing of Proposed Order Discontinuing Service by Mail filed by Mineral County, Nevada re [926] Status Conference,,,,,,,. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Proposed Order Discontinuing Service by Mail, # (2) Exhibit Exhibit A) (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
of Filing of Proposed Order Relating to Completion of Service filed by Mineral County, Nevada. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Proposed Order Relating to Completion of Service, # (2) Exhibit Attachment B - Notice in Lieu of Summons, # (3) Exhibit Attachment C - NOA_Represented Party, # (4) Exhibit Attachment D - NOA Unrepresented Party_Eservice, # (5) Exhibit Attachment E - NOA Unrepresented Party_Postcard, # (6) Exhibit Attachment F - Disclaimer of Interest Form, # (7)Exhibit Attachment G - Joint Motion for Substitution Form, # (8) Exhibit Attachment H - Statement Noting Death Form, # (9) Exhibit Attachment I - Request for Waiver of Personal Service, # (10) Exhibit Attachment J - Waiver of Personal Service Form) (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
filed by Mineral County and Walker Lake Working Group. Responses due by 6/25/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 2005 C-127 - US Application for Appointment of Process Server, # (2) Exhibit 2005 C-127 - Order Appointing Process Server, # (3) Proposed Order Proposed Order Appointing Process Server) (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
PROPOSED AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE STATUS CONFERENCE SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 16, 2021 filed by Mineral County and Walker Lake Working Group re [926] Status Conference,,,,,,,. (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Video Status Conference held on 6/16/2021 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator:
Karen Walker and Ashlyn Bye; Counsel Appearing:
Andrew Guss Guarino, Esq., Marisa Hazell, Esq., Tyler Eastman, Esq, Wes Williams, Jr., Esq., Stacey Simon, Esq., Roderick Walston, Esq., Gordon DePaoli, Esq., Dale Ferguson, Esq., Don Springmeyer, Esq., Simeon Herskovits, Esq., Iris Thornton, Esq., Nhu Nguyen, Esq., Brad Johnston, Esq., and Catlin Skulan, Esq.; Court Reporter:
Liberty Court Recorder; Time of Hearing:
10:00 a.m.; Recording start and end times:
10:09:42 a.m. - 11:08:33 a.m. and 11:17:51 a.m. - 11:49:20 a.m.; Courtroom:
The court holds today'sstatus conference to discuss the proposed orders discontinuing service by mail (ECF No. [930]), completion of service (ECF No. [931]), and the Unopposed Motion Application of Mineral County for Special Appointment of Process Server (ECF No. [932]).
The court grants the Unopposed Motion for Application of Mineral County for Special Appointment of Process Server Under Fed.R.Civ.P. 4(C)(3) (ECF No. [932]). Mr. Herskovits directs the court to the proposed order attached and the order isapproved and executed.
The court discusses future status conference and when such should take place. The court reserves tentative video status conferences dates for July 21, 2021, August 25, 2021, and October 6, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. The parties are to notify the court if any of the tentative status conferences are not necessary and such date will be vacated.
(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KW) (Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER for Special Appointment of Process Server Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 6/16/2021. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER by Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Walker Lake Working Group, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Attachment A_NOTICE OFE-MAIL ADDRESS, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, DECLARATION OF HARDSHIP)(Herskovits, Simeon)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER by Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Walker Lake Working Group, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Attachment A_Riparian Owners)(Herskovits, Simeon)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER by Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Walker Lake Working Group, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Attachment A_Notice inLieu of Summons, # (2) Exhibit Attachment B_Order re Completion of Service, # (3) Exhibit Attachment C_Second Amended Complaint in Intervention, # (4) Exhibit Attachment D_Notice of Appearance_Represented Party, # (5) Exhibit Attachment E_Notice of Appearance Unrepresented Party EService, # (6) Exhibit Attachment F_Notice of Appearance Unrepresented Postcard, # (7) Exhibit Attachment G_Disclaimer of Interest Form, # (8) Exhibit Attachment H_Request for Waiver, # (9) Exhibit Attachment I_Waiver Form)(Herskovits, Simeon)
NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING OF PROPOSED ORDERS AND REQUEST TO VACATE JULY 21, 2021, STATUS CONFERENCE by Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Mineral, County Of, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams.. (Herskovits, Simeon)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 7/19/2021. Before the court is the parties' "Notice of Filing Proposed Orders and Request to Vacate July 21, 2021, Status Conference" (ECF No. [940]). Good cause appearing, it is hereby ordered that the Status Conference set on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. is
VACATED. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AB) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER Discontinuing Service by Mail (see PDF image for additional details). Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 7/19/2021. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AB) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER Relating to Completion of Service and Schedule for Responses to Mineral County's Second Amended Complaint in Intervention : On or before
December 31, 2021, Mineral County shall make service as specified herein. (See pdf order for additional deadlines.) Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 7/19/2021. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER Approving Mineral County Service Package. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 7/19/2021. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [941], [942], [943], [944] Orders addressed to Clements Family Trust, Dave W. Soderstrom, Jr., Joan Soderstrom, and Strosnider, Inc. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE of Disclaimer of Interest in Water Rights and Notice of Related Information and Documentation Supporting Disclaimer. Interest conveyed from Talbot Land & Livestock, to Centennial Livestock. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICES IN LIEU OF SUMMONS to Defendants' re ECF No. [936] Second Amended Complaint in Intervention. (Copies have been distributed electronically only to e-filing parties via the NEF - SC) (SC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [941], [942], [943] and [944], addressed to Deborah A. Hayes, Hunewill Enterprises, Susan P. Berrington, Jonathan C. Hayes, Delores Munro, Estelle M. Aiazzi, Croker Trust, William & Judith Jacobsen, Masini Investments, Sandra J. Callaham, Reiko Hervin, Angelo Groso, Frade Ranches, Inc., Leslie Bradshaw, William T. McClain, Charles R. Steele, Desert Lake Campground, Rupe Family Trust Agreement, Anne W. Erkkila Trust, Peter Oxsen, Pauline Bradshaw, Jeffrey Peterson, Angelo J. Rosaschi, Sheri L. Peterson, Kurt W. Hervin, Casino West, Inc., Ward W. & Mariann Ireland, Smith Ranch Partnership, and Karen R. Steele. (SMR) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 7/30/2021 to correct addressee (SMR). Modified on 8/2/2021 to include addressees' names (SMR).
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [941], [942], [943], and [944] Orders, addressed to Pete Aiazzi, Shelley Carlin, L&M Family Limited Partnership, and to Nancy Oxsen. (SMR) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [941], [942], [943], [944] Orders, addressed to Charles W. Strong, Ermon W. & Mary Lee Smth, and, John D. Stanley Sr.. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [941], [942], [943], and [944] Orders, addressed to Lona Marie Domenici-Reese and to Beverly E. Brown. (SMR) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [941], [942], [943], [944] Orders addressed to Dale S & Cleo N Kennedy; Jeffrey M. Pauly; Artesani Family Trust; William Quinn; Douglas Ray and S. J Roderick Living;Sean A. Rowe; Farias Wheel Ranch Inc.; Bolton Rose Trust; and Lyon County, NV. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [941], [942], [943], [944] Orders, addressed to Sario Livestock Company, and to State of California. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF Nos. [941], [942], [943], and [944] addressed to the Compston Family Trust and James Fousekis Intervivos Trust. (SC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
UNOPPOSED MOTION Unopposed Motion to Vacate August 25 Status Conference by Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on [960] Unopposed Motion,, by Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
granting ECF No. [960] Unopposed Motion : The Status Conference set for Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. is
VACATED. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 8/19/2021. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF No. [962] Order, addressed to Shelley Carlin, Glenn M. Stark, Croker Trust. Bolton Rose Trust, Dale S & Cleo N Kennedy, Pursel Ranch, Rupe Family Trust Agreement, Reiko Hervin, Susan P. Berrington, Smith Ranch Partnership, Leslie Bradshaw, Pauline Bradshaw, Sheri L. Peterson, Jeffrey Peterson, Jonathan C. Hayes, Angelo J. Rosaschi, Kurt W. Hervin, State of California, Sean A. Rowe, Artesani Family Trust, William Quinn, Farias Wheel Ranch Inc.,Deborah A. Hayes, William & Judith Jacobsen, Harold E. Moore, Don R. Gable, Casino West, Inc., L&M Family Limited Partnership, and Sario Livestock Company. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF No. [962] Order, addressed to Strosnider, Inc., Karen R, Steele, Dave W. Soderstrom Jr., Lyon County, and Compston Family Trust. (SMR) (
Mineral CountyWater Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF No. [962] Order, addressed to Charles W. Strong, Desert Lake Campground, Beverly E. Brown, John Sciarani, Ward W & Mariann Ireland, Clements Family Trust, Joan Soderstrom, Grover F. Glasner, Charles R. Steele, Frade Ranches Inc., Douglas Ray and S.J. Roderick Living, Sandra J. Callaham, Lawrence W. Fawcett, Delores Munro, Pete Aiazzi, Estelle M Aiazzi, and Masini Investments. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re ECF No. [962] Order addressed to Terry McClain, Angelo Groso, William McClain, Anne W. Erkkila Trust, Nancy Oxsen, and Peter Oxsen. (SC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Stipulation and [Proposed] Order Concerning Responses to Second Amended Complaint in Intervention filed by Walker River Irrigation District. (De Paoli, Gordon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 9/17/2021.
ORDER - The Stipulation (ECF No. [975]) is
APPROVED except for the waiver of page limitations referenced in paragraph 3 (pp. 2-3) regarding the filing of memorandum of points and authorities in support of the parties' anticipated Motion to Dismiss. The parties shall follow the normal process for seeking to exceed the page limit and be prepared to be precise as to the page limit and the reason. IT IS SO ORDERED.
Joint Motions to Dismiss due by
10/29/2021. Responses due by
1/31/2022. Replies due by
3/31/2022. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SMR) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
DISCLAIMER OF INTEREST IN WATER RIGHTS AND NOTICE OF RELATED INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION SUPPORTING DISCLAIMER filed by Antelope Valley Fire Protection District. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Previously filed declaration) (Simon, Stacey) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
REPLY to [936] Notice Other by Defendants Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, L G adams, Respondent Walker River Paiute Tribe, Intervenor Plaintiff Walker River Paiute Tribe.. (Walker, Alice)
ORDER GRANTING SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL re ECF No. [984] Notice. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 9/29/2021. (Attorney Anthony J. Walsh for Nevada Wildlife Department, added. Attorney Tori Nicole Sundheim terminated.) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Unopposed MOTION Unopposed Motion to Vacate October 6, 2021, Status Conference
filed by Mineral County, Nevada. Responses due by 10/15/2021. (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
granting ECF No. [989] Unopposed Motion to Vacate October 6, 2021, Status Conference. The Status Conference set for Wednesday, October 6, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. is
VACATED, and a video Status Conference is set for
Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 10/4/2021. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SC) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Notice of Appearance and Intent to Participate for Unrepresented Party Consenting to Electronic Service, by John R. Brooks, as Trustee of The John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, and Kaycean Brooks Buma, as Trustee of the Buma Family Trust "Survivor's Trust", as successors in interest to John R. Brooks and Kaycean Brooks Buma, as Successor Trustees of The Frances Brooks 1983 Trust.Buma Family Trust. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water CaseDisplay Page)
MOTION Principal Defendants' Joint Motion to Dismiss Mineral County's Second Amended Complaint in Intervention Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1), 12(b)(6) and 12(b)(7)
filed by Walker River Irrigation District. Responses due by 11/11/2021. (De Paoli, Gordon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION Principal Defendants' Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
filed by Walker River Irrigation District. Responses due by 11/11/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A) (De Paoli, Gordon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION Principal Defendants' Points and Authorities in Support of Motion to Dismiss Mineral County's Second Amended Complaint in Intervention Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1), 12(b)(6) and 12(b)(7) re [995] Motion, [994] Motion,
filed by Walker River Irrigation District. Responses due by 11/11/2021. (De Paoli, Gordon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ANSWER to Complaint
CALIFORNIA STATE AGENCIES ANSWER filed by California Department of Fish and Game, California Parks and Recreation Department, California Water Resources Control Board, Discovery Plan/Scheduling Order due by 12/13/2021.(Nguyen, Nhu) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE of Certificate of Interested Parties requirement: Under Local Rule 7.1-1, a party must immediately file its disclosure statement with its first appearance, pleading, petition, motion, response, or other request addressed to the court. Modified on 11/1/2021 to correct filing parties (LG).
JOINDER to [994] Motion, by Defendants Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Norman Annett, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams. (Anderson, Paul) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 11/8/2021. By Deputy Clerk: Karen Walker.
A video status conference is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., in courtroom 2, before Magistrate Judge Cobb.The principal parties are directed to file a proposed agenda for the video status conference on or before noon, Friday, November 12, 2021.
The parties are also directed to contact the courtroom administrator, Karen Walker, at (775) 686-5918 or, by Friday, November 12, 2021, to provide the e-mail address of all counsel who will be attending the hearing.
The following Zoom Video ConferenceInstructions shall be adhered to as follows:
Instructions and zoom invite to the scheduled hearing will be sent via e-mail at least ONE (1) day prior to the hearing to the participants e-mail provided to the Court.
1. Log on to the call ten (10) minutes prior to the hearing time.
2. Mute your sound prior to entering the hearing.
3. Do not talk over one another.
4. State your name prior to speaking for the record.
5. Do not have others in the video screen or moving in the background.
6. No recording of the hearing.
7. No forwarding of any video conference invitations.
8. Unauthorized users on the video conference will be removed.
Reminder: Please take notice that no one or entity or organization, including but not limited to counsel, counsel's agents or staff, the defendant, law enforcement agents/officers, and members of the public, who participate in or listen to this proceeding may NOT record it in any manner. Any individual, entity or organization that records this proceeding without written authorization of the Court will be subject to civil and/or criminal contempt penalties by this Court.
The court will address items on the proposed agenda and any related briefing.
Members of the public may access and listen to this proceeding by telephone. Dial: AT&T conference line no later than five (5) minutes prior to the hearing at 1-888-557-8511, enter the access code 3599743 and enter the security code 111621. IT IS SO ORDERED.
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KW) (Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Proposed Agenda Items for November 16, 2021, Status Conference filed by Mineral County and Walker Lake Working Group re [1000] Minute Order,,,,,,,,,. (Herskovits, Simeon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Video Status Conference held on 11/16/2021 before Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb. Crtrm Administrator:
Karen Walker; Counsel Appearing:
Andrew Guss Guarino, Esq., Wes Williams, Jr., Esq., Roderick Walston, Esq., Anthony Walsh, Esq., Dale Ferguson, Esq., Simeon Herskovits, Esq., Iris Thornton, Esq., Nhu Nguyen, Esq., Brad Johnston, Esq., Catlin Skulan, Esq., Chris Mixon, Esq., Don Springmeyer, Esq. and Emily Fox, Esq.; Court Reporter:
Liberty Court Recorder; Time of Hearing:
10:00 a.m.; Recording start and end times:
10:06:09 a.m. - 10:34:41 a.m.; Courtroom:
The court holds today's status conference to discuss the items identified in the Agenda (ECF No.[1001]).
The court sets the deadline for Mineral County to file the final service report on or before February 11, 2022. The parties are directed to notify the court, after the filing of the final service report, if a hearing is necessary to discuss the report.
(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KW) (Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION/NOTICE of Appearance and Intent to Participate for Unrepresented Party Declaring Hardship Making Electronic Service Impossible, by Joe & David Sceirine Ranches. (DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 1/17/2022 to correct and complete document title/description; activate as pending motion (DRM).
re [979] Order on Stipulation,,,, Minute Order,,, filed by Mineral County, Nevada. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A - Herskovits Doctor Letter) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) (Attachment 1 replaced on 12/16/2021) (PAV).
granting ECF No. [1003] Stipulation : Mineral County's Response to ECF No. [994] Joint Motion to Dismiss due by
4/30/2022. Joint Reply due by
6/30/2022. Signed by Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 12/15/2021. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
***Notes: Iris Thornton will file a notice of corrected image for ECF No. 1003. She will redact the date of birth on page 9. (PAV)
of Corrected Image - ECF 1003 filed by Mineral County, Nevada re [1004] Order on Stipulation,,,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A_Corrected Image) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
AFFIDAVIT re [943] Order, by Defendants Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J.Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Order AppointingRimer as Process Server, # (2) Exhibit B - Service List, # (3) Exhibit C - Affidavit of Due Diligence - Bostrom, # (4) Exhibit D - Affidavit of Due Diligence - Poore, # (5) Exhibit E - Affidavit of Due Diligence - Segerstrom, # (6) Exhibit F - Affidavit of Due Diligence - Skinner/Proof of Mailing, # (7) Exhibit G - Out of State Proofs of Service, # (8) Exhibit H - Deceased, # (9) Exhibit I - Mendoza Explanation, # (10) Exhibit J - Copy of Duran Affidavit of Due Diligence - McCoy, # (11) ExhibitK - McCoy Proof of Mailing)(Thornton, Iris)
AFFIDAVIT re [943] Order, by Defendants Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J.Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Service List, # (2) Exhibit B - McCoy Affidavit of Due Diligence)(Thornton, Iris)
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Kirk C. Johnson on behalf of Defendant Westfork, a Nevada corporation.
Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, , Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams. (Johnson, Kirk) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 1/11/2022 removed non-filers. (LE).
NOTICE of Docket Correction to [1012] Notice of Appearance filed on behalf of
Westfork, a Nevada corporation. QC removed non-filers from the docket entry.
(no image attached) (LE) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
**NON-PUBLIC** Judge update in case: Case Reassigned to Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb (Recall) for all further proceedings. Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb no longer assigned to the case. (HKL)
granting ECF No. [1006] Motion. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 1/18/2022. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - HKL) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
granting ECF No. [1015] Stipulation for Substitution of Counsel : Incoming District Attorney T. Jaren Stanton substituted in the place and stead of Sean Rowe for Mineral County, Nevada; and for Walker Lake Working Group. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 1/18/2022. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
CLERK'S NOTICE Regarding Local Rule IC 2-1. Attorney
T. Jaren Stanton is in violation of Local Rule IC 2-1(a) and 2-1(d). You are required to register to file documents electronically in the Court's electronic filing system (CM/ECF) and the electronic service of pleadings and other papers. Please visit the Court's website to complete the registration for CM/ECF.
(no image attached) (LE) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
filed by Mineral County, Nevada. Responses due by 2/3/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A - List of Unrepresented Parties Who Were Not Served with Order Discontinuing Service by Mail) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
GRANTING UNOPPOSED MOTION FOR SERVICE OF ORDER DISCONTINUING SERVICE BY MAIL ON UNREPRESENTED PARTIES (ECF No. [1019]). The Court will serve, via first class mail, the July 19, 2021, Order Discontinuing Service by Mail (ECF No. [942]), on the list of Unrepresented Parties attached hereto as Exhibit A. Signed by Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb on 1/20/2022.(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION to Dismiss Talbot Land and Livestock as a Defendant re [948] Notice (Other),
filed by Mineral County, Nevada. Responses due by 2/4/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Dismissing Talbot Land and Livestock as a Defendant) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
CLERK'S NOTICE due to Magistrate Judge William G. Cobb's retirement, this case is reassigned to Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney for all further proceedings. All further documents must bear the correct case number
(no image attached) (LG) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE/Letter to Clerk from Walter Hoffmann on behalf of Kathleen Hoffmann of apparent error re service of summons, asserting party previously dismissed, and misspelling of name. (Includes attachment from Case No. 3:73-cv-00127 listing persons and entities to be dismissed.) (DRM) (<a href= target=_blank>Mineral County Water Case Display Page</a>)
AFFIDAVIT of Service re [943] Order, [1002] Status Conference,,,, [1010] Affidavit,,,,, by Defendants Ronald B. Arrache, Robert Frank Bostrom, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Rimer Supplemental Service Affidavit, # (2) Exhibit B - Rimer Supplemental Service Affidavit, # (3) Exhibit C -Rimer Supplemental Service Affidavit, # (4) Certificate of Service Rimer Supplemental Service Affidavit COS)(Thornton, Iris)
AFFIDAVIT of Service re [943] Order, [1002] Status Conference,,,, [1010] Affidavit,,,,, [1011] Affidavit,,, by Defendants Ronald B. Arrache, Robert Frank Bostrom, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Rimer Reed Service Affidavit, # (2) Exhibit Duran Supplemental Reed Service Affidavit COS)(Thornton, Iris)
AFFIDAVIT of Craig Rimer Regarding California Riparian Property Ownership re [943] Order, [1002] Status Conference,,,, [1010] Affidavit,,,,, by Defendants Ronald B. Arrache, Robert Frank Bostrom, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Death Certificates, # (2) Certificate of Service COS for Rimer Affidavit Regarding Califorina Riparian Property Ownership)(Thornton, Iris)
CONCERNING RULE 4 SERVICE ON FINAL LIST OF CALIFORNIA RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER DEFENDANTS filed by Mineral County, Nevada. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Proof of Mailing and Waivers of Notice in Lieu of Summons, # (2)Exhibit B - Notices of Appearance Defendants Did Not File With The Court, # (3) Exhibit C - Spelling Corrections, # (4) Exhibit D - List of Defendants to be Dismissed, # (5) Exhibit E - List of Defendants to be Added to the Unrepresented Parties List, # (6) Exhibit F - Defendants for Whom Mineral County Requests a Finding that Service is Complete) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
JOINDER to [994] Motion, by Defendant Westfork, A Nevada Corporation.
s Ronald B. Arrache, Robert Frank Bostrom, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L.Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Woodworth Family Trust,L G adams. (Johnson, Kirk) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 2/11/2022 removed non-filers. (LE).
AFFIDAVIT of Process Server Marie Calhoun - Proof of Service re [1029] Status Report,, [943] Order, [1002] Status Conference,,,, by Defendants Ronald B. Arrache, Robert Frank Bostrom, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon andBetsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of.. (Thornton, Iris)
Supplemental STATUS REPORT
Mineral CountyWater Case Display Page)
filed by Mineral County, Nevada. Responses due by 4/20/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Dismissing Walker River Land Corporation and Substituting Successors) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 4/11/2022. Good cause appearing, the motion to Good cause appearing, Principal Defendants' Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages (ECF No. [995]), filed by Walker River Irrigation District, is granted.
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - PAV) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
granting ECF No. [1021] Motion to dismiss Talbot Land and Livestock and a Defendant. Signed by Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 4/11/2022. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - HKL) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
granting ECF No. [1039] Motion to dismiss Walker River Land Corporation as a Defendant and substituting successors-in-interest. Signed by Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 4/11/2022. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - HKL) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on [1029] Status Report,, [1035] Status Report, by Defendants Bridgeport Public Utility District, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Victoria Daniels, Sally Sergieff, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, SuellenFulstone, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Ronald B. Arrache, Gaye L. Graves, Leslie Farias, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, Robert Frank Bostrom, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Intervenor Mineral, County Of.. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Re Mineral County Final Riparian Service Report)(Thornton, Iris)
ORDER Regarding Mineral County's Report Concerning Rule 4 Service Re: ECF No. [1043] Proposed Order Submission. Signed by Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 4/12/2022. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - CJD) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
re [1004] Order on Stipulation,,, [979] Order on Stipulation,,,, Minute Order,,, [943] Order, [1003] Stipulation, [975] Stipulation, filed by Mineral County, Nevada. (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE for [1045] Stipulation, by Defendants Bridgeport Public Utility District, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Victoria Daniels, Sally Sergieff, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Ronald B. Arrache, Gaye L. Graves, Leslie Farias, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, Robert Frank Bostrom, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Intervenor Mineral, County Of.. (Thornton, Iris)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 4/22/2022. The Court denies the stipulation (ECF No. [1045]) because the requested extension would result in the reply brief being submitted to the Court by the end of September 2022. This would mean the pending disposition motions (ECF Nos. [994], [996]) will not be resolved by the end of September 2022 and the motions will appear on the Court's CJRA report, which the Court strives to avoid. However, the Court will grant a brief extension so long as the joint reply brief is filed by the end of August 2022 to give the Court sufficient time to resolve the dispositive motions by the end of September 2022.
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributedpursuant to the NEF - PAV) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
filed by Mineral County, Nevada. Responses due by 5/9/2022. (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 4/26/2022. Good cause appearing, the parties' joint motion for reconsideration (ECF No. [1048]) is granted. The Court accordingly grants the parties' stipulation regarding the briefing schedule. (ECF No. [1045].) For clarity, Mineral County's response is now due May 31, 2022, and Principal Defendants' reply is due August 1, 2022.
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - TH) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages re [1049] Order on Motion,,, Minute Order,,
filed by Mineral County, Nevada. Responses due by 6/14/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Declaration of Simeon Herskovits) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
**NON-PUBLIC** Motions No Longer Referred: [1050] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. (HJ)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 6/1/2022. Good cause appearing, Mineral County, Nevada's motion for leave to file excess pages (ECF No. [1050]) is granted. The Court will consider Mineral County's response brief (ECF No. [1051]) as filed when it rules on Principal Defendants' Motion to Dismiss (ECF Nos. [994], [996]).
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - TH) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
filed by Mineral County, Nevada re [1029] Status Report,, [1035] Status Report,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Updated Caption_Redline, # (2) Exhibit B - Updated Caption_Clean, # (3) Proposed Order Adopting Updated Caption)(Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER APPROVING AND ADOPTING UPDATED CAPTION. This Order follows the filing of an updated caption by Mineral County on July 1, 2022 (ECF No. [1054]). The Court FINDS that the updated caption submitted by Mineral County accurately reflects all orders of the Court as of the date it was submitted. Therefore, the Court hereby APPROVES and ADOPTS the updated caption submitted by Mineral County on July 1, 2022. Signed by Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 7/5/2022. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - HKL) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Unopposed MOTION for Service by Publication
re [1044] Order, by Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Attachment A_Proposed Publication Notice, # (2) Proposed Order Attachment B_Proposed Order to Allow Service by Publication)(Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 7/28/2022. Filed on behalf of Mineral, County. (LE).
ORDER TO ALLOW SERVICE BY PUBLICATION (as detailed herein) granting ECF No. [1056] Motion for Service by Publication. Once the last notice has appeared in the newspapers identified above, Mineral County shall file a proof of publication of the notice with this Court. Signed by Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 7/28/2022.(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - CJD) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
filed by Walker River Irrigation District. Responses due by 8/15/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Declaration of Gordon H. Depaoli) (De Paoli, Gordon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
REPLY to [1051] Response in Water Case, [996] Motion in Water Case,
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER - The Court notes that the parties made several arguments and cited to several cases not discussed above. The Court has reviewed these arguments and cases and determines that they do not warrant discussion as they do not affect the outcome ofthe Motion. It is therefore ordered that Principal Defendants' motion to dismiss (ECF Nos. [994], [996]) is
denied. It is further ordered that Principal Defendants' motion for leave to file excess pages (ECF No. [1059]) is
granted. Signed by Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 8/5/2022. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - CJD) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ANSWER to Complaint
[Doc. No. 936] filed Desert Pearl Farms LLC, Peri Family Ranch LLC, Peri/Peri LLC and Fradle Ranches Inc. (Johnston, Brad) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 8/18/2022 removed non filers (WJ).
ANSWER to Complaint
Second Amended Complaint on Intervention (Doc. No. [936]) filed by Nevada Wildlife Department, (Walsh, Anthony) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 8/22/2022 removed non-filers (LE).
ANSWER to [20] Amended Complaint
Defendants Lyon County, Nevada; Mono County, California and Centennial Livestock's Answer to Mineral County's Second Amended Complaint in Intervention DOC. [936] (Walston, Roderick) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 8/22/2022 removed non-filers (LE).
First UNOPPOSED MOTION TO DISMISS KRISTY L. AND RONALD RECK AS DEFENDANTS by Mineral County, Nevada Responses due by 9/2/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Dismissing Recks)(Thornton, Iris) (referral) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 8/22/2022 removed non-filers(LE).
RESPONSE to [936] Notice Other in Water Case
Answer to Second Amended Complaint in Intervention of Mineral County, Nevada filed by Walker River Irrigation District. (De Paoli, Gordon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ANSWER to [936] Complaint
Second Amended Complaint in Intervention filed by Fenili Family Trust, Six-N Ranch, Inc., John and Laura Weaver Family Trust, Smith Valley Garage, Inc. and Donald Giorgi. (Schroeder, Laura) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 8/22/2022 removed non-filers and linked to #936. (LE).
GRANTING ECF No. [1066] Unopposed Motion to Dismiss Kristy L. and Ronald Reck as Defendants in this subproceeding. Signed by Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 8/19/2022. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ANSWER to Complaint
Westfork's Answer to [936] Second Amended Complaint in Intervention of Mineral County, Nevada (on behalf of Westfork only) filed by Westfork, a Nevada corporation. (Johnson, Kirk) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 8/25/2022 removed non-filers and add link to 936 (LE).
CLERK'S NOTICE Regarding Local Rule IC 2-2(d). ECF No. [1070] was not filed pursuant to LR IC 2-2(d). Documents must be linked to the documents to which they pertain in the electronic filing system. The Clerk has modified the entry to properly establish the docket-entry relationship. Attorney is advised to properly link all further filed documents.
(no image attached) (LE) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
First ANSWER to [936] Amended Complaint
Second Amended Complaint in Intervention [Doc. 936] filed by Annett Family Trust (Anderson, Paul) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 9/1/2022 add link to 936 and removed non-filers. (LE).
Proof of Publication_Mammoth Times filed by Mineral County, Nevada re [1057] Order on Motion for Service by Publication,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Attachment A_Proof of Publication_Mammoth Times) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Proof of Publication_Record Courier filed by Mineral County, Nevada re [1057] Order on Motion for Service by Publication,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Attachment A_Proof of Publication_Record Courier) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Proof of Publication_Lyon County News Leader filed by Mineral County, Nevada re [1057] Order on Motion for Service by Publication,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Attachment A_Proof of Publication_Lyon County News Leader) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Proof of Publication_Mineral County Independent filed by Mineral County, Nevada re [1057] Order on Motion for Service by Publication,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Attachment A_Mineral County Independent) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Stipulation and Order for Extension of Time to Submit Proposed Scheduling Order and Discovery Plan by Defendants Walker Lake Working Group, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Herskovits, Simeon) (extend) (discovery) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page) Modified on 9/30/2022 removed non filers. (WJ).
granting ECF No. [1078] Stipulation :
1. Mineral County and the Principal Defendants will have until and including Tuesday, November 22, 2022, to agree upon and file a stipulated Scheduling Order and Discovery Plan, under Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(f).
2. If Mineral County and the Principal Defendants are unable to agree upon a proposed Scheduling Order and Discovery Plan by November 22, 2022, then by that same date, they will either individually or jointly submit proposedScheduling Orders and Discovery Plans which set forth subjects on which there is agreement and on which there is disagreement.
3. Mineral County and the Principal Defendants will include in the future discussions referenced herein all Defendantswho filed answers to Mineral Countys Second Amended Complaint in Intervention, and who desire to participate in discovery, pre-trial motion practice, and trial, if one becomes necessary.
Signed by Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 10/3/2022.
(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
RESPONSE to [1079] Order on Stipulation,,,,,,,,,
PRINCIPAL DEFENDANTS' SUBMISSION RE: PROPOSED SCHEDULING ORDER AND DISCOVERY PLAN filed by Walker River Irrigation District. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A [Proposed] SchedulingOrder and Discovery Plan) (De Paoli, Gordon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
RESPONSE to [1079] Order on Stipulation,,,,,,,,,
PLAINTIFFS' SUBMISSION RE: PROPOSED SCHEDULING ORDER AND DISCOVERY PLAN filed by Mineral County, Nevada and Walker Lake Working Group. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Regarding Discovery and Motion Schedule and Procedure) (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 11/28/2022. By Deputy Clerk: Karen Walker.
A virtual Status Conference is set for Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at 1:00 P.M. in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney.
The hearing will be conducted by Zoom Video Conference. The parties are directed to contact the courtroom administrator, Karen Walker, at (775) 686-5918 or, by Monday, December 5, 2022, to provide the e-mail address of all counsel who will be attending the hearing.
The following Zoom Video Conference Instructions shall be adhered to as follows:
Instructions and zoom invite to the scheduled hearing will be sent via e-mail at least ONE (1) day prior to the hearing to the participants email provided to the Court.
1. Log on to the Zoom five (5) minutes prior to the hearing time.
2. Mute your sound prior to entering the hearing.
3. Do not talk over one another.
4. State your name prior to speaking for the record.
5. Do not have others in the video screen or moving in the background.
6. No recording of the hearing.
7. No forwarding of any video conference invitations.
8. Unauthorized users on the video conference will be removed.
Members of the public may access and listen to the hearing by calling 1-888-557-8511, at least 5 minutes before the scheduled hearing time. The access code is 3599743 and the pass code is 12722. Telephonic participants must mute their telephone after identifying themselves to the courtroom administrator. Telephonic participants must not place their telephone on hold during the hearing.
Reminder: Please take notice that no one or entity or organization, including but not limited to counsel, counsel's agents or staff, the Defendant, law enforcement agents/officers, and members of the public, who participate in or listen to this proceeding may NOT record it in any manner. Any individual, entity or organization that records this proceeding without written authorization of the Court will be subject to civil and/or criminal contempt penalties by this Court.
The court will address the parties' proposed Discovery Plan and Scheduling Orders ECF Nos. [1081]/[1082] and any related briefing. IT IS SO ORDERED.
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KW) (Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Virtual Status Conference held on 12/7/2022 before Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney. Crtrm Administrator:
Karen Walker; Counsel:
Andrew Guss Guarino, Esq., Wes Williams, Jr., Esq., Roderick Walston, Esq., Anthony Walsh, Esq., Gordon DePaoli, Esq., Dale Ferguson, Esq., Simeon Herskovits, Esq., Iris Thornton, Esq., Nhu Nguyen, Esq., Brad Johnston, Esq., Chris Mixon, Esq., Therese Ure Stix and Emily Fox, Esq.; Court Reporter:
Liberty Court Recorder;Time of Hearing:
1:03:01 p.m. - 1:58:49 p.m.; Courtroom:
After hearing from counsel, the Court orders the parties to meet and confer and submit a proposed Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order utilizing the discovery commencementdate of April 7, 2023.
The Court further orders that interrogatories and request for admissions will be limited to seventy-five (75).
The Court will not require further briefing on the subjects of discovery for reasons stated on the record. Issues for discovery shall be limited to the seven (7) subjects outlined by the Court at today's hearing and shall be included in the proposed Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order.
The proposed Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order is due by December 21, 2022. IT IS SO ORDERED.
(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KW) (Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on [1084] Status Conference,,,,, by Defendants Bridgeport Public Utility District, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Victoria Daniels, Sally Sergieff, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams, J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Suellen Fulstone, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Ronald B. Arrache, Gaye L. Graves, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Leslie Farias, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, The Wildlands Conservancy, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, Robert Frank Bostrom, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order [PROPOSED] DISCOVERY PLAN AND SCHEDULING ORDER)(Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
DISCOVERY PLAN AND SCHEDULING ORDER Re: ECF No. [1085] Proposed Order Submission : Discovery may commence on April 7, 2023, and shall close on
April 4, 2025. Dispositive Motions due no later than 60 days after the close of discovery (
6/3/2025).(See pdf order for additional deadlines and specifics.) Signed by Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 12/20/2022. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION to Substitute Party by Defendants J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Ronald B. Arrache, Robert Frank Bostrom, Bridgeport Public Utility District, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Centennial Livestock, Victoria Daniels, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, The Wildlands Conservancy, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams. Responses due by 3/22/2023. (Walston, Roderick) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
granting ECF No. [1087] Motion to Substitute Party : Wood Bridgeport, LLC, and Lacey Livestock are substituted for defendant Centennial Livestock as defendants in this action. Signed by Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 3/9/2023. (Centennial Livestock terminated.) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Notice of Service of Initial Disclosures filed by Mineral County, Nevada and Walker Lake Working Group re [1086] Scheduling Order,,. (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
of Service Re: Initial Disclosures Pursuant to FRCP 26(a)(1) by J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Ronald B. Arrache, Robert Frank Bostrom, Bridgeport Public Utility District, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, California Departmentof Fish and Game, California Parks and Recreation Department, California Water Resources Control Board, California, State Of, California, State Of, Victoria Daniels, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Lacey Livestock, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, The Wildlands Conservancy, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Wood Bridgeport, LLC, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams.. (Nguyen, Nhu) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
PRINCIPAL DEFENDANTS' NOTICE OF SERVICE OF JOINT INITIAL DISCLOSURES filed by Walker River Irrigation District re [1086] Scheduling Order,,. (De Paoli, Gordon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
re [1086] Scheduling Order,, by Defendants J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Ronald B. Arrache, Robert Frank Bostrom, Bridgeport Public Utility District, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Victoria Daniels, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Lacey Livestock, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, The Wildlands Conservancy, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Wood Bridgeport, LLC, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Thornton, Iris) (extend) (discovery) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
granting ECF No. [1093] Stipulation for Extension of Time. Discovery due by
5/5/2025. See order for additional deadlines. Signed by Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 10/2/2023. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DLS) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
of Service of Opening Expert Reports filed by Mineral County, Nevada and Walker Lake Working Group re [1086] Scheduling Order,, [1094] Order on Stipulation,, Scheduling Order,. (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
GRANTING Substitution of Counsel : Attorney Nicole N. Ting substituted in the place and stead of Attorney Anthony J. Walsh for Nevada Department of Wildlife ("NDOW"). Signed by Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 3/6/2024. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
MOTION Schroeder Group's Motion for Reclassification of Principal Defendant Schroeder Group
Motion for Reclassification of Principal Defendant Schroeder Group filed by Schroeder Group. Responses due by 4/11/2024. (Schroeder, Laura) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
RESPONSE to [1098] Motion in Water Case,
NON-OPPOSITION TO SCHROEDER GROUP'S MOTION FOR RECLASSIFICATION OF PRINCIPAL DEFENDANT SCHROEDER GROUP filed by Mineral County and Walker Lake Working Group. Replies due by 4/8/2024. (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
OF SERVICE OF EXPERT REPORTS (DEFENDANTS') filed by Walker River Irrigation District re [1086] Scheduling Order,, [1094] Order on Stipulation,, Scheduling Order,. (De Paoli, Gordon) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER granting [1098] MOTION Schroeder Group's Motion for Reclassification of Principal Defendant Schroeder Group Motion for Reclassification of Principal Defendant Schroeder Group. Signed by Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 4/9/2024. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - GA) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
Stipulation and Order for Adjustment of Discovery Schedule re [1094] Order on Stipulation,, Scheduling Order, by Defendants J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Ronald B. Arrache, Robert Frank Bostrom, Bridgeport Public Utility District, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Victoria Daniels, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Lacey Livestock, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, The Wildlands Conservancy, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Wood Bridgeport, LLC, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams, Intervenor Mineral, County Of. (Thornton, Iris) (extend) (discovery) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
ORDER granting [1102] Stipulation for Adjustment of Discovery Schedule. Signed by Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 6/26/2024.(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DLS) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
**NON-PUBLIC** Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings: [1103] Discovery due by 11/5/2025. (WJ)
of Service of First Joint Discovery Requests filed by Mineral County and Walker Lake Working Group re [1086] Scheduling Order,,. (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water CaseDisplay Page)
NOTICE of Association of Counsel by Cassin Brown on behalf of Defendants J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Ronald B. Arrache, Robert Frank Bostrom, Bridgeport Public Utility District, Buma Family Trust Survivor's Trust, Victoria Daniels, Lona M. Domenici, Eastern Sierra Land Trust, Leslie Farias, Suellen Fulstone, Gaye L. Graves, Megan Hunewill, Mary Fulstone Hussman, John R. Brooks 2009 Trust, John and Shirley Cecil Revocable Living Trust dtd October 15, 2004, Jon and Betsy Elliott Family Trust, Kristin A. Koketsu, L.G. Adams & J.D. Adams Survivors Trust, Lacey Livestock, Karen M. Locke, Michael E. Locke, James L. Lozenski, Nevada Wildlife Department, Norman W. & Kellie J. Annett Family Trust, Joe and David Sceirine Ranches, Sally Sergieff, Stephan E. and Mary S. Swearngin, The Wildlands Conservancy, Merlin Torres, Nancy Torres, Westfork, a Nevada corporation, Wood Bridgeport, LLC, Woodworth Family Trust, L G adams.
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER FOR ADJUSTMENT OF DISCOVERY SCHEDULE re [1086] Scheduling Order,, [1094] Order on Stipulation,, Scheduling Order, [1103] Order on Stipulation, filed by Mineral County and Walker Lake Working Group. (Thornton, Iris) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)
NOTICE of Association of Counsel by Duncan George Burke on behalf of Defendants Desert Pearl Farms, Frade Ranches, Inc., and Peri & Peri LLC. (KMB) (
Mineral County Water Case DisplayPage)
ORDER granting [1106] Stipulation for Adjustment of Discovery Schedule : Discovery due by 3/20/2026. (See pdf order for additional deadlines.)The remainder of the schedule set forth in the Court's December 20, 2022 Order (ECF No. [1086]) willremain in place. Signed by Magistrate Judge Craig S. Denney on 10/23/2024. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (
Mineral County Water Case Display Page)